This is the backend/API for the Sentence Plan project, which aims to enhance the current process of creating and managing sentence plans for individuals on probation or in prison.
- Docker
This service and all of its dependencies are run in Docker containers.
Note: Every command can be printed using make
Note: An access token (for authenticating with the API) can be generated
by performing an OAuth2 client_credentials grant flow to http://localhost:9091/auth/oauth/token, using
for both the client_id and client_secret
- To start a production version of the application, run
make up
- The service will start on http://localhost:8080
- To check the health status, go to http://localhost:8080/health
- To update all containers, run
make down update up
- To start a development version of the application, run
make dev-up
- The service will start on http://localhost:8080
- A debugger session will be accessible on http://localhost:5005
- To check the health status, go to http://localhost:8080/health
- To enable live-reload, run
make watch
, the API will now restart each time you change the code.
You can connect to the remote debugger session on http://localhost:5005 like so
The test suite can be ran using make test
Linting can be ran using make lint
and make lint-fix