This starter will enable authentication on endpoints you have specified in your application configuration. Roles can be defined to categorise groups of endpoints under different levels of access. These roles can then be assigned to clients.
To enable this in your application, declare the following:
dependencies {
implementation ''
Here you will need to define several properties to ensure authentication behaves as expected:
- The name of the HTTP header used to send and receive the API access token.authorized-clients
- The list of clients who are authorized to access the API, and their roles. This is a JSON formatted string, with the top level being a list and each contained item representing a client's credentials, containing the name of the client, the roles it has access to and the access token associated with it.authorized-roles
- The list of roles that can be used to access the API, and the URIs they enable access to. This is a JSON formatted string, with the top level being a list and each contained item representing an authorized role, containing the name of the role and the URIs that it enables access to.unprotected-uris
- The list of URIs which do not require any authentication. These may be relating to API documentation, static resources or any other content which is not sensitive.
Access tokens should be generated as a UUID4
authentication-header: "Authorization"
authorized-clients: '[
"name": "client1",
"roles": [
"token": "b7bbdb3d-d0b9-4632-b752-b2e0f9486baf"
"name": "client2",
"roles": [
"token": "1fd84ad9-760d-401f-8cf0-7a80aa42566c"
"name": "client3",
"roles": [
"token": "5d925478-a8a2-4b76-863a-3fb87dcbcb95"
authorized-roles: '[
"name": "GROUP1",
"URIs": [
"name": "GROUP2",
"URIs": [
unprotected-uris: [ "/actuator/**", "/resource1/unrestricted/**" ]
Authentication of endpoints will behave as follows.
Unprotected URIs will not require any authentication. Authentication headers will be ignored.
If a client attempts to access a protected URI, they will receive one of 3 responses depending on the scenario:
- Invalid or no access token present / wrong header used: 401 Unauthorized
- Valid access token present, client's role does not permit access to the requested URI or the URI does not exist: 403 Forbidden
- Valid access token present, client's role does permit access to the requested URI: 2XX (Success) / normal response
subgraph key["Key"]
green["Spring Security"]
blue["Auth Starter"]
subgraph api["API"]
subgraph filterChain["Filter Chain"]
authenticationFilter["API Authentication Filter"]
authorizationFilter["Authorization Filter"]
authenticationService["API Authentication Service"]
authorizationM["Authorization Manager"]
authorityAuthorizationM["Authority Authorization Manager"]
accessDeniedHandler["Access Denied Handler"]
businessLogic["Business Logic"]
subgraph securityContext["Security Context"]
client -- <span style='color:black;font-weight:bold;font-size:25px' style=''>START</span><br>1. Request (protected endpoint) --> authenticationFilter
authenticationFilter -- 2. Create authentication token --> authenticationService
authenticationFilter -- 3. check authentication --> authenticationCheck
authenticationCheck -- 4a. Yes - Store authentication token --> creds
authenticationCheck -- 4b. No - 401 Unauthorized --> client
authenticationFilter -- 5. doFilter --> authorizationFilter
authorizationFilter -- 6. Get authentication token --> creds
authorizationFilter -- 7. Check authorization --> authorizationM
authorizationM --> rmdAuthorizationM
rmdAuthorizationM -- 8. Identify matching request mapping--> rmdAuthorizationM
rmdAuthorizationM --> authorityAuthorizationM
authorityAuthorizationM -- 9. Compare client's role<br>against role required<br>for endpoint --> authorityAuthorizationM
authorityAuthorizationM --> authorizationCheck
authorizationCheck -- 10a. No --> accessDeniedHandler
accessDeniedHandler -- 11a. 403 Forbidden --> client
authorizationCheck -- 10b. Yes --> businessLogic
businessLogic -- 11b. Normal response --> client
classDef green fill:#206020,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef blue fill:#002db3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
class green,authorizationFilter,authM,authP,providerM,securityContext,creds,authorizationM,rmdAuthorizationM,authorizationCheck,authorityAuthorizationM green
class blue,authenticationFilter,authenticationService,accessDeniedHandler,authenticationCheck blue
linkStyle 0 stroke-width:3px,stroke:black,color:black
linkStyle 4 stroke:red,color:red
linkStyle 14 stroke:red,color:red
linkStyle 16 stroke:green,color:green
Included in the starter is an autoconfigured OpenAPI bean which will be set up with a security scheme for API key authentication that will be applied to all endpoints.
This will be enabled by default without any additional configuration, but can be disabled via application properties: false
This can be used if you would like to instead configure your own OpenAPI Bean.
However, if you would instead like to add to the provided bean, you can use OpenApiCustomizer from SpringDoc, e.g.
public OpenApiCustomizer customize() {
return openApi -> {
new Info()
.title("API Title")
.description("API Description")
.version("API Version"));