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Lab 3: 2-DoF Robot Kinematics

2.12/2.120 Intro to Robotics
Spring 20251

1 Validate Hardware Setup

Estimated time of completion: 10 min

Before beginning any work with hardware, it's important to make sure all of it works! Faulty wiring or hardware is often a simple bug, but can be very difficult to find with a lot of moving parts in software.

1.1 Validate Microcontroller

Make sure that motor power is turned off any time you are uploading code to your microcontroller. The arm has a tendency to spin around and hit itself if motor power is on during upload.

Clone this repository and run robot/blink_test.cpp. You should see the onboard LED change colors!

Forget how to clone?

Please refer to the instructions from Lab 1.

1.2 Validate Motors

Orient the arm so that it points straight up (+y direction) in full extension. This should always be the starting position of the arm.

Then, run test_code/motor_drive_test.cpp to validate your motor setup. Motor voltage should be set to about 5.2 V. You can turn on motor power after clicking RST. You should see both motors oscillating back and forth. Remember that motor 1 is attached to the base (acts like a shoulder), and motor 2 is attached to the second link (acts like an elbow).

As a reminder, motor power should only be on when you expect the motor to move, such as in this section. Otherwise, please keep motor power off. The green LED on the motor driver indicates whether motor power is on or off.

1.3 Validate Encoders

Run test_code/encoder_test.cpp to validate your encoder setup. Remember to open the Serial Monitor to see the output. Make sure that both the direction and the magnitude make sense!

1.4 Validate Joystick

Run lab_code/joystick.cpp and test_code/joystick_test.cpp to validate your joystick setup. This means you should move both files into the robot/ directory. You should be able to see joystick readings within the range [-1, 1].

2 Validate Serial Read

Estimated time of completion: 10 min

In order to visualize data, we need to plot it in MATLAB. To verify that the interface between the microcontroller and MATLAB works, we will plot the outputs of test_code/encoder_test.cpp.

  1. Open test_code/encoder_test.cpp. Comment out #define SerialMonitor and uncomment #define MatlabPlot. This reformats the prints in the Serial Monitor to be readable by MATLAB.
  2. Run test_code/encoder_test.cpp, but this time, don't open the Serial Monitor. If you already have it open, close it by clicking the delete icon or typing Ctrl+C in the Serial Monitor.
  3. Find your microcontroller port by clicking the plug icon with the word "Auto" next to it at the bottom of the screen. The port name should be similar to COM10 in Windows or /dev/cu.usbmodem144101 in MacOS.
  4. Open src/matlab/SerialTest.m in MATLAB.
  5. Change the port name in s1 = serialport(...) (lines 28-29).
  6. Run src/matlab/SerialTest.m. You should see four lines representing encoder positions and velocities. Feel free to rotate the links to verify that the values change accordingly.
  7. Close the plot and enter clear in the Command Window at the bottom of the screen in MATLAB. This will make sure your serial port is freed up so you can upload to the microcontroller later.

3 Step Response in Joint Space

Estimated time of completion: 20 min

3.1 Straight Arm

Set the arm to be straight up in default position:


Then, run lab_code/step_response.cpp and set the power supply voltage to around 10V. The arm should oscillate between theta1 = 0 and theta1 = -M_PI/4. Careful: the arm will move clockwise very quickly!

To examine the step response in more detail, run matlab/StepResponsePlot.m in MATLAB. Make sure to change the port name (lines 27-28) before running as needed. If your controller is properly tuned, the step response should have minimal overshoot, oscillations, and steady state error.

Hit the STOP button on MATLAB after collecting some data and take a screenshot of the plot.

3.2 Bent Elbow

Set the arm to be bent 90 degrees to the left at the elbow:


Then, run lab_code/step_response.cpp and matlab/StepResponsePlot.m in MATLAB again. Note: This is the only time we want the arm not to be in default starting position.

Hit the STOP button on MATLAB after collecting some data and take a screenshot of the plot.

Show a TA or LA the screenshots of your plots. Identify and explain any differences in the step response between the straight arm and bent arm configurations.

4 Forward Kinematics

Estimated time of completion: 10 min

For a 2-DoF arm with the following coordinate system


We know from lecture that the forward kinematics equations are given by


Open lab_code/kinematics.cpp and fill in TODO 1 using the equations above. Please read the comments for hints.

To check your implementation, run lab_code/kinematics.cpp and test_code/forward_kinematics_test.cpp. Make sure the arm is in the correct default position. In MATLAB, run matlab/PathPlot.m. Make sure to change the port name (lines 27-28) before running as needed. Move the arm around and confirm that line on the plot traces the path of the end-effector.

5 Inverse Kinematics

Estimated time of completion: 10 min

We know from lecture that the inverse kinematics equations of the 2-DoF arm are given by


Open lab_code/kinematics.cpp and fill in TODO 2 using the equations above. Please read the comments for hints.

To check your implementation, then run lab_code/kinematics.cpp and test_code/inverse_kinematics_test.cpp. Open the Serial Monitor and move the arm around. Confirm that theta1_error and theta2_error are 0. If they are not 0 at certain configurations be prepared to explain why.

Demonstrate test_code/inverse_kinematics_test.cpp to a TA or LA.

6 Cartesian Space

Estimated time of completion: 10 min

Now that we implemented inverse kinematics, we can follow any trajectory we want in Cartesian space by translating the setpoints to joint space!

Open lab_code/drawing.cpp. Complete TODO 1 to update newSetpoint using the inverseKinematics function.

6.1 Vertical Line

Now, run lab_code/joystick.cpp, lab_code/kinematics.cpp, and lab_code/drawing.cpp. The end-effector should roughly trace a 10cm vertical line.

To see a direct comparison between the target and actual trajectories, run matlab/TrajectoryPlot.m (do not reset the microcontroller; run the Matlab script as the motors are still moving). Make sure to change the port name (lines 27-28) before running as needed. Hit the STOP button on MATLAB after collecting some data and take a screenshot of the plot.

6.2 Joystick

Set trajectoryType to JOYSTICK in TODO 2 of drawing.cpp. Then, complete TODO 3 to translate the joystick reading into a reasonable setpoint in Cartesian space.

Repeat the process in the previous section and control the arm using your joystick! Remember to also run matlab/TrajectoryPlot.m and take a screenshot of the plot.

Show the screenshots of the plots and demonstrate the arm following your joystick command to a TA or LA.

7 Feedback Form

Tell the TAs if you have any feedback on the lab handout! (Feedback form URL TBD)

X Optional

Here are some optional challenges you can try if you finish lab early!

  1. Change trajectoryType in drawing.cpp to HORIZONTAL_LINE.
  2. Change trajectoryType to CIRCLE.
  3. Modify lab_code/drawing.cpp to create a fun, unique trajectory.
  4. Modify test_code/inverse_kinematics_test.cpp so that the errors are always 0 regardless of elbow-up or elbow-down configuration.


  1. Version 1 - 2016: Peter Yu, Ryan Fish and Kamal Youcef-Toumi
    Version 2 - 2017: Yingnan Cui, Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Steven Yeung and Abbas Shikari
    Version 3 - 2019: Daniel J. Gonzalez
    Version 4 - 2020: Jerry Ng, Steven Yeung, Rachel Hoffman, Kamal Youcef-Toumi
    Version 5 - 2021: Hanjun Song
    Version 6 - 2023: Ravi Tejwani and Kentaro Barhydt
    Version 7 - 2024: Jinger Chong, Josh Sohn
    Version 8 - 2025: Roberto Bolli Jr., Kaleb Blake


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