README for Axios Pam Package
make sure you have a axiospam file in /etc/pam.d, This package only uses pam auth, it will not use password, access, nor session modules.
$cat /etc/pam.d/axiospam
# default for a centos system,
auth required
auth substack password-auth
auth include postlogin
# if we only want the local system use only this
#auth required
Note: the pam_unix module needs access to the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow file, if you run this Example as a user and not root, you can only validate your self. Other methods like pam_sss don't have this issue.
See the go doc for this package for examples from the code.
You will need to have libpam-devel installed to compile.
Example asking user for a username and password, then authenticating them.
package main
import (
func main() {
name := promptuser.Echo("Enter UserName: ")
pass := promptuser.NoEcho("Enter Password: ")
a, r := axiospam.Authenticate(name, pass)
fmt.Printf("Person %s Authenticate result %v, reason %v\n", name, a.String(), r)
pass2 := promptuser.NoEcho("Enter New Password: ")
b, r2 := axiospam.ChangePassword(name, pass, pass2)
fmt.Printf("Person %s change password result %v, reason %v\n", name, b.String(), r2)