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add embedded ensemble feature selection
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bblodfon committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 83529b6 commit 49bb097
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128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions R/embedded_ensemble_fselect.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#' @title Embedded Ensemble Feature Selection
#' @include CallbackBatchFSelect.R
#' @description
#' Ensemble feature selection using multiple learners.
#' The ensemble feature selection method is designed to identify the most informative features from a given dataset by leveraging multiple machine learning models and resampling techniques.
#' Returns an [EnsembleFSResult].
#' @details
#' The method begins by applying an initial resampling technique specified by the user, to create **multiple subsamples** from the original dataset.
#' This resampling process helps in generating diverse subsets of data for robust feature selection.
#' For each subsample generated in the previous step, the method applies learners
#' that support **embedded feature selection**.
#' These learners are then scored on their ability to predict on the resampled
#' test sets, storing the selected features during training, for each
#' combination of subsample and learner.
#' Results are stored in an [EnsembleFSResult].
#' @param learners (list of [mlr3::Learner])\cr
#' The learners to be used for feature selection.
#' All learners must have the `selected_features` property, i.e. implement
#' embedded feature selection (e.g. regularized models).
#' @param init_resampling ([mlr3::Resampling])\cr
#' The initial resampling strategy of the data, from which each train set
#' will be passed on to the learners and each test set will be used for
#' prediction.
#' Can only be [mlr3::ResamplingSubsampling] or [mlr3::ResamplingBootstrap].
#' @param measure ([mlr3::Measure])\cr
#' The measure used to score each learner on the test sets generated by
#' `init_resampling`.
#' If `NULL`, default measure is used.
#' @param store_benchmark_result (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to store the benchmark result in [EnsembleFSResult] or not.
#' @template param_task
#' @returns an [EnsembleFSResult] object.
#' @source
#' `r format_bib("meinshausen2010", "hedou2024")`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' eefsr = embedded_ensemble_fselect(
#' task = tsk("sonar"),
#' learners = lrns(c("classif.rpart", "classif.featureless")),
#' init_resampling = rsmp("subsampling", repeats = 5),
#' measure = msr("classif.ce")
#' )
#' eefsr
#' }
embedded_ensemble_fselect = function(
store_benchmark_result = TRUE
) {
# TOCHECK: DO WE NEED callbacks?
# check all learners support `selected_features()`, ie embedded feature selection
assert_learners(as_learners(learners), task = task, properties = "selected_features")
assert_choice(class(init_resampling)[1], choices = c("ResamplingBootstrap", "ResamplingSubsampling"))

grid = map_dtr(seq(init_resampling$iters), function(i) {
# create task and resampling for each outer iteration
task_train = task$clone()$filter(init_resampling$train_set(i))
pred_task = task$clone()$filter(init_resampling$test_set(i))
# TOCHECK: better way to keep the test sets?
resampling = rsmp("insample")$instantiate(task_train)

resampling_iteration = i,
learner_id = map_chr(learners, "id"),
learner = learners,
task = list(task_train),
pred_task = list(pred_task),
resampling = list(resampling)

design = grid[, c("learner", "task", "resampling"), with = FALSE]

bmr = benchmark(design, store_models = TRUE)

trained_learners = bmr$score()$learner

# extract selected features
features = map(trained_learners, function(learner) {

# extract n_features
n_features = map_int(features, length)

# TOCHECK: better way to predict on the kept test sets? if measure needs
# extract scores from the init_resampling's test set
scores = map_dbl(seq(length(trained_learners)), function(i) {
learner = trained_learners[[i]]
pred_task = grid$pred_task[[i]] # TOCHECK: 1-1 with the trained_learners?
p = learner$predict(pred_task)
p$score(measure) # TOCHECK: what if train_task is needed, can we do this with a resampling scheme?

set(grid, j = "features", value = features)
set(grid, j = "n_features", value = n_features)
set(grid, j = measure$id, value = scores)
set(grid, j = "learner", value = NULL)
# remove R6 objects
set(grid, j = "task", value = NULL)
set(grid, j = "pred_task", value = NULL)
set(grid, j = "resampling", value = NULL)

result = grid,
features = task$feature_names,
benchmark_result = if (store_benchmark_result) bmr,
measure_id = measure$id,
minimize = measure$minimize
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions man/embedded_ensemble_fselect.Rd

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