diff --git a/R/PipeOpTaskPreprocTorch.R b/R/PipeOpTaskPreprocTorch.R index 2d39f25f..a3f52cda 100644 --- a/R/PipeOpTaskPreprocTorch.R +++ b/R/PipeOpTaskPreprocTorch.R @@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ create_ps = function(fn) { #' If "infer", the output shape function is inferred and calculates the output shapes as follows: #' For an input shape of (NA, ...) a meta-tensor of shape (1, ...) is created and the preprocessing function is #' applied. Afterwards the batch dimension (1) is replaced with NA and the shape is returned. +#' If the first dimension is not `NA`, the output shape of applying the preprocessing function is returned. #' #' This should be correct in most cases, but might fail in some edge cases. #' @param param_set ([`ParamSet`] or `NULL`)\cr