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Package: mlr3torch
Title: Deep Learning with 'mlr3'
-Version: 0.1.2-9000
+Version: 0.2.0
c(person(given = "Sebastian",
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-# mlr3torch dev
-* perf: Use a faster image loader
-* perf/BREAKING_CHANGE: Removed some optimizers for which no fast ('ignite') variant exists.
- For other optimizers, the old variant was replaced with the 'ignite' variant which
- leads to significantly faster training times.
-* perf: The `jit_trace` parameter was added to `LearnerTorch` which when activated can lead
- to significantly faster training times
-* BREAKING_CHANGE: The default optimizer is now AdamW instead of Adam
-* feat: Add parameter `num_interop_threads` to `LearnerTorch`
-* feat: Add adaptive average pooling
-* feat: Added `n_layers` parameter to MLP
-* BREAKING_CHANGE: The private `LearnerTorch$.dataloader()` method now operates no longer
+# mlr3torch 0.2.0
+## Breaking Changes
+* Removed some optimizers for which no fast ('ignite') variant exists.
+* The default optimizer is now AdamW instead of Adam.
+* The private `LearnerTorch$.dataloader()` method now operates no longer
on the `task` but on the `dataset` generated by the private `LearnerTorch$.dataset()` method.
-* feat: the `tensor_dataset` parameter was added, which allows to stack all batches
+* The `shuffle` parameter during model training is now initialized to `TRUE` to sidestep
+ issues where data is sorted.
+## Performance Improvements
+* Optimizers now use the faster ('ignite') version of the optimizers,
+ which leads to considerable speed improvements.
+* The `jit_trace` parameter was added to `LearnerTorch`, which when set to
+ `TRUE` can lead to significant speedups.
+ This should only be enabled for 'static' models, see the
+ [torch tutorial](https://torch.mlverse.org/docs/articles/torchscript)
+ for more information.
+* Added parameter `num_interop_threads` to `LearnerTorch`.
+* The `tensor_dataset` parameter was added, which allows to stack all batches
at the beginning of training to make loading of batches afterwards faster.
-* BREAKING_CHANGE: Early stopping now not uses `epochs - patience` for the internally tuned
+* Use a faster default image loader.
+## Features
+* Added `PipeOp` for adaptive average pooling.
+* The `n_layers` parameter was added to the MLP learner.
+* Added multimodal melanoma and cifar{10, 100} example tasks.
+* Added a callback to iteratively unfreeze parameters for finetuning.
+* Added different learning rate schedulers as callbacks.
+## Bug Fixes:
+* Torch learners can now be used with `AutoTuner`.
+* Early stopping now not uses `epochs - patience` for the internally tuned
values instead of the trained number of `epochs` as it was before.
- Also, the improvement is calculated as the difference between the current and the best score,
- not the current and the previous score.
-* feat: Added multimodal melanoma and cifar{10, 100} example tasks.
-* feat: Added a callback to iteratively unfreeze parameters for finetuning.
-* fix: torch learners can now be used with `AutoTuner`.
-* feat: Added different learning rate schedulers as callbacks.
-* feat: `PipeOpBlock` should no longer create ID clashes with other PipeOps in the graph (#260)
-* fix: `device` is no longer part of the `dataset` which allows for parallel dataloading
- on GPUs.
-* feat: The `shuffle` parameter during model training is now initialized to `TRUE`.
+* The `dataset` of a learner must no longer return the tensors on the specified `device`,
+ which allows for parallel dataloading on GPUs.
+* `PipeOpBlock` should no longer create ID clashes with other PipeOps in the graph (#260).
# mlr3torch 0.1.2
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
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--- a/README.Rmd
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ lgr::get_logger("mlr3")$set_threshold("warn")
# mlr3torch
-Package website: [release](https://mlr3torch.mlr-org.com/) | [dev](https://mlr3torch.mlr-org.com/dev)
+Package website: [release](https://mlr3torch.mlr-org.com/) | [dev](https://mlr3torch.mlr-org.com/dev/)
Deep Learning with torch and mlr3.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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# mlr3torch
Package website: [release](https://mlr3torch.mlr-org.com/) \|
Deep Learning with torch and mlr3.
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+## R CMD check results
+0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes