This repository is a version of the MgMercury usable with MonoGame.
MgMercury is a particle engine based on Mercury Particle Engine
- You can choose custom camera do draw particle
- New Modifier OpacityInterpolator3 with 3 states (initial,medium,final)
- ParticleEffect now have play/pause
- Emmiter have public bool "Loop", when false, the particle will show only one time. But if you want to show again, set "ForceLoop = true" at any time.
- Json support to Load particles from file
- New SpriteBachRender
- Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.1
- Monogame 3.7 or higher
You can load a json particle file using
ParticleEffect _particleEffectJson = ParticleEffect.ReadFromJsonFile(string filePath, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, ContentManager content)
If your particle don't have a image annexed, you need to create a texture, like this
foreach (var item in _particleEffectJson.Emitters)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.TexturePath))
item.Value.Texture = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
item.Value.Texture.SetData(new[] { Color.White });
Venus has an editor that can upload and save json files.
A ParticleEffect has one or more Emitters. An emitter shoots out particles whenever the parent effect is triggered. The initial properties of a particle are determined by the Profile of the emitter and the ReleaseParameters of the emitter. The Texture that the particles use is specified in their Emitter.
The Profile can be seen as the shape of the emitter. It determines where particles are released and what direction they go to. For example a Point profile sends out particles with a random direction from the center off the emitter, while a ring profile creates particles at a certain distance from the center and makes them go either towards the center or away from it.
The ReleaseParameters of an emitter determine the initial properties of the particles. Most of these are ranges from which a value gets picked randomly on releasing a particle. The number of particles released when the emitter is triggered is also set in here. Parameters specify initial Velocity (note: not direction, that's handled by the profile), Colour (which are HSL colors, I stuck with the original naming), Opacity, Scale, Rotation and Mass (for force modifiers).
Of course that's not very flexible, so to actually do something with the particles we use Modifiers. An Emitter has a list of modifiers. When an effect is updated, it updates all it's emitters which then move all their particles and update all Modifiers. When updated a Modifier can change particle properties. The Modifier names pretty much speak for themselves.
You can see example inside de Demo folder
- Emmiter (Inside ParticleEffect) now is Dictionary (string, Emitter)
- Modifiers (Inside Emmiter) now is Dictionary (string, IModifier)
- SpriteBachRenderer is changed to SpriteBatchRender, that is static)
- Made the particle buffer circular. (it copied over particles at every reclaim)
- Made an iterator for the particle buffer.
- Changed particle to use structs rather than using arrays of floats (so you can say particle->Position.X instead of particle->Position[0])
- Made scale a vector for separate x and y scaling.
- A ColorHelper class to convert colors.
- New container modifiers