Setup an instance of matchbox using this guide which is accessible to everybody on the internet.
Store the tls assets that will be used for client authentication and the CA certificate that allows client to trust the matchbox server on the host that will run the example terraform scripts.
Create a public route53 zone using this guide.
Setup default
AWS cli profile on the host that will run the example terraform scripts using this guide
Setup a Project in that will be used to deploy servers, for example using this guide
Setup API keys for your Project in using this guide
Store the API keys in PACKET_AUTH_TOKEN
so that terraform-provide-packet
can use it to deploy servers in the project. For more info see this
Install Terraform on the host that will run the example terraform scripts using the Getting Started [Guide][terraform-getting-started]
Install [terraform-examples][terraform-examples] on your host.
go get -u
Generate the terraform.tfvars.example
terraform-examples > terraform.tfvars.example