Siemens S7 Communication (S7comm) operates on port 102 and is used for communication between Siemens PLCs and industrial automation systems. Nmap provides an NSE script (s7-info
) to scan for and retrieve information from S7 PLCs.
Before scanning, ensure you have:
Nmap Installed
- On Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Kali, etc.):
sudo apt update && sudo apt install nmap -y
- On RedHat-based systems (CentOS, Fedora, etc.):
sudo yum install nmap -y
- On Windows, download it from Nmap's official site.
- On Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Kali, etc.):
Siemens PLC or S7-compatible device running on port 102
- Ensure the target device has port 102 open.
- Root or administrator access may be required.
Only scan authorized devices! Unauthorized scanning may violate network security policies. Avoid scanning production systems during working hours to prevent disruptions. Use a VPN or secure network when scanning remote devices.
To scan for Siemens S7 PLCs, use the following Nmap command:
nmap -p 102 --script s7-info $DEVICE_IP
A successful scan might return output similar to this:
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2025-02-07 22:25 CET
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00011s latency).
102/tcp open iso-tsap
| s7-info:
| Module: 6ES7 315-2EH14-0AB0
| Basic Hardware: 6ES7 315-2EH14-0AB0
| Version: 3.2.6
| System Name: SNAP7-SERVER
| Module Type: CPU 315-2 PN/DP
| Serial Number: S C-C2UR28922012
|_ Copyright: Original Siemens Equipment
Service Info: Device: specialized
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds
- Module → The type of Siemens PLC (e.g., CPU 315-2 PN/DP).
- Version → Firmware version installed on the PLC.
- Serial → Unique hardware identifier.
- Plant Identification → Custom plant or site name configured in the PLC.
- Copyright → Manufacturer details (Siemens AG).
Using Nmap’s s7-info script, you can gather valuable details about Siemens PLCs on a network. This helps security analysts, pentesters, and industrial engineers identify and secure S7 devices.
Happy Scanning! 🔍🚀