- Pinger
- Implement detailed logging
- Handle expected response
- Handle 500 errors
- Walk through for edge-case error handling
- Completely test non-get requests (how do you define them in urls.yaml?)
- Tests for EMHTTPDispatcher
- Support proxies for outgoing connections
- Write the net/http dispatcher
- Debug logging to log responses too
- Write a URL Agent server to proxy requests through
20120402 (binoy@mobme.in)
- Modified logging format to include url name in all log lines
20110817 (vishnu@mobme.in)
- Pinger is now integrated into Base & monitoring is auto-started if there is a pinger configuration in urls.yaml.
- A logger implementation & detailed logging for Pinger
- Sprinkling logging seeds everywhere
- Detailed debug logging for requests & responses
- Fixed Fiber.yield errors for the Pinger
20110816 (vishnu@mobme.in)
- Pinger
- Pinger now works & tests connection and timeout errors configurable in the pinger block in urls.yaml
- Each url can be configured separately with test parameters
20110810 (vishnu@mobme.in)
- Extensive reworking to work with edge versions of gems.
- Fixing a bug in upstream em-http-request & em-synchrony.
- Base now throws error on timeouts and connection errors.
- Much cleaner code, modularizing into base, url sets & urls.
- Urls can be marked as dead
- Url sets have at least one live url.
- Urls can be directly invoked & passed on to the dispatcher.
- BREAKING CHANGE: The url_agent.call(:google) syntax no longer works.
20110729 (vishnu@mobme.in)
- url_agent[:identifier].get(arguments) work
20110726 (vishnu@mobme.in)
- The basic URLAgent::Base class
- url_agent = URLAgent::Base.instance
- url_agent.call(:identifier, { parameters }) => result
- Auto-detection of em-synchrony architecture
- The em-http dispatcher