Tool helping to port an addon or missing commits of an addon from one branch to another.
$ pipx install oca-port
$ #OR
$ git clone
$ cd oca-port
$ pipx install .
If the addon does not exist on the target branch, it will assist the user in the migration, following the OCA migration guide.
If the addon already exists on the target branch, it will retrieve missing commits to port. If a Pull Request exists for a missing commit, it will be ported with all its commits if they were not yet (fully) ported.
To check if an addon could be migrated or to get eligible commits to port:
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>
$ oca-port 14.0 15.0 shopfloor --verbose
To effectively migrate the addon or port its commits, use the --fork
$ oca-port 14.0 15.0 shopfloor --fork camptocamp
You can also directly blacklist a bunch of PRs on a given branch thanks to the
$ oca-port-pr blacklist OCA/wms#250,OCA/wms#251 15.0 shopfloor
You could give a more detailed reason of this blacklist with --reason
$ oca-port-pr blacklist OCA/wms#250,OCA/wms#251 15.0 shopfloor --reason "Refactored in 15.0, not needed anymore"
And if the module has been moved to another repository, you can specify its remote as well:
$ git remote add new_repo
$ oca-port-pr blacklist OCA/wms#250,OCA/wms#251 15.0 shopfloor --remote new_repo
The tool follows the usual OCA migration guide to port commits of an addon, and will invite the user to fullfill the mentionned steps that can't be performed automatically.
If used with the --non-interactive
option, the returned exit code is 100
if an addon could be migrated.
The tool will ask the user if he wants to open draft pull requests against the upstream repository.
If there are several Pull Requests to port, it will ask the user if he wants to base the next PR on the previous one, allowing the user to cumulate ported PRs in one branch and creating a draft PR against the upstream repository with all of them.
More details here : OCA Days 2022 - Sébastien Alix and Simone Orsi: oca-port:new OCA tool to help with modules migration
Output example (with --verbose):
If used with the --non-interactive
option, the returned exit code is 110
if some pull requests/commits could be ported.
You can also use oca-port
as a Python package:
>>> import oca_port
>>> app = oca_port.App(
... from_branch="14.0",
... to_branch="16.0",
... addon="stock_move_auto_assign",
... from_org": "OCA",
... from_remote": "origin",
... repo_path": "/home/odoo/OCA/stock-logistics-warehouse",
... output": "json",
... fetch": True,
... github_token: "ghp_sheeXai3xu1yoopheiquoo3ohch0AefooSob"
... )
>>> json_data =
>>> data = json.loads(json_data)
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> pp(data)
{'process': 'port_commits',
'results': {'1631': {'author': 'TDu',
'merged_at': '2023-04-04T17:06:03Z',
'missing_commits': ['41416c1d7dad15ce4745e07d0541c79e938c2710',
'ref': 'OCA/stock-logistics-warehouse#1631',
'title': '[14][ADD] stock_move_auto_assign_auto_release '
'- backport',
'url': ''}}}