const furkan01 = {
bio: "👋 Hey there! Furkan here, a full-stack developer who loves to code, debug, and repeat. Always learning, always improving.",
techStack: {
languages: ["Java", "JavaScript"],
problemSolving: ["Basic Data Structures", "Algorithms"],
frontend: {
libraries: ["React", "React Router", "Redux"],
frameworks: ["Vite", "Bootstrap"],
cssTools: ["SASS", "TailwindCSS", "Less"],
backend: {
libraries: ["Node.js", "Express.js", "JWT", "Mongoose"],
frameworks: ["Spring Boot", "Microservices"],
APIs: ["RESTful APIs", "Axios", "Fetch"],
databases: ["MongoDB (NoSQL)", "MySQL"],
cloudPlatforms: ["Azure", "GCP"],
deployment: ["Netlify", "GitHub Pages", "Firebase"],
tools: ["VS Code", "IntelliJ IDEA", "Postman", "pgAdmin4", "Git", "JIRA", "Docker"],
motto: "Staying Optimistic✨",
🌱 I’m currently learning Typescript, SpringBoot
💬 Ask me about React and Node
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact I'm funny