An Android Library to POST JSON and normal GET/POST using Rxjava.
Add this line to your dependencies in your apps build.gradle
compile 'mohitbadwal.rxconnect:rxconnect:1.0.32'
Make new RxConnect object
RxConnect rxConnect=new RxConnect(context);
Set Caching
//by default caching is enabled for better performance
//call this method before setting parameters if you don't want caching
Set Parameter to send
// setParam(keys,values)
Use execute method to perform operation
//all override methods run on ui thread
//use RxConnect.GET for GET
//use RxConnect.POST for POST
//use RxConnect.JSON_POST for POST JSON data
rxConnect.execute(yoururl,RxConnect.GET, new RxConnect.RxResultHelper() {
public void onResult(String result) {
//do something on result
public void onNoResult() {
//do something
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
//do somenthing on error
Add Permission to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />