Extract Speech/Text from Video to text file(.txt)
pip install video-to-text-vtt
and then you can run it as:
script: vtt_run [OPTIONS] path/to/YourVideo
or module: python -m video_to_text_VTT [OPTIONS] path/to/YourVideo
git clone https://github.com/momalekiii/VTT.git
and then
poetry install
and then you can run it by
poetry run vtt_run [OPTIONS] path/to/YourVideo
or poetry run python -m video_to_text_VTT [OPTIONS] path/to/YourVideo
git clone https://github.com/momalekiii/VTT.git
and then
pip install -r requirements.txt
and then you can run it by
python main.py [OPTIONS] path/to/YourVideo
- --duration FLOAT Audio length [seconds]
- --offset FLOAT How far from zero you start [seconds]
- -lang, --language TEXT Audio language. Supported languages can be found in http://stackoverflow.com/a/14302134
- -o, --output TEXT The result file
- --help Show this message and exit.