My Personal Twitter-mod Build for Colorful Lovers. based on Piko
- kitadai31 implemented a language conversion patch in Piko based on my previous method. Thank you so much!
- Also therealswak/Swakshan, co-Founder of Piko, was positive about implementing the color patch into Piko. So I opened a issue and shared what I've done for developers in this README.
- When the color patch is implemented in Piko, this repository will be completely finished its role(i.e., it will become a public archive and will no longer be updated).
Piko-Twitter Mod with 10 theme colors
The new method is to get the apk from crimera/twitter-apk repository and apply the patch script!
This means that users can no longer choose between Piko or Hachidori, but instead I can provide rapidly-updates with each release of crimera.
Currently, I use the prebuilt apk from crimera, but in the future I'll improve it to download from apkmirror, do AntiSplit process, and apply Piko, just like the original repository.
(To piko Developers) Please let me know if there are any rights issues with this modification, except for Elon
- You can choose your favorite from 10 colors themes
・All signatures are the same, so colors can be easily changed by re-installing the app (since v10.80.1)
・Origin Blue appears to have no significant change over the original, but minor color adjustments have been made
①Original Colors from Twitter for Web
💧Origin Blue(#1d9bf0)
⭐Star Gold(#fed400)
🌸Sakura Red(#f91880)
🐙Octopus Purple(#7856ff)
🔥Flare Orange(#ff7a00)
🥑Avocado Green(#31c88e)
And also you can choose my best colors
②FIERA's Additional Colors
💎Izumo Lazurite(#1e50a2)
🩷MateChan Pink(#ffadc0)
This covers of piko's Bring Back Twitter patch partially.
1: Replace “?dynamicColorGray1100” or “@color/gray_1100” in this files with “@color/twitter_blue”.
・style name="Theme.LaunchScreen"'s [windowSplashScreenBackground] in res\values\styles.xml
・[ic_launcher_background] in res\values\colors.xml
2: Replace “#ff1d9bf0” or "#ff1da1f2" with “@color/twitter_blue” in this files.
From here on down, styles and colors indicate the xml under the res\values.
3: In styles.xml, change value of “coreColorBadgeVerified” for <style name="TwitterBase.Dim" parent="@style/PaletteDim">, <style name="TwitterBase.LightsOut" parent="@style/PaletteLightsOut"> and <style name="TwitterBase.Standard" parent="@style/PaletteStandard"> to @color/blue_500.
4: In styles.xml, replace “abstractColorUnread” values of <style name="PaletteDim" parent="@style/HorizonColorPaletteDark">, <style name="PaletteLightsOut" parent="@style/HorizonColorPaletteDark"> and <style name="PaletteStandard" parent="@style/HorizonColorPaletteLight"> to @color/twitter_blue_opacity_50.
And change the value of “abstractColorLink” in <style name=“PaletteStandard” parent=“@style/HorizonColorPaletteLight”> to @color/twitter_blue.
At this point, the preparation is complete.
5: In color.xml, change “badge_verified” value to “twitter_blue” to #ff (any color code).
In addition, change “deep_transparent_twitter_blue”, “twitter_blue_opacity_30”, “twitter_blue_opacity_50”, and “twitter_blue_opacity_58”, paying attention to # and the first two characters.
6: Find two -0xE26410 values in the smali file and replace them with the FF (color code) specified in color.xml.
Needless to say, note that it is necessary to convert to smali value. The location of the two smali files with hidden color codes varies from version to version, but the last two letters of the file name are the same, like yxx.smali and rxx.smali.
The following is a brief description of what is done in each section.
At 2, the work is to change the parts (such as the camera icon on the tweet screen) whose colors do not change even if the procedures described in 3 and below are performed.
At 3 and beginning of 5, replace work is being done to change the badge color back to blue. This is because the same color as the theme may be difficult to recognize.
At 4, the color of notification column is treated to be linked to the theme. Also, only in the light theme, the link color is not @color/twitter_blue, so the color is reflected by replacing it.
・AntiSplit-M convert apkmirror's apkm to apk
・APKToolGUI & Virtual Studio Code to edit any resources
・MT Manager to sign apk
・Hex To Smali Online Converter to analyze some colors
・Web色見本 原色大辞典:Help to Find any colors
I continue to be grateful to them🙇🏻
・Twitter Inc.:but it's gone…
・crimera:The Founder pf Piko. Currently I'm coloring his apk. Without his Revanced, Origin would not have continued
・Swakshan & Mufti Faishal:Helpers to change smali color value. And Swakshan is Co-Founder of Piko
・Risa Yuzuki:The name holder of Crimsonate. It is my most favorite song
・MateChan:One of color is for him
・And Another One Painter...