❤️ PHP Native!
This is the Official PHP wrapper/library for Moota API V2, that is compatible with Composer. Visit for more information about the product.
Support us Data Transfer Object
- of this package only supports
- need old version
click here
If you are using Composer, you can install via composer CLI:
composer require moota-co/moota-php-sdk
add this require line to your composer.json
"require": {
"moota-co/moota-php-sdk": "1.*"
and run composer install
on your terminal.
Note: If you are using Laravel framework, in some case you also need to run
composer dumpautoload
If you are not using Composer, you can clone this repository.
Then you should require/autoload Mutation.php
of etc class file on your code.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// my code goes here
// Set your API V2 Server Key
\Moota\Moota\Config\Moota::$ACCESS_TOKEN = '<your server key>';
$auth = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Auth();
try {
$getSecretToken = $auth->login(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Auth\LoginData(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Auth\ScopesData( true )
// set to \Moota\Moota\Config::$ACCESS_TOKEN = $getSecretToken['access_token'];
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
// handling fail authentication
$getSecretToken = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Auth();
$bank_account = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\BankAccount();
// store bank account
try {
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\BankAccount\BankAccountStoreData(
Moota::BANK_TYPES[0], // list of bank type
"loream", //for gojek and ovo fill with mobile phone number
"your password",
"loream kasma",
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
body parameter storeBankAccount() reference here
// update bank account
try {
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\BankAccount\BankAccountUpdateData(
"jhon", //for gojek and ovo fill with mobile phone number
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
body parameter updateBankAccount() reference here
// get list bank account
try {
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
// can't wait for new mutation data use method refresh mutation
try {
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
// want to remove bank account from moota ?
try {
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
// want to activate my wallet account ovo or gojek please request otp code first
try {
$otp_code = $bank_account->bankEwalletRequestOTPCode('<bank_id>');
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\BankAccount\BankAccountEwalletOtpVerification('<bank_id>', '<$otp_code>')
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
$mutation = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Mutation();
// get my mutation
$my_mutation = $mutation->getMutations(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationQueryParameterData(
'Testing Note Mutation',
mutation query parameter getMutations() reference here
// Determine dummy mutation for debugging
$my_mutation = $mutation->storeMutation(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationStoreData(
// fill mutation value here
mutation parameter on storeMutation() reference here
// Add note mutation
$my_mutation = $mutation->addNoteMutation(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationNoteData(
'Testing Note Mutation',
mutation parameter on addNoteMutation() reference here
// Debugging | try getting mutation webhook from moota
$my_mutation = $mutation->pushWebhookByMutation('<mutation_id>');
* need to remove mutation data ?
* method destroy mutation can multiple remove mutation
$my_mutation = $mutation->destroyMutation(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationDestroyData(
["hash_mutation_id", "hash_mutation_id"]
mutation parameter on destroyMutation() reference here
// method attach tagging to mutation
$my_mutation = $mutation->attachTagMutation(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationAttachTaggingData(
"assurance", "..."
mutation parameter on attachTagMutation() reference here
// method detach tagging from mutation
$my_mutation = $mutation->detachTagMutation(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationDetachTaggingData([
"assurance", "..."
mutation parameter on detachTagMutation() reference here
// method update tagging from mutation
$my_mutation = $mutation->updateTagMutation(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Mutation\MutationUpdateTaggingData([
"assurance", "..."
mutation parameter on updateTagMutation() reference here
$tagging = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Tagging();
$my_tagging = $tagging->getTaggings(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Tagging\TaggingQueryParameterData(
['assurance', 'cash'] // or leave blank doesn`t have filter
tagging parameter on getTaggings() reference here
// create first tagging like it
$my_tagging = $tagging->storeTagging(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Tagging\TaggingStoreData(
tagging parameter on storeTagging() reference here
// update tagging like it
$my_tagging = $tagging->updateTagging(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Tagging\TaggingUpdateData(
tagging parameter on updateTagging() reference here
// update tagging like it
$my_tagging = $tagging->destroyTagging('<tag_id>');
you can add bank account and getting mutation from bank account must be have point please TOPUP Point First!
$topup = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Topup();
// Get list payment method | targeting bank account topup point
$payment_method = $topup->getPaymentMethod();
// Get List Amounts Point | minimum and maximum point can topup
$amounts = $topup->getListAmountPoint();
// get my topup
$my_topup = $topup->getListTopupPoint();
// create topup point
$my_topup = $topup->createTopupPoint(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Topup\CreateTopupData(
topup parameter on createTopupPoint() reference here
// have a voucher code ?
$my_topup = $topup->redeemVoucher(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Topup\VoucherRedeemData(
topup parameter on redeemVoucher() reference here
you can get history transaction of point here
$transaction = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Transaction();
$history = $transaction->getHistoryTransactionPoint(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Transaction\TransactionHistoryData(
transaction parameter on getHistoryTransactionPoint() reference here
you can get profile information here
$user = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\User();
$my_profile = $transaction->getProfile();
$my_profile = $transaction->updateProfile(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\User\UserUpdateData(
'Jl. street no 1'
User parameter on updateProfile() reference here
$webhook = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Webhook();
$response = $webhook->getListWebhooks(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Webhook\WebhookQueryParameterData(
try {
$response = $webhook->storeWebhook(
new \Moota\Moota\DTO\Webhook\WebhookStoreData(
'', // leave blank webhook can set for all banks account
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\MootaException $exception) {
$response = $webhook->removeWebhook('<webhook_id>');
$response = $webhook->getWebhookHistory('<webhook_id>');
Retrieve webhook response like it
$webhook = new \Moota\Moota\Domain\Webhook('<secret_token>');
try {
$response_payload_json = file_get_contents("php://input");
$get_signature_from_header = getallheaders()['Signature'];
$webhooks = $webhook->getResponse($get_signature_from_header, $response_payload_json);
foreach ($webhooks as $webhook) {
// code store to database
} catch (\Moota\Moota\Exception\Webhook\WebhookValidateException $exception) {
// code handling when incoming webhook fail validation signature
./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter methodname
If you have any questions please open an issue.