Source code updated 2011 for An information-theoretic framework for resolving community structure in complex networks Martin Rosvall and Carl T. Bergstrom, PNAS 104, 7327 (2007).
Compile with make
Run with ./infomod 345234 10
In this example, ./infomod
is the name of the executable, 345234
is a random seed (can be any positive integer value),
is the network to partition (in Pajek's .net
format), and 10
is the number of attempts to partition the network (can be any integer value equal or larger than 1).
The code writes the results to two plain text files. The partition file with extension .clu
, which gives the cluster assignments, can be used together with the original network to show the clusters in Pajek (import both files and use the command Draw->Draw-Partition in Pajek). The file .mod
is an enumeration of all members of each cluster. Please send an e-mail to if you encounter any problems.