Development and Testing were done on Windows 10Requirements:
Python>=3.6.0 is required for all
PyTorch>=1.7 is required for YOLOv5
Git>=2.33.0 is required to fetch the YOLOv5
YOLOv5>=6 is required for training and running wheel_detector
LabelImg is required for labeling images for training
Installing PyTorch
Development was done using Nvidia CUDA 11.3
pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu113 torchvision==0.11.1+cu113 torchaudio===0.10.0+cu113 -f
Installing YOLOv5
git clone
cd yolov5
pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing LabelImg
pip3 install labelImg
or automatic using
Directory Structure
┣ data
┗ images
┗ labels
┣ data_split # generated on the fly, contians train/validate
┣ test
┣ wheel_detector # generated on the fly, contains wheel_model from trainng)
┣ classes.txt
┣ detect.cmd
┣ install.cmd
┣ split.cmd
┣ wheel_dataset.yaml # defines the location of the data for YOLOv5
┣ # final model, can be used as base for deployment training
┗ wheel_detector.yaml # model defintion, defines the layers of the model
Run command:
detect.cmd is a windows batch script with all the parameters by default .\output is where the output image results with labels
.\detect.cmd [image_directory_path] [detection_run_name]
.\detect.cmd .\test test_run1
after running command the output results goes in \output directory with same folder name as specified detection_run_name
Split Data
Randomly splitting the data
Run command:
images and labels expected to be inside \data directory
after running .\split.cmd the \data_split gets generated with train and validate folders
Before training make sure you run .\split.cmd to split the data and generate data_spit\train and data_split\validateRun command:
img_input_size = 512
num_batch = 4
num_epoch = 1000
.\train.cmd [img_input_size] [num_batch] [num_epochs]
.\train.cmd 512 4 1000
Label Images
classes.txt contains the class name of the detector, in this case it't 'wheel'
make sure classes.txt in the root and inside /data/labels directory
Run command:
labelImg .\data\images\ classes.txt .\data\labels\
to make things easy, make sure you select auto save mode option under view menu
Lighting and Rotation Invariant Real-time Detector Based on YOLOv5: Vehicle Wheel Detector