Note: The basic game information, related games and story, etc can be found in the design document of Space Rodeo
Design document -- Space Rodeo
In this report, only game design detail and technical parts are included
####Game Elements
- Transition screens
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In start screen, we provide 2 more options -- CONTROL to show how to control the spaceship and CREDITS to give credits to the sources we used from Internet.
In addition, these screens have animated outer-space background images.
- Billy:
- Asteroid:
- Wormhole:
####Design Decisions
Pseudo physics
Orbiting planets in Space Rodeo uses pseudo physics. It will be very difficult to use real physics to implement the orbiting mechanism because It requires a strict speed to orbit the planet. Billy will easily pass the planet with a little bending or simply crash on the planets. Using pseudo physics make the game more fun and meaningful.
Burst uses real physics. Once Billy speeds up, the speed will not drop to the original value. However, player can use brake to decelerate Billy.
Brake is a mechanism to reduce the difficulty. Player uses brake to avoid obstacles like asteroids. Player has unlimited use of brake, which will slow down Billy, providing better timing.
As there are certain hidden information such as the gravity field of a planet and the pair information of wormholes, player needs to be equipped with these information to finish a level. We use guideline not only to reduce the game difficulty, but also provide necessary information for the player to finish a level.
- Game Framework: MVC
MVC in Wikipedia- Models: Store all objects in the game.
- View: Take Models as input and render all objects
- Controller: Take user input and make corresponding change to Models.
- Transition screens:
- There are finite state, such as START, RETRY, EXIT, etc. States are updated when using keyboards to select the options displayed in the screen
- View class will render selection icon according to states.
- Orbit:
- Billy starts orbiting when it is in the gravity field of a planet, and when the speed of Billy is perpendicular to the line connecting Billy and the planet.
- Angular Velocity is calculated and set when Billy starts to Orbit. The speed are then updated using this angular velocity.
- Lasso:
- Lasso shoots out in 3 directions. The target position is remembered and the lasso travels to the target in certain speed.
- Lasso will go back when the target position is reached or a cow is reached in the middle. The new target position keeps updating, which is just the position of Billy.
- Wormhole
- To avoid jumping between 2 wormholes forever, the 2 wormholes involved will be locked until the spaceship no longer collides with them.
- Guideline
- Guideline is composed of line segments, which is stored in a sf::VertexArray vector. And the points representing the dotted lines are stored in another vector of sf::Vector2f
- The collision is precomputed based on the direction of Billy.
####Challenges and solutions
Make a flexible framework
We realized that make a framework is important to the game, especially when we want to slowly grow the game to certain level. Instead of simply writing some running code, we carefully chose and implement the framework. It turns out to be a very effective one. It saves a lot of time and work.
We evolved the way we used to implement the orbiting mechanism. Firstly, the orbiting is implemented by changing the center of the spaceship object and use "rotate" function. This provides good orbit motion. However, it introduces many troubles when doing collision detection. Then we use vector-based mechanism by calculating the angular speed and change corresponding x and y speed values. However, we find there is a jump gap when entering the orbit state. This is addressed then by starting orbit only when the angle between speed of Billy and the line connecting Billy and the center of the planet is around 90 degrees.
Guideline is difficult to implement because we need to precompute the collision and draw a good dotted line (might be straight or curly).
Mathematical computation
The game involves much mathematical computation when calculating the movement. One example is the orbiting. Billy needs to orbit the planet even when the planet itself is moving. These computations will take much time to test and modify.
####Team Collaborations
- Team members should provide interfaces to interact with other members to avoid messing the code up.
- Version control should be extensively used. It keeps every member being informed the latest change and progress. It also help rollback to old implementations.
- Any ad-hoc solution should be avoided. It not only introduce problems in future implementations but also introduce problems to other team members.
####Future works
- More levels and space effects can be added to make this game more complex.
- More animations
- More original art
- Make a tutorial to teach the player how to play the game and introduce various space effects.