This repository provides the code and resources for our self-supervised bird sound classifier, developed for identifying 31 bird species in Taiwan’s subtropical montane forests. The model is pretrained on large-scale unlabeled soundscape recordings collected from 22 monitoring stations and fine-tuned to enhance its classification performance.
Our work is based on the AudioMAE framework (GitHub). We have specifically adapted it for bird sound classification, integrating domain-specific enhancements to address data imbalances, cross-domain variability, and open-set recognition.
The model is designed to classify dawn chorus bird vocalizations in soundscape recordings. It has been trained using recordings from this critical time window and validated through real-world inference tests.
By integrating a small portion of open-source datasets and applying data augmentation techniques, the model improves recognition across different recording conditions while mitigating class imbalance.
A "None of the Above" (NOTA) category is introduced to help the model distinguish non-target sounds (e.g., environmental noise) from actual bird vocalizations, enhancing its generalization ability.
This classifier is designed for ecological studies and supports long-term bird monitoring in remote montane ecosystems.
Our classifier is built on a transformer-based architecture, incorporating self-supervised pretraining followed by fine-tuning. Below is the model architecture diagram:
The model pipeline consists of:
- Pretraining on large-scale, unlabeled soundscape data using self-supervised learning.
- Fine-tuning on a labeled dataset of 31 bird species from Taiwan’s montane forests.
- Inference on soundscape recordings, focusing on dawn chorus bird songs.
Below is the list of 31 bird species included in the fine-tuning process:
No. | Species ID | Scientific Name | Chinese Name | Common Name |
1 | AA | Abroscopus albogularis | 棕面鶯 | Rufous-faced Warbler |
2 | AC | Arborophila crudigularis | 臺灣山鷓鴣 | Taiwan Partridge |
3 | AM | Alcippe morrisonia | 繡眼畫眉 | Morrison's Fulvetta |
4 | BG | Brachypteryx goodfellowi | 小翼鶇 | Taiwan Shortwing |
5 | BS | Bambusicola sonorivox | 臺灣竹雞 | Taiwan Bamboo-Partridge |
6 | CR | Cyanoderma ruficeps | 山紅頭 | Rufous-capped Babbler |
7 | DI | Dicaeum ignipectus | 紅胸啄花 | Fire-breasted Flowerpecker |
8 | EE | Erythrogenys erythrocnemis | 大彎嘴 | Black-necklaced Scimitar-Babbler |
9 | FH | Ficedula hyperythra | 黃胸青鶲 | Snowy-browed Flycatcher |
10 | GB | Taenioptynx brodiei | 鵂鶹 | Collared Owlet |
11 | HA | Heterophasia auricularis | 白耳畫眉 | White-eared Sibia |
12 | HAC | Horornis acanthizoides | 深山鶯 | Yellowish-bellied Bush Warbler |
13 | HS | Hierococcyx sparverioides | 鷹鵑 | Large Hawk-Cuckoo |
14 | LS | Liocichla steerii | 黃胸藪眉 | Taiwan Liocichla |
15 | MH | Machlolophus holsti | 黃山雀 | Taiwan Yellow Tit |
16 | ML | Myiomela leucura | 白尾鴝 | White-tailed Robin |
17 | NV | Niltava vivida | 黃腹琉璃 | Taiwan Vivid Niltava |
18 | PA | Periparus ater | 煤山雀 | Coal Tit |
19 | PAL | Pnoepyga albiventer | 台灣鷦眉(鱗胸鷦眉) | Scaly-breasted Cupwing |
20 | PC | Picus canus | 綠啄木 | Gray-headed Woodpecker |
21 | PM | Parus monticolus | 青背山雀 | Green-backed Tit |
22 | PN | Psilopogon nuchalis | 五色鳥 | Taiwan Barbet |
23 | PNI | Pyrrhula nipalensis | 褐鷽 | Brown Bullfinch |
24 | PP | Pterorhinus poecilorhynchus | 棕噪眉(竹鳥) | Rusty Laughingthrush |
25 | PS | Pericrocotus solaris | 灰喉山椒鳥 | Gray-chinned Minivet |
26 | RG | Regulus goodfellowi | 火冠戴菊鳥 | Flamecrest |
27 | SB | Schoeniparus brunneus | 頭烏線 | Dusky Fulvetta |
28 | SE | Sitta europaea | 茶腹鳾 | Eurasian Nuthatch |
29 | TM | Trochalopteron morrisonianum | 臺灣噪眉 | White-whiskered Laughingthrush |
30 | TS | Treron sieboldii | 綠鳩 | White-bellied Green-Pigeon |
31 | YB | Yuhina brunneiceps | 冠羽畫眉 | Taiwan Yuhina |
The following pre-trained and fine-tuned model checkpoints are available for download:
Checkpoint Name | Dataset | Performance (mAP) | Link |
Pre-trained (SSL) | Soundscapes | N/A | Download |
Fine-tuned | Taiwan Montane Birds | 85.6% | Download |
To set up the repository and run the model, follow these steps.
- Operating System: Linux (Recommended)
- Python Version: Python 3.9
- Conda: Anaconda or Miniconda installed
We use a prepackaged Conda environment based on AudioMAE.
- Download the Conda-packed environment provided by AudioMAE from this link.
- Save the file in your Downloads directory (
Run the following commands to extract the archive and move it to your Conda environment directory automatically:
# Extract Conda environment
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/mae && tar -xzvf ~/Downloads/mae.tar.gz -C ~/Downloads/mae
# Detect Conda installation
command -v conda &> /dev/null || { echo "Error: Conda not found. Install it first."; exit 1; }
CONDA_BASE=$(conda info --base)
# Check if the 'mae' environment already exists
if conda env list | grep -q "mae"; then
echo "Error: 'mae' environment already exists. Remove it or use a different name."
exit 1
# Move extracted environment and register it
mv ~/Downloads/mae "$CONDA_ENV_DIR/"
conda env list | grep -q "mae" || conda env update -n mae --file "$CONDA_ENV_DIR/mae/environment.yml" --prune
# Activate environment
echo "Activating 'mae'..."
source "$CONDA_BASE/bin/activate" mae
Once the environment is set up, you can proceed with inference or fine-tuning.
- AudioMAE Repository: GitHub
- Original Paper:
P.Y. Huang, H. Xu, J. Li, A. Baevski, M. Auli, W. Galuba, F. Metze, C. Feichtenhofer
Masked Autoencoders That Listen. arXiv (2022), 10.48550/arXiv.2207.06405
Please cite:
Wei, Y.C., Chen, W.L., Tuanmu, M.L., Lu, S.S., Shiao, M.T.
Advanced montane bird monitoring using self-supervised learning and transformer on passive acoustic data.
Ecological Information (2024). DOI