Setting up test data for your first test takes a lot of time. That's not going to help us to test our bugs in legacy code! Let's try the Mikado Method to:
- be able to setup this test data step by step
- spread this work over many days, weeks, and people
The Mikado Method is a technique to incrementally do large refactorings, alongside feature delivery.
You'll find resource about the Mikado Method here or on your room walls.
As a group, what are the top 5 most important things about the the Mikado Method?
To help you to get started, here is a demo of how to use the Mikado Method in our particular situation.
Code of InvoiceTest from the video
void Mikado_Method_Constraint_Applies_tax_rules_when_computing_total_amount() {
Country usa = new Country("USA", Currency.US_DOLLAR, Language.ENGLISH);
Invoice invoice = new Invoice("Joe", usa);
Now that you have a better idea, grab a whiteboard, a marker, some post-its and start creating your own mikado graph to add a test.
In real life, you would
- Fix the bugs
- Start the mikado method to setup your test data
So let's Ignore or Comment-Out the previous tests!
We'll first focus on testing the Invoice (java | c++ | c# | kotlin | scala) class. It's simpler and achievable given the time we have.
To solve this section, use the test entitled Mikado_Method_Constraint_Applies_tax_rules_when_computing_total_amount!
Write your test as if you could instantiate your objects, and start to draw your mikado graph.
Make sure your project keeps building all the time. Notice every time you have something useful.
If you have the time, repeat the same exercise with the test on ReportGenerator (java | c++ | c# | kotlin | scala) class.
Time for a mini-retro again.
Take a few minutes to discuss the good and the bad of this approach.
Then compare them to what people usually say in the Retrospectives Guide