I'm a software developer from Nigeria. I enjoy coding projects that solve unique problems. I also love combing the internet in search of random, informative and exciting news. You can find me on LinkedIn @Musa Akande Ojo. Feel free to message me any time. You can check out my my blog here.
let ojomusa = {
openTowork: true,
lookingFor: "Front-end developer" || "Full-stack web developer",
stack: [JavaScript, React JS, Semantic UI, SASS, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS,
MaterialUI, Express js, Spring Boot, Docker, AWS],
askMeAbout: [Tech, Startups, Entrepreneurship],
challenge: "I am honing my Data Structures and Algorithms skills",
funFacts: ['When the problem is complexity, the cure might just be simplicity',
'The first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace'],
blog: 'https://medium.com/@musaakandeojo',
reachMe: 'musaakandeojo@gmail.com'