Proposal & Schedule (target completion: Tuesday October 1)
- Create proposal, review and signoff
- Create plan and schedule
Discovery (target completion: Wednesday October 2)
- UX best practices reading
- Review various Chart js libraries - research and select two candidates for project - selected HighCharts.js for this project
- Web page layout/UX idea research - review other sites for UX experiences, choose concepts to consider for this site - modeling roughly after
Project Design (target completion: Thursday October 3)
- Touch up proposal User Stories as needed
- Create detailed User Stories for financial model/grid functionality
- Document classes/methods needed
- Drill in on page layout and flow design - whiteboard output
- Data flow MVC conceptual understanding - outline how financial grid/chart will data flow will work - discuss with Arron or TA Thursday October 3
Preliminary - Development (target completion: Monday September 30)
- Database built out via Sequelize, load seed data, create queries for reviewing data from workbench
- Identify core CRUD routes needed and build out - test via Postman and/or localhost port browser
HMTL placeholder - Development (target completion: Wednesday October 2)
- HTML route to render placeholder page with header and grid
- HTML page calls API route to get hardwired pre built model data and render into table
Prototyping Development (target completion: Friday October 5)
- Experiment with Charts js (or selected library: HighCharts.js) - in progress
- Experiment with grid layout for rendering financial model(s)
Authentication (target start: Monday, October 14 / target completion: Tuesday October 15
- See how Passport js can be utilized in this project ( read over the documentation/example on Saturday October 12 or Sunday October 13
- Saved and Retrieved Models** (target start: Tuesday October 15 / target completion Wednesday October 17)
- Modal or drop-down for opening a saved Model
- Save Model logic
Define Core Development Server Side & Client Side tasks in more detail (target Sunday October 6)
- See the Core Development - Server Side & Client Side October 15 sections below
Core Development - Server Side (target completion: Tuesday October 15)
- Class/methods to support the financial modes (target completion: Monday October 7)
- Post route to support (A) updating financial model in database and (B) returning financial model to client side (target completion: Tuesday October 8)
- Add inflation to the model calculation
- See white board to see if there are more
Core Development - Client Side (target completion: Tuesday October 15)
Initial Home page layout and flow scaffolding (target completion: Wednesday October 9)
Rendering of financial model (target completion: Friday October 11) - in progress
Need to refine element such as the axis headings the tool-tip layout, etc. - target for Tuesday October 15
Client side validation logic for user changes to financial model and calling of the Post route as changes occur (aiming to no require user to hit a submit button - this will not be able to be done for MVP, maybe later) (target completion: Monday October 14)
Finalized Home page content section - intro slides, educational components and links (target completion: Sunday October 12)
UX clean up (target start Thursday October 17 / target completion October 18 )
Clean up header and footerSweep thru CSS to refine the typography, colors used on graph plots, text contrasts
Add dynamic wallpaper attribution in footer so it matches the current wallpaper (target completion: Thursday October 17)
Final Beta Testing (target completion: Thursday October 17, 2019)
Code Freeze / Final Deployment (target completion: Friday October 18, 2019)
Presentation Prep (target completion: Friday October 18, 2019)
Follow-up Phase planning (target completion: Friday October 18, 2019)
- Evaluate/prioritize any bug fixes needed Prioritize next-up Semi-Pro features, then Pro Define 10 day sprints for above
Presentation - Saturday October 19, 2019
- Follow-up Sprints**Bug fixes and/or next-up features (target completion: Tuesday October 29, 2019)
- Next-up features (target completion: Friday November 8, 2019T)
- Next-up features (target completion: Monday November 18, 2019 )