All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Create the XLMID on the database when a new one is computed during data import
- Allows to call script_files in script files
- Allows to call Config, Users and Modules in script files
- Improve logging
- Update s6r-odoo
- Create connection with ORM
- Improve connection error handling
- Avoid Odoo Config repetition in script mode
- Allows to use Scalizer Odoo light ORM in Python specific import files
- Remove cache system from get_image_local function
- Users configuration
- JSON field type:
field_name/json: [{'key': 'value'}]
- Context parameter in import yml file
- Load optimization
- XMLID cache optimization
- Using many2many fields in export record prefix
- Compatibility with Odoo 17.0
- Improve update of many2many list of xmlid when the record has no xml_id
- Improve update of Many2one field with a xmlid when the record has no xml_id
- Allows to import many2many field values with xml_id
- Improve get_local_file function to avoid to set working directory environment variable
- Add get_bitwarden_username and get_bitwarden_field functions
- add allowed_company_ids in context to properly config accounting fields such chart_template_id on res.config.setting
- update_domain function can be used with several conditions in domain
- Compute missing xmlid on export
- Allows multi-company configuration
- add a context parameter in config
- Handle Bitwarden two-step login code
- Fix data update when id is retrieved by field key
- Update s6r_bitwarden_cli to 1.0.3
- Allow to retrieve passwords from Bitwarden
- Allow to type Keepass master password if not provided by env variables or --keepass parameter
- Allow to get Bitwarden credentials from Keepass. Refactor Keepass functions.
- Add system_parameter keyword to set ir.config_parameter values
- Allow to set release_directory and backup release configuration files when release configuration is done
- Allow to update records in batch with the load function
- Allow to update records in batch with the load function
- Allow to set odoo auth params with system environment values