In Tendermint consensus, the first version of how time is computed and stored in a block works as follows:
- validators send their current local time as part of
messages - upon collecting the
messages that the proposer uses to build a commit to be put in the next block, the proposer computes thetime
of the next block as the median (weighted over voting power) of the times in theprecommit
- Fault tolerance. The computed median time is called
as it is indeed fault-tolerant: if less than a third of the validators is faulty (counted in voting power), it is guaranteed that the computed time lies between the minimum and the maximum times sent by correct validators. - Effect of faulty validators. If more than
of the voting power (which is in fact more than one third and less than two thirds of the voting power) is held by faulty validators, then the time is under total control of the faulty validators. (This is particularly challenging in the context of lightclient security.) - Proposer influence on block time. The proposer of the next block has a degree of freedom in choosing the
, since it computes the median time based on the timestamps fromprecommit
messages sent by2f + 1
correct validators.- If there are
different timestamps in theprecommit
messages, the proposer can use any subset of timestamps that add up to2f + 1
of the voting power in order to compute the median. - If the validators decide in different rounds, the proposer can decide on which round the median computation is based.
- If there are
- Liveness. The liveness of the protocol:
- does not depend on clock synchronization,
- depends on bounded message delays.
- Relation to real time. There is no clock synchronizaton, which implies that there is no relation between the computed block
and real time. - Aggregate signatures. As the
messages contain the local times, all theseprecommit
messages typically differ in the time field, which prevents the use of aggregate signatures.
An alternative approach to time has been discussed: Rather than having the validators send the time in the precommit
messages, the proposer in the consensus algorithm sends its time in the propose
message, and the validators locally check whether the time is OK (by comparing to their local clock).
This proposed solution adds the requirement of having synchronized clocks, and other implicit assumptions.
- Fault tolerance. Maintained in the suggested protocol.
- Effect of faulty validators. Eliminated in the suggested protocol,
that is, the block
can be corrupted only in the extreme case when>2/3
of the validators are faulty. - Proposer influence on block time. The proposer of the next block
has less freedom when choosing the block time.
- This scenario is eliminated in the suggested protocol, provided that there are
faulty validators. - This scenario is still there.
- This scenario is eliminated in the suggested protocol, provided that there are
- Liveness. The liveness of the suggested protocol:
- depends on the introduced assumptions on synchronized clocks (see below),
- still depends on the message delays (unavoidable).
- Relation to real time. We formalize clock synchronization, and obtain a well-defined relation between the block
and real time. - Aggregate signatures. The
messages free of time, which allows for aggregate signatures.
We assume that the field proposal
in the PROPOSE
message is a pair (v, time)
, of the proposed consensus value v
and the proposed time time
In the reception step at node p
at local time now_p
, upon receiving a message m
- if the message
is of typePROPOSE
and satisfiesnow_p - PRECISION < m.time < now_p + PRECISION + MSGDELAY
, then mark the message astimely
being system parameters, see below)
after the presentation in the dev session, we realized that different semantics for the reception step is closer aligned to the implementation. Instead of dropping propose messages, we keep all of them, and mark timely ones.
- Start round
arXiv paper | Proposer-based time |
function StartRound(round) {
round_p ← round
step_p ← propose
if proposer(h_p, round_p) = p {
if validValue_p != nil {
proposal ← validValue_p
} else {
proposal ← getValue()
broadcast ⟨PROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, proposal, validRound_p⟩
} else {
schedule OnTimeoutPropose(h_p,round_p) to
be executed after timeoutPropose(round_p)
} |
function StartRound(round) {
round_p ← round
step_p ← propose
if proposer(h_p, round_p) = p {
// new wait condition
wait until now_p > block time of block h_p - 1
if validValue_p != nil {
// add "now_p"
proposal ← (validValue_p, now_p)
} else {
// add "now_p"
proposal ← (getValue(), now_p)
broadcast ⟨PROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, proposal, validRound_p⟩
} else {
schedule OnTimeoutPropose(h_p,round_p) to
be executed after timeoutPropose(round_p)
} |
- Rule on lines 28-35
arXiv paper | Proposer-based time |
upon timely(⟨PROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, v, vr⟩)
from proposer(h_p, round_p)
AND 2f + 1 ⟨PREVOTE, h_p, vr, id(v)⟩
while step_p = propose ∧ (vr ≥ 0 ∧ vr < round_p) do {
if valid(v) ∧ (lockedRound_p ≤ vr ∨ lockedValue_p = v) {
broadcast ⟨PREVOTE, h_p, round_p, id(v)⟩
} else {
broadcast ⟨PREVOTE, hp, round_p, nil⟩
} |
upon timely(⟨PROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, (v, tprop), vr⟩)
from proposer(h_p, round_p)
AND 2f + 1 ⟨PREVOTE, h_p, vr, id(v, tvote)⟩
while step_p = propose ∧ (vr ≥ 0 ∧ vr < round_p) do {
if valid(v) ∧ (lockedRound_p ≤ vr ∨ lockedValue_p = v) {
// send hash of v and tprop in PREVOTE message
broadcast ⟨PREVOTE, h_p, round_p, id(v, tprop)⟩
} else {
broadcast ⟨PREVOTE, hp, round_p, nil⟩
} |
- Rule on lines 49-54
arXiv paper | Proposer-based time |
upon ⟨PROPOSAL, h_p, r, v, ∗⟩ from proposer(h_p, r)
AND 2f + 1 ⟨PRECOMMIT, h_p, r, id(v)⟩
while decisionp[h_p] = nil do {
if valid(v) {
decision_p [h_p] = v
h_p ← h_p + 1
reset lockedRound_p , lockedValue_p, validRound_p and
validValue_p to initial values and empty message log
} |
upon ⟨PROPOSAL, h_p, r, (v,t), ∗⟩ from proposer(h_p, r)
AND 2f + 1 ⟨PRECOMMIT, h_p, r, id(v,t)⟩
while decisionp[h_p] = nil do {
if valid(v) {
// decide on time too
decision_p [h_p] = (v,t)
h_p ← h_p + 1
reset lockedRound_p , lockedValue_p, validRound_p and
validValue_p to initial values and empty message log
} |
- Other rules are extended in a similar way, or remain unchanged
For safety (Point 1, Point 2, Point 3i) and liveness (Point 4) we need the following assumptions:
- There exists a system parameter
such that for any two correct validatorsV
, and at any real-timet
, their local timesC_V(t)
differ by less thanPRECISION
time units, i.e.,|C_V(t) - C_W(t)| < PRECISION
- The message end-to-end delay between a correct proposer and a correct validator (for
messages) is less thanMSGDELAY
For analyzing real-time safety (Point 5), we use a system parameter ACCURACY
, such that for all real-times t
and all correct validators V
, we have | C_V(t) - t | < ACCURACY
is not necessarily visible at the code level. We might even viewACCURACY
as variable over time. The smaller it is during a consensus instance, the closer the block time will be to real-time.Note that
show up in the code.
This specification describes the changes needed to be done to the Tendermint consensus algorithm as described in the arXiv paper and the simplified specification in TLA+, and makes precise the underlying assumptions and the required properties.