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File metadata and controls

463 lines (346 loc) · 12.6 KB

JetStream based Object Stores

Metadata Value
Date 2021-11-03
Author @scottf
Status Implemented
Tags jetstream, client, objectstore, spec
Revision Date Author Info
1 2021-11-03 @scottf Initial design
2 2023-06-14 @Jarema Add metadata
3 2024-02-05 @Jarema Add Compression


This document describes a design of a JetStream backed object store.


We intend to hit a basic initial feature set as below, with some future facing goals as indicated:

Current feature list:

  • Represent an object store.
  • Store a large quantity of related bytes in chunks as a single object.
  • Retrieve all the bytes from a single object
  • Store metadata regarding each object
  • Store multiple objects in a single store
  • Ability to specify chunk size
  • Ability to delete an object
  • Ability to understand the state of the object store
  • Data Compression of Object Stores for NATS Server 2.10

Possible future features

  • Event Notifications (add/delete/lock)
  • Locking
  • Archiving (tiered storage)
  • Searching/Indexing (tagging)
  • Versioning / Revisions
  • Overriding digest algorithm
  • Capturing Content-Type (mime type)
  • Per chunk Content-Encoding (i.e. gzip)
  • Read an individual chunk.

Basic Design

  • Object store or bucket is backed by a stream
  • Multiple objects can be placed in each bucket
  • Object Info is stored as json in the payload of the message on the Object Info message subject.
  • The Object Info subject is always rolled up (per subject)
  • Object chunks are stored as the payload of messages on the Chunk message subject

Naming Specification

Protocol Naming Conventions are fully defined in ADR-6

Object Store

The object store name or bucket name (bucket) will be used to formulate a stream name and is specified as: restricted-term (1 or more of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash, underscore)

Object Id

Object ids (object-nuid) are a nuid.

Object Name

An individual object name is not restricted. It is base64 encoded to form name-encoded.


Currently SHA-256 is the only supported digest. Please use the uppercase form as in RFC-6234 when specifying the digest as in SHA-256=IdgP4UYMGt47rgecOqFoLrd24AXukHf5-SVzqQ5Psg8=.

Modified Time

Modified time is never stored.

  • When putting an object or link into the store, the client should populate the ModTime with the current UTC time before returning it to the user.
  • When getting an object or getting an object or link's info, the client should populate the ModTime with message time from the server.

Default Settings

Default settings can be overridden on a per object basis.

Setting Value Notes
Chunk Size 128k (128 * 1024) Clients may tune this as appropriate.

ObjectStore / Stream Config

The object store config is the basis for the stream configuration and maps to fields in the stream config like in KV.

type ObjectStoreConfig struct {
	Bucket      string		// used in stream name template
	Description string		// stream description
	Metadata    map[string]string	// stream metadata
	TTL         time.Duration	// stream max_age
	MaxBytes    int64		// stream max_bytes
	Storage     StorageType		// stream storate_type
	Replicas    int			// stream replicas
	Placement   Placement		// stream placement
	Compression bool		// stream compression
  • If Compression is requested in the configuration, set its value in the Stream config to s2. Object Store does not expose internals of Stream config, therefore the bool value is used.

Stream Configuration and Subject Templates

Component Template
Stream Name OBJ_<bucket>
Chunk Stream subject $O.<bucket>.C.>
Meta Stream subject $O.<bucket>.M.>
Chunk message subject $O.<bucket>.C.<object-nuid>
Meta message subject $O.<bucket>.M.<name-encoded>

Example Stream Config

  "name": "OBJ_MY-STORE",
  "description" : "description",
  "metadata": [{"owner": "infra"}],
  "subjects": [
  "max_age": 0,
  "max_bytes": -1,
  "storage": "file",
  "num_replicas": 1,
  "rollup_hdrs": true,
  "allow_direct": true,
  "discard": "new",
  "placement": {
    "cluster": "clstr",
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]
  compression: "s2"


ObjectLink is used to embed links to other buckets and objects.

type ObjectLink struct {
    // Bucket is the name of the other object store.
    Bucket string `json:"bucket"`

    // Name can be used to link to a single object.
    // If empty means this is a link to the whole store, like a directory.
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`


type ObjectMetaOptions struct {
    Link      ObjectLink `json:"link,omitempty"`
    ChunkSize uint32      `json:"max_chunk_size,omitempty"`


Object Meta is high level information about an object.

type ObjectMeta struct {
    Name        string            `json:"name"`
    Description string            `json:"description,omitempty"`
    Headers     Header	          `json:"headers,omitempty"`
    Metadata    map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

    // Optional options.
    Opts ObjectMetaOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`


Object Info is meta plus instance information. The fields in ObjectMeta are serialized in line as if they were direct fields of ObjectInfo

type ObjectInfo struct {
    Bucket  string    `json:"bucket"`
    NUID    string    `json:"nuid"`
    // the total object size in bytes
    Size    uint64    `json:"size"`
    ModTime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
    // the total number of chunks
    Chunks  uint32    `json:"chunks"`
    // as in http, <digest-algorithm>=<digest-value>
    Digest  string    `json:"digest,omitempty"`
    Deleted bool      `json:"deleted,omitempty"`

ObjectInfo Storage

The ObjectInfo is stored as json as the payload of the message under the Meta message subject. The ModTime (mtime) is never written as part of what is being stored.

When the ObjectInfo message is retrieved from the server, use the message metadata timestamp as the ModTime

Example ObjectInfo Json

	"name": "object-name",
	"description": "object-desc",
	"metadata": [{"owner": "infra"}],
	"headers": {
		"key1": ["foo"],
		"key2": ["bar", "baz"]
	"options": {
		"link": {
			"bucket": "link-to-bucket",
			"name": "link-to-name"
		"max_chunk_size": 8196
	"bucket": "object-bucket",
	"nuid": "CkuyLEX4z2hbyjj1aWCfiH",
	"size": 344000,
	"chunks": 42,
	"digest": "SHA-256=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz=",
	"deleted": true


The status of an object

type ObjectStoreStatus interface {
    // Bucket is the name of the bucket
    Bucket() string

    // Description is the description supplied when creating the bucket
    Description() string

    // Bucket-level metadata
    Metadata() map[string]string

    // TTL indicates how long objects are kept in the bucket
    TTL() time.Duration

    // Storage indicates the underlying JetStream storage technology used to store data
    Storage() StorageType

    // Replicas indicates how many storage replicas are kept for the data in the bucket
    Replicas() int

    // Sealed indicates the stream is sealed and cannot be modified in any way
    Sealed() bool

    // Size is the combined size of all data in the bucket including metadata, in bytes
    Size() uint64

    // BackingStore provides details about the underlying storage.
    // Currently the only supported value is `JetStream`
    BackingStore() string

    // IsCompressed indicates if the data is compressed on disk
    IsCompressed() bool

The choice of IsCompressed() as a method name is idiomatic for Go, language maintainers can make a similar idiomatic choice.

Functional Interfaces


Object Store Manager creates, loads and deletes Object Stores


// ObjectStore will lookup and bind to an existing object store instance.
ObjectStore(bucket string) -> ObjectStore

// CreateObjectStore will create an object store.
CreateObjectStore(cfg ObjectStoreConfig) -> ObjectStore

// DeleteObjectStore will delete the underlying stream for the named object.
DeleteObjectStore(bucket string)


Storing large objects efficiently. API are required unless noted as "Optional/Convenience".


  • Put will place the contents from the reader into a new object.
  • It is an error to Put when ObjectMeta contains a Link. Use AddLink or AddBucketLink
Put(ObjectMeta, [input/stream/reader]) -> ObjectInfo

Optional/Convenience Examples

Put(name string, [input/stream/reader]) -> ObjectInfo
PutBytes(name string, data []byte) -> ObjectInfo
PutString(name string, data string) -> ObjectInfo
PutFile(name string, file [string/file reference]) -> ObjectInfo
PutFile(file [string/file reference]) -> ObjectInfo


On convenience methods accepting file information only, consider that the reference could have operating specific path information that is not transferable. One solution would be to only use the actual file name as the object name and discard any path information.


Get will retrieve the named object from the object store.

  • Deleted objects should be treated the same as objects that don't exist.

At least one [language specific] variant of:

Get(name string) -> [Language specific handling output/stream/writer]
Get(name string, [output/stream/writer]) -> ObjectInfo
Get(name string) -> ObjectResult, error

Optional/Convenience examples:

GetBytes(name string) -> []byte
GetString(name string) -> string
GetFile(name string, file string)


GetInfo will retrieve the current information for the object.

  • Do not return info for deleted objects, except with optional convenience methods.
GetInfo(name string) -> ObjectInfo

Optional/Convenience examples:

GetInfo(name string, includingDeleted bool) -> ObjectInfo
GetInfo(name string, opts ...WatchOpt) -> ObjectInfo


UpdateMeta will update some metadata for the object.

  • Only the name, description and headers can be updated.
  • Objects, Links and Bucket Links are all allowed to be updated.
  • It is an error to update metadata for a deleted object.
  • It is an error to rename an object to the name of an existing object
UpdateMeta(name string, meta ObjectMeta)


Delete will delete the named object.

  • It's acceptable to no-op for an object that is already deleted.
  • It's an error to delete an object that does not exist.

At least one variant of:

Delete(name string) -> void
Delete(name string) -> ObjectInfo


Seal will seal the object store, no further modifications will be allowed.

At least one variant of:

Seal() -> void
Seal() -> ObjectStoreStatus


Watch for changes in the underlying store and receive meta information updates.

Watch(opts ...WatchOpt) -> ObjectWatcher


List will list all the objects in this store.

  • When listing objects, filter those objects that have been deleted. If necessary or requested, provide convenience methods or optional arguments to include them if the API user desires them.
List() -> List or array of ObjectInfo


Status retrieves run-time status about the backing store of the bucket.

Status() -> ObjectStoreStatus

ObjectStore Links

Links are currently under discussion whether they are necessary. Here is the required API as proposed. Please note that in this version of the api, it is possible that obj ObjectInfo or bucket ObjectStore could be stale, meaning their state has changed since they were read, i.e. the object was deleted after it's info was read.


AddLink will add a link to another object into this object store.

  • It is an error to link to a deleted object.
  • It is an error to link to a link.
  • It is okay to name the link if the name does not exist.
  • It is okay to name the link to that of an existing but deleted object.
  • It is okay to name the link to that of another link or bucket link (overwrite).
  • It is an error to name the link to that of an existing but not deleted regular object.
AddLink(name string, obj ObjectInfo) -> ObjectInfo


AddBucketLink will add a link to another object store.

  • It is okay to name the link if the name does not exist.
  • It is okay to name the link to that of an existing but deleted object.
  • It is okay to name the link to that of another link or bucket link (overwrite).
  • It is an error to name the link to that of an existing but not deleted regular object.
AddBucketLink(name string, bucket ObjectStore) -> ObjectInfo