Jste Manager is required to enjoy full experience Jste Framework and get the full benefit of all of its awesome and exclusive features.
Jste Manager Android and IOS versions are built using Apache Cordova, so to build your own version you must have it installed on your machine. Please also make sure that JX Binary is installed on your machine and added to the PATH.
cordova prepare android
in the case that you want to build Jste Manager Android version or:
cordova prepare ios
in the case that you want to build Jste Manager IOS version.
jx io.jxcore.node.jx
cordova plugins add io.jxcore.node/
cordova build android
in the case that you want to build Jste Manager Android version or:
cordova build ios
in the case that you want to build Jste Manager IOS version.
Jste Manager For Android & IOS is released under the GNU AGPLv3 license.