This daemon provides support for the downloading and managing of cellular profiles for eUICCs.
The SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card is a piece of hardware that serves to identify and authenticate subscribers of mobile networks. Traditionally, SIM cards were physically removable cards that were programmed with an operator-specific profile during the manufacturing process. These profiles contain the necessary data to satisfy the central duties of identification and authentication. More recently, SIM cards were split between a physical component and a SIM application. This physical component is known as a UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card), and is essentially a small, secure computer in the form of a smart card. SIM applications, such as the USIM application for UMTS networks or the CSIM application for CDMA2000 networks, are then run on the UICC in order to produce a fully-functioning SIM solution. Despite this change, there can still only be a single profile provisioned with the application in question, and such provisioning cannot occur remotely.
An eUICC, or embedded UICC, seeks to rectify these shortcomings by allowing both for the storage of multiple profiles and for the remote provisioning of profiles. As users no longer physically interact with operators to be provisioned a profile, the architecture for profile provisioning is quite different. Two main entities involved with remote profile provisioning are the SM-DP+ (Subscription Manager - Data Preparation) and SM-DS (Subscription Manager - Discovery Server).
The SM-DP+ is responsible for the creation and management of profiles, as required by the network operator. It is also responsible for the secure delivery of profiles to eUICCs. The SM-DP+ is generally, although not necessarily, owned by a particular operator, meaning that there can be many SM-DP+s for an eUICC to potentially communicate with in a wide deployment scenario.
Note: For those diving into specifications and articles (or those curious as to why the SM-DP+ has a "+"), there are actually two remote SIM provisioning solutions. One is designed for M2M (machine-to-machine) use-cases, in which the mobile device is generally not locally controlled by a user. The other solution is designed for consumer products in which the mobile device is expected to be locally controlled by the user, and therefore shouldn't perform actions without the consent/input of the user. Despite many similarities in the architectures of these two solutions, one difference is that the M2M solution has an SM-DP, which is still responsible for creating and managing profiles but is not responsible for the secure transport of bound profiles. A separate entity called the SM-SR (Subscription Manager - Secure Routing) takes on that responsibility. The consumer solution, whose specification came afterwards, combined both roles into a single entity that was christened "SM-DP+". Unless otherwise specified, the information in this document refers specifically to that of the consumer remote provisioning architecture.
One way for an eUICC to download a profile is to have a hard-coded address to a default SM-DP+ that can serve some profiles. This approach is common when a device is sold by a particular operator, who sets the default SM-DP+ address to that of their own SM-DP+. Since an eUICC may be provisioned multiple profiles from potentially multiple different SM-DP+s, though, this solution is not sufficient in general. SM-DS entities exist to provide a more flexible solution, allowing an arbitrary SM-DP+ to inform an eUICC that a profile is availble for download.
SM-DS servers are organized hierarchically, not unlike how DNS name servers are organized. The eUICC contains the address of a unique root SM-DS server, and polls that SM-DS server periodically (or only when the user manually triggers a poll, depending on how the user has configured their system). When an SM-DP+ generates a new profile, as per the request of an operator, it will push an Event Record to an SM-DS server. This Event Record contains the unique ID of the eUICC the profile was created for and the address of the SM-DP+ server. If the Event Record was pushed to the root SM-DS, then the process is complete. Otherwise, the recieving SM-DS creates a new Event Record containing the unique ID of the eUICC and its address and sends the resulting Event Record to the parent SM-DS server, in a recursive process that ends at the root SM-DS server. In this way, any eUICC can determine if an SM-DP+ has a profile for it to download, and can determine the address of that SM-DP+ server, by first communicating only with the root SM-DS.
Local control of the eUICC to allow for such behavior as downloading/removing profiles and switching between profiles is provided by a set of functionality called the LPA (Local Profile Assistant). The LPA is composed of three groups of functionality:
- LPD (Local Profile Download), which essentially serves as a bridge between the SM-DP+ and eUICC. It is responsible for downloading bound profiles from the SM-DP+, segmenting the profiles, and passing the segments to the eUICC.
- LDS (Local Discover Service), which is responsible for pulling relevant Event Records from the root SM-DS. When retrieving an Event Record that points to another SM-DS server rather than directly to an SM-DP+, the LDS is also responsible for recursively communicating with the child SM-DS servers (also known as Alternative SM-DSs) until the relevant SM-DP+ address is determined.
- LUI (Local User Interface), which provides the user interface that allows for the local use of profile management functions.
Hermes exists to implement LPA services and to provide such services, through a D-Bus interface, to ChromeOS UI code.
The remote provisioning spec specifies the content and format of messages sent between entities using an interface description language known as ASN.1. Of particular interest to us are the interfaces between the LPA and other entities (e.g. SM-DP+, SM-DS, ISD-Ps on the eUICC). The google-lpa library takes the specification-compliant message flow for these interfaces and provides clients with an API consisting instead of logical method calls. It is the responsibility of google-lpa clients to implement the means of data transport (HTTPS communication with SM-DP+ and SM-DS, and hardware-specific communication with the eUICC). It is also the responsibility of google-lpa clients to implement the LUI, which in the case of Hermes is achieved by exposing a D-Bus interface that is used by the ChromeOS UI.
The figure below displays the high-level architecture of the Hermes daemon:
The major components of the daemon are thus a D-Bus apaptor, a google-lpa Lpa instance, and data transport classes for communicating with different eUICCs, SM-DP+s, and SM-DSs, labeled respectively as EuiccCard, Smdp, and Smds. When a user triggers an LPA method from the UI, a method call is sent to the D-Bus object exposed by the Hermes daemon. This D-Bus method call is then converted by the D-Bus adaptor into a suitable call or set of calls on the Lpa instance. The Lpa instance sends and receives messages to the eUICC, SM-DP+, and SM-DS as necessary to achieve the desired result, using the corresponding EuiccCard, Smdp, and Smds instances for data transport. As there are potentially multiple data transport classes for a particular entity (e.g. a class for communicating with eUICCs by using the UIM QMI service over QRTR vs a class for communicating with eUICCs by using the MBIM protocol over USB), Hermes provides the Lpa instance with the proper transport classes on startup. Finally, the Lpa method responses are converted into a D-Bus method response and are sent back to the UI code.