Releases: ndsev/erdblick
Releases · ndsev/erdblick
Version 0.4.0
What's Changed
- Visualization performance and limit controls by @josephbirkner in #45
- Support usage of erblick as cmake subdir project. by @MisterGC in #59
- Add style option to clamp features to ground by @guilhermepereiranavinfo in #62
- Basic point support with test data by @l-laura in #60
- Support first-of style fallback list by @josephbirkner in #66
- Angular Transition by @Waguramu in #63
- Minor changes to fix MSVC build by @Danaozhong in #47
New Contributors
- @guilhermepereiranavinfo made their first contribution in #62
- @Waguramu made their first contribution in #63
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
Version 0.3.0
Version 0.2.0
This release introduces the usage of CesiumJS, fetches data based on the viewport and comes with a basic version of feature inspection.
#17 - erdblick uses CesiumJS
#19 - erdblick only queries and visualizes tiles that are in Cesium viewport
#18 - Selecting an object in Cesium viewport displays a basic attribute panel
Version 0.1.0
This release of mapget is focused on validating the integration of the core WASM library with a live mapget server. 🌟 To this end, Issue #4 was resolved. The release archive may be used as a mapget web-app. Simply run mapget serve -w path-to-unpacked-erdblick-zip