This repository hosts a Python implementation of Flappy Bird, a popular side-scrolling game, along with an artificial intelligence (AI) agent trained using NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) to play the game autonomously.

Game Implementation: The Flappy Bird game is faithfully recreated using the Pygame library, offering an interactive gaming experience.
NEAT Algorithm: The NEAT algorithm provides a framework for evolving neural networks to control the behavior of the bird within the game environment.
Genetic Algorithm: Through a genetic algorithm, the NEAT approach iteratively refines the neural network architectures and parameters, optimizing them for effective gameplay.
Fitness Function: Birds within the game are evaluated based on their performance, with fitness scores assigned according to their ability to navigate obstacles and achieve goals.
Visualization Tools: The repository includes visualization tools to monitor the evolutionary process, offering insights into neural network evolution and performance metrics.