The Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) is a standard notation and formal specification by the Object Management Group for representing case models.
Flowable contains:
A CMMN 1.1 modeler to create CMMN 1.1 case models
A Java engine that can import and execute CMMN 1.1 case models
A demonstration UI that executes the case models, allowing users to see and complete human tasks (and their forms)
The following figure shows a simple CMMN 1.1 diagram:
A case model is always visualized as some sort of folder that contains all the case elements. Every case model contains a plan model onto which items will be planned.
The elements of a plan model are called plan items. Each plan item has a plan item definition that gives its type and possible configuration options at runtime. For example, in the figure above, there are three human task plan items and one milestone. Other examples of plan items are process tasks, case tasks and stages.
After having deployed a case model to the Flowable CMMN engine, it’s possible to start case instances based on this case model. The plan items defined in the case model similarly have plan item instance runtime representations that are exposed by, and can be queried using, the Flowable API. Plan item instances have a state lifecycle that is defined in the CMMN 1.1 specification and is core to how the engine works. Please check out section 8.4.2 of the CMMN 1.1 specification for all the details.
Plan items can have sentries: a plan item is said to have entry criteria when a sentry "guards" its activation. These criteria specify conditions that must be satisfied to trigger the sentry. For example, in the figure above, the "Milestone One" plan item is available after a case instance is started, but it is activated (in CMMN 1.1 specification terminology: it moves from the available state to the active state) when both human task A and B are completed. Note that sentries can have complex expression in their if part, which are not visualized, allowing for much more complex functionality. Also note that there can be multiple sentries, although only one needs to be satisfied to trigger a state transition.
Plan items and the plan model can also have sentries with exit criteria, which specify conditions that trigger an exit from that particular plan item. In the figure above, the whole plan model is exited (as are all the child elements that are active at that moment), when human task C completes.
CMMN 1.1 defines a standard XML format in an XSD that is part of the specification. For information, the example in the figure above is represented in XML as shown below.
Some observations:
The four plan items above are in the XML and they reference their definition with a definitionRef. The actual definitions are at the bottom of the casePlanModel element
The plan items have criteria (entry or exit) that reference a sentry (not the other way around)
The XML also contains information on how the diagram is visualized (x and y coordinates, widths and heights, and so on), which are omitted below. These elements are important when exchanging case models with other CMMN 1.1 modeling tools to preserve the correct visual representation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns=""
<case id="simpleExample" name="Simple Example">
<casePlanModel id="casePlanModel" name="My Case">
<planItem id="planItem1" name="Human task A"
<planItem id="planItem2" name="Milestone One"
<entryCriterion id="sid-62CC4A6D-B29B-4129-93EA-460253C45CDF"
<planItem id="planItem3" name="Human task B"
<planItem id="planItem4" name="Human task C"
<sentry id="sentry1">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart1" sourceRef="planItem1">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart2" sourceRef="planItem3">
<sentry id="sentry2">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart3" sourceRef="planItem4">
<humanTask id="sid-88199E7C-7655-439C-810B-8849FC52D3EB"
name="Human task A"></humanTask>
<milestone id="sid-8BF8A774-A8A7-4F1A-95CF-1E0D61EE5A47"
name="Milestone One"></milestone>
<humanTask id="sid-A1FB8733-0DBC-4B38-9830-CBC4D0C4B802"
name="Human task B"></humanTask>
<humanTask id="sid-D3970AFC-7391-4BA7-95BA-51C64D2F41E9"
name="Human task C"></humanTask>
<exitCriterion id="sid-422626DB-9B40-49D8-955E-641AB96A5BFA"
<cmmndi:CMMNDiagram id="CMMNDiagram_simpleExample">
In this section we’re going to build a simple case model and execute it programmatically through the Java API’s of the Flowable CMMN engine in a simple command line example.
The case model we’ll build is a (simplified) employee onboarding case with two stages: a phase before and phase after the potential employee has started. In the first stage, someone from the HR department will complete the tasks, while in the second stage it is the employee completing them. Also, at any point in time, the potential employee can reject the job and stop the whole case instance.
Note that only stages and human tasks are used. In a real case model, there will most likely other plan item types too, like milestones, nested stages, automated tasks, etc.
The XML for this case models is the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns=""
<case id="employeeOnboarding" name="Simple Example">
<casePlanModel id="casePlanModel" name="My Case">
<planItem id="planItem5" name="Prior to starting"
<planItem id="planItem8" name="After starting"
<entryCriterion id="sid-50B5F12D-FE75-4D05-9148-86574EE6C073"
<planItem id="planItem9" name="Reject job"
<sentry id="sentry2">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart4" sourceRef="planItem5">
<sentry id="sentry3">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart5" sourceRef="planItem9">
<stage id="sid-025D29E8-BA9B-403D-A684-8C5B52185642" name="Prior to starting">
<planItem id="planItem1" name="Create email address"
<planItem id="planItem2" name="Allocate office"
<planItem id="planItem3" name="Send joining letter to candidate"
<entryCriterion id="sid-4D88C79D-8E31-4246-9541-A4F6A5720AC8"
<planItem id="planItem4" name="Agree start date"
<sentry id="sentry1">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart1" sourceRef="planItem1">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart2" sourceRef="planItem2">
<planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart3" sourceRef="planItem4">
<humanTask id="sid-EA434DDD-E1BE-4AC1-8520-B19ACE8782D2"
name="Create email address"
<humanTask id="sid-505BA223-131A-4EF0-ABAD-485AEB0F2C96"
name="Allocate office"
<humanTask id="sid-D28DBAD5-0F5F-45F4-8553-3381199AC45F"
name="Send joining letter to candidate"
<humanTask id="sid-97A72C46-C0AD-477F-86DD-85EF643BB97D"
name="Agree start date"
<stage id="sid-8459EF32-4F4C-4E9B-A6E9-87FDC2299044"
name="After starting">
<planItem id="planItem6" name="New starter training"
<planItem id="planItem7" name="Fill in paperwork"
<humanTask id="sid-DF7B9582-11A6-40B4-B7E5-EC7AC6029387"
name="New starter training"
<humanTask id="sid-7BF2B421-7FA0-479D-A8BD-C22EBD09F599"
name="Fill in paperwork"
<humanTask id="sid-134E885A-3D58-417E-81E2-66A3E12334F9" name="Reject job"
<exitCriterion id="sid-18277F30-E146-4B3E-B3C9-3F1E187EC7A8"
First of all, create a new project and add the flowable-cmmn-engine dependency (here shown for Maven). The H2 dependency is also added, as H2 will be used as embedded database later on.
The Flowable CMMN API is designed to be consistent with the other Flowable API’s and concepts. As such, people that know the BPMN or DMN API’s will have no problem finding their way around. As with the other engines, the first line of code is creating a CmmnEngine. Here, the default in-memory configuration is used, which uses H2 as database:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CmmnEngine cmmnEngine
= new StandaloneInMemCmmnEngineConfiguration().buildCmmnEngine();
Note that the CmmnEngineConfiguration exposes many configuration options for tweaking various settings of the CMMN engine.
Put the XML from above in a file, for example my-case.cmmn (or .cmmn.xml). For Maven, it should be placed in the src/main/resources folder.
To make the engine aware of the case model, it needs to be deployed first. This is done through the CmmnRepositoryService:
CmmnRepositoryService cmmnRepositoryService = cmmnEngine.getCmmnRepositoryService();
CmmnDeployment cmmnDeployment = cmmnRepositoryService.createDeployment()
Deploying the XML will return a CmmnDeployment. A deployment can contain many case models and artifacts. The specific case model definition of above is stored as a CaseDefinition. This can be verified by doing a CaseDefinitionQuery:
List<CaseDefinition> caseDefinitions = cmmnRepositoryService.createCaseDefinitionQuery().list();
System.out.println("Found " + caseDefinitions.size() + " case definitions");
Having a CaseDefinition in the engine, it’s now possible to start a CaseInstance for this case model definition. Either the result from the query is used and passed into the following snippet of code, or the key of the case definition is used directly (as done below).
Note that we’re also passing data, an identifier to the potentialEmployee as a variable when starting the CaseInstance. This variable will later be used in the human tasks to assign the task to the correct person (see the assignee="${potentialEmployee}" attribute on human tasks).
CmmnRuntimeService cmmnRuntimeService = cmmnEngine.getCmmnRuntimeService();
CaseInstance caseInstance = cmmnRuntimeService.createCaseInstanceBuilder()
.variable("potentialEmployee", "johnDoe")
After the CaseInstance is started, the engine will determine which of the plan items of the model should be activated:
The first stage has no entry criteria, so it’s activated
The child human tasks of the first stage have no entry criteria, so three of them are expected to be active
The plan items are represented at runtime by PlanItemInstances and can be queried through the CmmnRuntimeService:
List<PlanItemInstance> planItemInstances = cmmnRuntimeService.createPlanItemInstanceQuery()
for (PlanItemInstance planItemInstance : planItemInstances) {
which prints out
After starting Agree start date Allocate office Create email address Prior to starting Reject job Send joining letter to candidate
Some things might be unexpected here:
The stages are also plan items and thus have a representation as PlanItemInstance. Note that that child plan item instances will have the stage as parent when calling .getStageInstanceId().
The Send joining letter to candidate is returned in the result. The reason for that is that, in accordance with the CMMN 1.1 specification, this plan item instance is in the available state, but not yet in the active state.
Indeed, when the code above is changed to
for (PlanItemInstance planItemInstance : planItemInstances) {
+ ", state=" + planItemInstance.getState()
+ ", parent stage=" + planItemInstance.getStageInstanceId());
The output now becomes:
After starting, state=available, parent stage=null Agree start date, state=active, parent stage=fe37ac97-b016-11e7-b3ad-acde48001122 Allocate office, state=active, parent stage=fe37ac97-b016-11e7-b3ad-acde48001122 Create email address, state=active, parent stage=fe37ac97-b016-11e7-b3ad-acde48001122 Prior to starting, state=active, parent stage=null Reject job, state=active, parent stage=fe37ac97-b016-11e7-b3ad-acde48001122 Send joining letter to candidate, state=available, parent stage=fe37ac97-b016-11e7-b3ad-acde48001122
To only show the active plan item instances, the query can be adapted by adding planItemInstanceStateActive():
List<PlanItemInstance> planItemInstances = cmmnRuntimeService.createPlanItemInstanceQuery()
The output is now
Agree start date Allocate office Create email address Prior to starting Reject job
Of course, the PlanItemInstance is the low level representation, but each plan item also has a plan item definition that defines what type it is. In this case, we only have human tasks. It is possible to interact with the CaseInstance via its plan item instances, for example by triggering them programmatically (e.g. CmmnRuntimeService.triggerPlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)). However, most likely the interaction will happen through the results of the actual plan item definition, here the human tasks.
Querying for tasks is done in the exact same way as for the BPMN engine (in fact, the task service is a shared component and tasks created in BPMN or CMMN can be queried through both engines):
CmmnTaskService cmmnTaskService = cmmnEngine.getCmmnTaskService();
List<Task> hrTasks = cmmnTaskService.createTaskQuery()
for (Task task : hrTasks) {
System.out.println("Task for HR : " + task.getName());
List<Task> employeeTasks = cmmnTaskService.createTaskQuery()
for (Task task : employeeTasks) {
System.out.println("Task for employee: " + task);
Which outputs:
Task for HR : Agree start date Task for HR : Allocate office Task for HR : Create email address Task for employee: Reject job
When the three tasks of HR are completed, the 'Send joining letter to candidate' task should be available:
for (Task task : hrTasks) {
hrTasks = cmmnTaskService.createTaskQuery()
for (Task task : hrTasks) {
System.out.println("Task for HR : " + task.getName());
And indeed, the expected task is now created:
Task for HR : Send joining letter to candidate
Completing this task will now move the case instance into the second stage, as the sentry for the first stage is satisfied. The 'Reject job' tasks is automatically completed by the system and the two tasks for the employee are now created:
Task for employee: Fill in paperwork
Task for employee: New starter training
Task for employee: Reject job
Completing all the tasks will now end the case instance:
List<Task> tasks = cmmnTaskService.createTaskQuery().caseInstanceId(caseInstance.getId()).listPage(0, 1); while (!tasks.isEmpty()) { cmmnTaskService.complete(tasks.get(0).getId()); tasks = cmmnTaskService.createTaskQuery() .caseInstanceId(caseInstance.getId()) .listPage(0, 1); }
While executing case instances, the engine also stores historic information, that can be queried via a query API:
CmmnHistoryService cmmnHistoryService = cmmnEngine.getCmmnHistoryService();
HistoricCaseInstance historicCaseInstance = cmmnHistoryService.createHistoricCaseInstanceQuery()
System.out.println("Case instance execution took "
+ (historicCaseInstance.getEndTime().getTime() - historicCaseInstance.getStartTime().getTime()) + " ms");
List<HistoricTaskInstance> historicTaskInstances = cmmnHistoryService.createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery()
for (HistoricTaskInstance historicTaskInstance : historicTaskInstances) {
System.out.println("Task completed: " + historicTaskInstance.getName());
Which outputs:
Case instance execution took 149 ms Task completed: Reject job Task completed: Agree start date Task completed: Allocate office Task completed: Create email address Task completed: Send joining letter to candidate Task completed: New starter training Task completed: Fill in paperwork
Of course, this is but a small part of the available API’s and constructs available in the Flowable CMMN Engine. Please check the other sections for more detailed information
This chapter covers the CMMN 1.1 constructs supported by Flowable, as well as extensions to the CMMN 1.1 standard.
A stage is used to group plan items together. It is typically used to define "phases" in a case instance.
A stage is a plan item itself, and thus can have entry and exit criteria. Plan items contained within a stage are only available when the parent stage moves to the active state. Stages can be nested in other stages.
A stage is visualized as a rectangle with angled corners:
A "manual" task, meaning the task will happen external to the engine.
name: expression that will be resolved at runtime as the name of the human task
blocking: a boolean value determining whether the task blocks
blockingExpression: an expression that evaluates to a boolean indicating whether the tasks blocks
If a task is non-blocking, the engine will simply complete it automatically when executing it. If a task is blocking, a PlanItemInstance for this task will remain in the active state until it is programmatically triggered by the CmmnRuntimeService.triggerPlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId) method.
A task is visualized as a rounded rectangle:
A human task is used to model work that needs to be done by a human, typically through a form. When the engine arrives at such a human task, a new entry is created in the task list of any users or groups assigned to that task.
A human task is a plan item, which means that beyond a human task entry also a PlanItemInstance is created and it can be queried via the PlanItemInstanceQuery.
Human tasks can be queried through the org.flowable.task.api.TaskQuery API. Historic task data can be queried through the org.flowable.task.api.history.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery.
name: expression that will be resolved at runtime as the name of the human task.
blocking: a boolean value determining whether the task blocks.
blockingExpression: an expression that evaluates to a boolean indicating whether the tasks blocks.
assignee : an expression (can be a static text value) that is used to determine to who the human task is assigned.
owner : an expression (can be a static text value) that is used to determine who is the owner of the human task.
candidateUsers : an expression (can be a static text value) that resolves to a comma-separated list of Strings that is used to determine which users are candidate for this human task.
candidateGroups : an expression (can be a static text value) that resolves to a comma-separated list of Strings that is used to determine to which groups the task is assigned.
form key: an expression that determines a key when using forms. Can be retrieved via the API afterwards.
Due date an expression that resolves to java.util.Date or a ISO-8601 date string.
Priority: an expression that resolves to an integer. Can be used in the TaskQuery API to filter tasks.
A human task is visualized as a rounded rectangle with a user icon in the top left corner:
A service task is used to execute custom logic.
Custom logic is placed in a class that implements the org.flowable.cmmn.api.delegate.PlanItemJavaDelegate interface.
public class MyJavaDelegate implements PlanItemJavaDelegate {
public void execute(DelegatePlanItemInstance planItemInstance) {
String value = (String) planItemInstance.getVariable("someVariable");
For lower-level implementations that cannot be covered by using the PlanItemJavaDelegate approach, the CmmnActivityBehavior can be used (similar to JavaDelegate vs ActivityBehavior in the BPMN engine).
name: name of the service task.
class: the Java class implementing the custom logic.
class fields: allows to add parameters when calling the custom logic.
Delegate expression: an expression that resolves to a class implementing the PlanItemJavaDelegate interface.
A service task is visualized as a rounded rectangle with a cog icon in the top left corner:
A Decision task allows to call out to a DMN decision table and store the resulting variable in the case instance.
Decision table reference: the referenced DMN decision table that needs to be invoked.
It is also possible to throw an error when no rule is hit during the evaluation of the DMN decision table, by setting the 'Throw error if no rules were hit' property.
A decision task is visualized as a task with a table icon in the top left corner:
The Http task is an out-of-the-box implementation of a service task. It is used when a REST service needs to be called over HTTP.
The Http task has various options to customize the request and response. See the BPMN http task documentation for details on all the configuration options.
A http task is visualized as a task with a rocket icon in the top left corner:
A task of type "script", similar to its homologue in BPMN, the Script Task executes a script when the plan item instance become active.
name: task attribute to indicate the name of the task.
type: task attribute whose value must be "script" to indicate the type of task.
scriptFormat: extended attribute that indicate the language of the script (i.e. javascript, groovy).
script: the script to execute, defined as a string in a extension field element named "script".
autoStoreVariables: optional task attribute flag (default: false) tha indicates whether or not variables defined in the script will be stored in the Plan Item Instance context (see note below).
resultVariableName: optional task attribute that when present will store a variable with the specified name in the Plan Item instance context with the script evaluation result (see note below).
A script task is visualized as a task with a script icon in the top left corner:
<planItem id="scriptPlanItem" name="Script Plan Item" definitionRef="myScriptTask" />
<task name="My Script Task Item" flowable:type="script" flowable:scriptFormat="JavaScript">
<documentation>Optional documentation</documentation>
<flowable:field name="script">
sum = 0;
for ( i in inputArray ) {
sum += i;
Note: The value of the scriptFormat attribute must be a name that is compatible with the JSR-223 (scripting for the Java platform). By default, JavaScript is included in every JDK and as such doesn’t need any additional JAR files. If you want to use another (JSR-223 compatible) scripting engine, it is sufficient to add the corresponding JAR to the classpath and use the appropriate name. For example, the Flowable unit tests often use Groovy because the syntax is similar to that of Java.
Do note that the Groovy scripting engine is bundled with the groovy-all jar. Before Groovy version 2.0, the scripting engine was part of the regular Groovy JAR. As such, one must now add following dependency:
All case variables that are accessible through the PlanItem instance that arrives in the script task can be used within the script. In the example, the script variable 'inputArray' is in fact a case variable (an array of integers).
<flowable:field name="script">
sum = 0
for ( i in inputArray ) {
sum += i
Note: It’s also possible to set process variables in a script, simply by calling planItemInstance.setVariable("variableName", variableValue). By default, no variables are stored automatically. It’s possible to automatically store any variable defined in the script (for example, sum in the example above) by setting the property autoStoreVariables on the scriptTask to true. However, the best practice is not to do this and use an explicit execution.setVariable() call, as with some recent versions of the JDK, auto storing of variables does not work for some scripting languages. See this link for more details.
<task name="Script Task" flowable:type="script" flowable:scriptFormat="groovy" flowable:autoStoreVariables="false">
The default for this parameter is false, meaning that if the parameter is omitted from the script task definition, all the declared variables will only exist during the duration of the script.
Here’s an example of how to set a variable in a script:
<flowable:field name="script">
def scriptVar = "test123"
planItemInstance.setVariable("myVar", scriptVar)
The following names are reserved and cannot be used as variable names: out, out:print, lang:import, context, elcontext.
Note The return value of a script task can be assigned to an already existing, or to a new process variable, by specifying the process variable name as a literal value for the 'flowable:resultVariable' attribute of a script task definition. Any existing value for a specific process variable will be overwritten by the result value of the script execution. When a result variable name is not specified, the script result value gets ignored.
<task name="Script Task" flowable:type="script" flowable:scriptFormat="groovy" lowable:resultVariable="myVar">
<flowable:field name="script">
In the above example, the result of the script execution (the value of the resolved expression '#{echo}') is set to the process variable named 'myVar' after the script completes.
A milestone is used to mark arriving at a certain point in the case instance. At runtime, they are represented as MilestoneInstances and they can be queried through the MilestoneInstanceQuery via the CmmnRuntimeService. There is also a historical counterpart via the CmmnHistoryService.
A milestone is a plan item, which means that beyond a milestone entry aso a PlanItemInstance is created and it can be queried via the PlanItemInstanceQuery.
name: an expression or static text that determines the name of the mile stone.
A milestone is visualized as a rounded rectangle with, slightly more rounded than a task:
A case task is used to start a child case within the context of another case. The CaseInstanceQuery has parent options to find these cases.
When the case task is blocking, the PlanItemInstance will be active until the child case has completely finished. If the case task is non-blocking, the child case is started and the plan item instance automatically completes. When the child case instance is ended, there is no impact on the parent case.
name: an expression or static text that determines the name
blocking: a boolean value determining whether the task blocks
blockingExpression: an expression that evaluates to a boolean indicating whether the tasks blocks
Case reference: the key of the case definition that is used to start the child case instance. Can be an expression.
A case task is visualized as a rounded rectangle with a case icon in the top left corner:
A process task is used to start a process instance within the context of a case.
When the process task is blocking, the PlanItemInstance will be active until the process instance has completely finished. If the process task is non-blocking, the process instance is started and the plan item instance automatically completes. When the process instance is ended, there is no impact on the parent case.
name: an expression or static text that determines the name
blocking: a boolean value determining whether the task blocks
blockingExpression: an expression that evaluates to a boolean indicating whether the tasks blocks
Process reference: the key of the process definition that is used to start the process instance. Can be an expression.
A process task is visualized as a rounded rectangle with an arrow icon in the top left corner:
Entry criteria form a sentry for a given plan item instance. They consist of two parts:
One or more parts depending on other plan items: these define dependencies on state transitions of other plan items. For example, one human task can depend on the state transition 'complete' of three other human tasks to become active itself.
One optional if part or condition: this is an expression that allows to define a complex condition.
A sentry is satisfied when all of its criteria are resolved to true. When a certain criteria evaluates to true, this is stored and remembered for future evaluations. Note that entry criteria evaluations of all plan item instances in the available state are executed whenever something changes in the case instance.
Multiple sentries are possible on a plan item. However, when one is satisfied, the plan item moves from state available to active.
An entry criteria is visualized as a diamond shape (white color inside) on the border of a plan item:
Exit criteria form a sentry for a given plan item instance. They consist of two parts:
One or more parts depending on other plan items: these define dependencies on state transitions of other plan items. For example, one human task can depend on reaching a certain milestone to be automatically terminated.
One optional if part or condition: this is an expression that allows to define a complex condition.
A sentry is satisfied when all of its criteria are resolved to true. When a certain criteria evaluates to true, this is stored and remembered for future evaluations. Note that exit criteria evaluations of all plan item instances in the active state are executed whenever something changes in the case instance.
Multiple sentries are possible on a plan item. However, when one is satisfied, the plan item moves from state active to exit.
An exit criteria is visualized as a diamond shape (white color inside) on the border of a plan item:
A timer event listener is used when the passing of time needs to be captured in a case model.
A timer event listener is not a task and has a simpler plan item lifecycle compared to a task: the timer will simply move from available to completed when the event (in this case, the time passing) occurs.
Timer expression: an expression that defines when the timer should occur. Following options are possible:
An expression resolving to a java.util.Date or org.joda.time.DateTime instance (for example _${someBean.calculateNextDate(someCaseInstanceVariable)})
An ISO8601 date
An ISO8601 duration String (for example PT5H, indicating the timer should fire in 5 hours from instantiation)
AN ISO8601 repetition String (for example R5/PT2H, indicating the timer should fire 5 times, each time waiting 2 hours)
A String containing a cron expression
Start trigger plan item/event: allows to reference a plan item in the case model that triggers the start of the timer event listener.
Note that setting a start trigger for the timer event listener does not have a visual indication in the case model, as entry/exit criteria on sentries do have.
A timer event listener is visualized as circle with a clock icon inside:
A user event listener can be used when neededing to capture a user interaction that influences the proceeding of a case directly, instead of indirectly via impacting variables or information in the case. When the event is captured an Occur transition is triggered on the event listener. Like timer event listeners, it has a much simpler lifecycle that a task.
User event listeners can be queried using the org.flowable.cmmn.api.runtime.UserEventListenerInstanceQuery. Such a query can be created by calling the cmmnRuntimeService.createUserEventListenerInstanceQuery() method. Note that a user event listener is a plan item instance under the hood, which means it can also be queried through the org.flowable.cmmn.api.runtime.PlanItemInstanceQuery API.
A user event listener can be completed by calling the cmmnRuntimeService.completeUserEventListenerInstance(id) method.
Plan items on the case model can have a repetition rule, an expression that can be used to indicate a certain plan item needs to be repeated. When no expression is set, but the repetition is enabled (e.g. the checkbox is checked in the Flowable Modeler) or the expression is empty, a true value is assumed by default.
An optional repetition counter variable can be set, that holds the index (one-based) of the instance. If not set, the default variable name is repeitionCounter.
If the plan item does not have any entry criteria, the repetition rule expression is evaluated when the plan item is completed or terminated. If the expression resolved to true, a new instance is created. For example, a human task with a repetition rule expression ${repetitionCounter < 3}, will create three sequential human tasks.
If the plan item does have entry criteria, the behavior is different. The repetition rule is not evaluated on completion or termination, but when a sentry of the plan item is satisfied. If both the sentry is satisfied and the repetition rule evaluates to true, a new instance is created.
Take for example the following timer event listener followed by a human task. The sentry has one entry criteria for the occur event of the timer event listener. Note that enabling and setting the repetition rule on the task has a visual indication at the bottom of the rectangle.
If the timer event listener is repeating (for example R/PT1H), the occur event will be fired every hour. When the repetition rule expression of the human task evaluates to true, a new human task instance will be created each hour.
Plan items on the case model can have a manual activation rule, an expression that can be used to indicate a certain plan item needs to be manually activated by an end-user. When no expression is set, but the manual activation is enabled (e.g. the checkbox is checked in the Flowable Modeler) or the expression is empty, a true value is assumed by default.
Stages and all task types can be marked for manual activation. Visually, the task or stage will get a 'play' icon (small triangle pointing to the right) to indicate an end-user will have to manually activate it:
Normally, when a sentry for a plan item is satisfied (or the plan item doesn’t have any sentries) the plan item instance is automatically moved to the ACTIVE state. When a manual activation is set though, and it evaluates to true, the plan item instance now becomes ENABLED instead of ACTIVE. As the name implies, the idea behind this is that end-users manually have to activate the plan item instance. A typical use case is for example showing a list of buttons of potential plan item instances that can currently be started by the end user.
To start an enabled plan item instance, the startPlanItemInstance method of the CmmnRuntimeService can be used:
List<PlanItemInstance> enabledPlanItemInstances = cmmnRuntimeService.createPlanItemInstanceQuery()
// ...
Note that the behaviour of a task only is executed when the plan item instance moves into the ACTIVE state. For example, for a human task, the user task will only be created after calling the startPlanItemInstance method.
Plan item instances that are enabled, can be moved into the DISABLED state:
Disabled plan item instances can be enabled again:
Note that with regards to determining stage or case instance termination, the DISABLED state is seen as a 'terminal' state. This means that the case instance will terminate when only disabled plan item instances would remain.
Plan items on the case model can have a required rule, an expression that can be used to indicate a certain plan item is required by the enclosing stage (or plan model). This can be used to indicate which plan items of the case model are required to be executed and which are optional.
When no expression is set, but the required rule is enabled (e.g. the checkbox is checked in the Flowable Modeler) or the expression is empty, a true value is assumed by default.
The required rule works in conjunction with the autoComplete attribute on the parent stage:
If autoComplete resolves to false for the stage, which is also the default when nothing is set, all child plan item instances must be in an end state (completed, terminated, etc.) for the stage plan item instance to completed by the engine.
If autoComplete resolves to true for the stage, all child plan item instances for which the required rule evaluates to true need to be in an end state. If there are also no other active child plan item instances, the stage completes automatically.
A stage plan item instance has a completeable property that can be used to see whether or not the conditions for completion are satisfied. Take for example the following simple stage and assume that the sentry for the required task evaluates to true and the other one to false. This means that the left plan item instance will be active while the right one will be in the available state.
Calling cmmnRuntimeService.completeStagePlanItemInstance(String stagePlanItemInstanceId) will not be possible for the stage (an exception will be thrown) as it has one active child plan item instance. When this user task on the left is completed, the completeStagePlanItemInstance can now be called, as no child plan item instances are currently active. However, by itself the stage will not automatically complete as the right user task is in the available state.
If the previous stage is changed to be autoCompleteable (this is visualised by a black rectangle at the bottom of the stage) and the plan item on the left is changed to be required (this is visualised using an exclamation mark), the behavior will be different:
If the left plan item instance is active (sentry is true) and the right is not (sentry is false). In this case, when the left user task is completed, the stage instance will auto complete as it has no active child plan item instances and all required plan item instances are in an end state
If both the left and right user tasks are active (sentries are true).
When the left user task is completed, the stage will not autocomplete as there is still a child plan item instance active.
When the right user task is completed, the stage will not autocomplete as the required left child plan item instance is not in an end state.
If the left plan item instance is not active and the right is active. In this case, when the right user task is completed the stage will not autocomplete, as the required left user task is not in an end state. It will need to become active and be completed to complete the stage.
Note that the manual activation rule works independently from the required rule. For example, given the following stage:
Here, user task D is required, and user task B is manually activated.
If D is completed, the stage will automatically complete, as B is not required and it is not active.
If B would be required too, it would need to be manually started (using cmmnRuntimeService.startPlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)) before the stage would automatically complete, even if D would be completed before the manual start of B.
Completion Neutral Rule is not a CMMN 1.1 Standard. The completion neutral rule impacts the interpretation of the AVAILABLE state of plan items that have it, when evaluating whether or not a Stage containing such plan items can complete.
Following the specification, a stage with a plan item in state AVAILABLE does not complete unless its autoComplete attribute is set true. But an autoCompletable stage would ignore, for the purposes of completing, all plan items in ENABLE and AVAILABLE state that are not required (requiredRule not present or evaluates to false).
Completion Neutral offers the flexibility to mark only some containing plan items without setting the containing parent stage as autoComplete.
Required Rule takes precedence when plan items that having both rules, both evaluate to true.
As a summary:
a plan item configured to be "completion neutral" will not prevent a stage from completing if its in AVAILABLE state (i.e. waiting for a entry criteria sentry), meaning that such a plan item is neutral with respect to its parent stage completion evaluation.
a stage will remain ACTIVE on any of these conditions:
It has at least one plan item in ACTIVE state
It has at least one plan item with requiredRule in AVAILABLE or ENABLE state
If it isn’t autoComplete and has at least one plan item on ENABLED state (irrespectively on its requiredRule)
If it isn’t autoComplete and has at least one plan item on AVAILABLE state that is not completionNeutral
a stage will COMPLETE if:
It contains no plan items or all child plan items are in a Terminal or Semi-terminal state (CLOSED, COMPLETED, DISABLED, FAILED)
If it isn’t autoComplete, all remaining plan items (not Terminal or Semi-terminal state) are in AVAILABLE state and are completionNeutral and not required
If is is autoComplete, all remaining plan items (not Terminal or Semi-terminal) are _not required in ENABLED or AVAILABLE state (regardless of its completion neutrality)