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🎛 Native Experiments

NebuLang introduces a unique concept known as "Native Experiments" to expand its functionality without the need for traditional functions. These experiments provide powerful capabilities while maintaining the language's minimalistic approach. Here are the native experiments available in NebuLang:


exp Print(value: Any): Void

The Print experiment allows you to display output to the console. It is a versatile experiment that can print values of various data types, making it a handy tool for debugging and displaying information.

Print("Hello, World!");       # Print a string
Print(42);                    # Print a integer
Print(true);                  # Print a boolean


exp Write(str: String): Void

The Write experiment is specifically designed for printing strings on standard output.

Write("This is a string.");    # Write a string


exp Read(Void): String

The Read experiment enables you to read input from the standard input and return it as a string.

set userInput: String = Read();  # Read user input
Print("You entered: " + userInput);


exp Len(value: String | Seq[Any]): Int

The Len experiment calculates and returns the length of a string or a sequence.

set text: String = "NebuLang";
set numbers: Sequence[Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

Print("Length of text: " + String(Len(text)));        # Print the length of the string
Print("Length of numbers: " + String(Len(numbers)));  # Print the length of the sequence


exp Int(value: Char | String | Bool): Int

The Int experiment allows you to convert data types such as characters, booleans, or strings into integers.

set charToInt: Int = Int('A');            # Convert a character to an integer
set boolToInt: Int = Int(true);           # Convert a boolean to an integer
set stringToInt: Int = Int("42");         # Convert a string to an integer



exp Char(value: Int): Char

The Char experiment enables you to convert integers into characters.

set intToChar: Char = Char(65);  # Convert an integer to a character ('A')


exp String(value: Int | Char): String

The String experiment provides the ability to convert integers or characters into strings.

set intToString: String = String(42);    # Convert an integer to a string
set charToString: String = String('X');  # Convert a character to a string



exp Bool(value: Int | Char | String): Bool

The Bool experiment facilitates the conversion of integers, characters, or strings into boolean values.

set intToBool: Bool = Bool(0);            # Convert an integer to a boolean
set charToBool: Bool = Bool('A');         # Convert a character to a boolean
set stringToBool: Bool = Bool("true");    # Convert a string to a boolean


These examples demonstrate how to use each of the native experiments in NebuLang to perform various operations and conversions with different data types. You can use these experiments to simplify your code and work efficiently with data.