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Gocassa is a high-level library on top of gocql.

Compared to gocql it provides query building, adds data binding, and provides easy-to-use "recipe" tables for common query use-cases. Unlike cqlc, it does not use code generation.

For docs, see:

Table types

Gocassa provides multiple table types with their own unique interfaces:

  • a raw CQL table called simply Table - this lets you do pretty much any query imaginable
  • and a number of single purpose 'recipe' tables (Map, Multimap, TimeSeries, MultiTimeSeries), which aims to help the user by having a simplified interface tailored to a given common query use case
package main


type Sale struct {
    Id          string
    CustomerId  string
    SellerId    string
    Price       int
    Created     time.Time

func main() {
    keySpace, err := gocassa.ConnectToKeySpace("test", []string{""}, "", "")
    if err != nil {
    salesTable := keySpace.Table("sale", Sale{}, gocassa.Keys{
        PartitionKeys: []string{"Id"},

    err = salesTable.Set(Sale{
        Id: "sale-1",
        CustomerId: "customer-1",
        SellerId: "seller-1",
        Price: 42,
        Created: time.Now(),
    if err != nil {

    result := Sale{}
    if err := salesTable.Where(gocassa.Eq("Id", "sale-1")).ReadOne(&result).Run(); err != nil {

link to this example


MapTable provides only very simple CRUD functionality:

    // …
    salesTable := keySpace.MapTable("sale", "Id", Sale{})
    result := Sale{}
    salesTable.Read("sale-1", &result).Run()

link to this example

Read, Set, Update, and Delete all happen by "Id".


MultimapTable can list rows filtered by equality of a single field (eg. list sales based on their sellerId):

    salesTable := keySpace.MultimapTable("sale", "SellerId", "Id", Sale{})
    // …
    results := []Sale{}
    err := salesTable.List("seller-1", nil, 0, &results).Run()

link to this example

For examples on how to do pagination or Update with this table, refer to the example (linked under code snippet).


TimeSeriesTable provides an interface to list rows within a time interval:

    salesTable := keySpace.TimeSeriesTable("sale", "Created", "Id", Sale{}, 24 * time.Hour)
    results := []Sale{}
    err := salesTable.List(yesterdayTime, todayTime, &results).Run()

MultiTimeSeriesTable is like a cross between MultimapTable and TimeSeriesTable. It can list rows within a time interval, and filtered by equality of a single field. The following lists sales in a time interval, by a certain seller:

    salesTable := keySpace.MultiTimeSeriesTable("sale", "SellerId", "Created", "Id", Sale{}, 24 * time.Hour)
    results := []Sale{}
    err := salesTable.List("seller-1", yesterdayTime, todayTime, &results).Run()
Rough edges
Too long table names

In case you get the following error:

Column family names shouldn't be more than 48 characters long (got "somelongishtablename_multitimeseries_start_id_24h0m0s")

You can use the TableName options to override the default internal ones:

tbl = tbl.WithOptions(Options{TableName: "somelongishtablename_mts_start_id_24h0m0s"})