index 89e1fec..903501e 100644
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ export(get_monarch_models)
diff --git a/R/0docs.R b/R/0docs.R
index 9c490dd..974c8a7 100644
--- a/R/0docs.R
+++ b/R/0docs.R
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+#### main_ ####
+#' @title Main functions
+#' @description
+#' Documentation for common arguments.
+#' @param ont An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.
+#' @param terms A vector of ontology term IDs.
+#' @param g \link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.
+#' @param force_new Create a new file instead of using any cached files.
+#' @param save_dir Directory to save a file to.
+#' @param save_path File name to save to.
+#' @param obj R object.
+#' @family main_
+#' @returns R object.
+#' @name main_
#### utils_ ####
#' @title Utility functions
@@ -16,6 +36,7 @@ NULL
#' Functions to query specific subset of data via dedicated APIs.
#' @param ids IDs to query.
#' @param batch_size Number of IDs to query at once.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @family query_
#' @returns Queried data.
@@ -28,10 +49,7 @@ NULL
#' @description
#' Functions to plot data.
-#' @param ont An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.
#' @param types Types of graph to produce. Can be one or more.
-#' @param g \link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.
#' @param layout_func Layout function for the graph.
#' @param node_color_var Variable in the vertex metadata to color nodes by.
#' @param edge_color_var Variable in the edge metadata to color edges by.
@@ -67,6 +85,8 @@ NULL
#' @param size_var Column to scale node size by.
#' @param colour_var Column to color nodes by.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plot-specific functions.
+#' @inheritParams main_
+#' @inheritParams filter_
#' @import simona
#' @family plot_
#' @returns A named list containing the plot and the data.
@@ -77,11 +97,6 @@ NULL
#### get_ ####
#' @title Get functions
-#' @param force_new Create a new file instead of using any cached files.
-#' @param save_dir Directory to save a file to.
-#' @param filters A named list, where each element in the list is the name of
-#' a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the
-#' values to include in the final data.
#' @param maps A list of paired to/from types to filter Monarch association
#' files by. For example, \code{list(c("gene","disease"))} will return any
#' files that contains gene-disease associations.
@@ -102,6 +117,7 @@ NULL
#' @param run_map_genes Map genes to standardised HGNC symbols using
#' \link[orthogene]{map_genes}.
#' @param from The designated from column in from-to mapping or relations.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams add_
#' @inheritParams to_
#' @inheritParams map_
@@ -133,6 +149,7 @@ NULL
#' @param add_definitions logical, if TRUE, add mondo definition column.
#' @param gr A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} object.
#' @param build Genome build to use when mapping genomic coordinates.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams to_
#' @inheritParams filter_
#' @inheritParams data.table::merge.data.table
@@ -150,12 +167,13 @@ NULL
#' @description
#' Functions to filter objects
-#' @param terms Term IDs to include. Can alternatively be an integer,
-#' which will be used to randomly sample N terms from the data.
#' @param remove_terms Character vector of term IDs to exclude.
#' @param use_simona Use \link[simona]{dag_filter} to filter terms.
#' @param keep_chr Which chromosomes to keep.
#' @param grlist Named list of \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} objects.
+#' @param filters A named list, where each element in the list is the name of
+#' a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the
+#' values to include in the final data.
#' @param node_filters A named list of filters to apply to the node data.
#' Names should be name of the metadata column, and values should be a vector of
#' valid options. For example, \code{list("type" = c("gene","variant"))} will
@@ -167,6 +185,7 @@ NULL
#' @param remove_descendants Terms whose descendants should be removed
#' (including themselves).
#' Set to \code{NULL} (default) to skip this filtering step.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams plot_
#' @inheritParams get_
#' @import simona
@@ -186,6 +205,7 @@ NULL
#' @param as_graph Return the object as a \link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph}.
#' @param as_sparse Return the object as a \link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}.
#' @param as_granges Return the object as a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams plot_
#' @inheritParams filter_
#' @import tidygraph
@@ -200,6 +220,9 @@ NULL
#' @description
#' Functions to add extra metadata to an ontology or data.table object.
+#' @param ont An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.
+#' @param terms A vector of ontology term IDs.
+#' @param g \link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.
#' @param force_new Add the data again even if the associated column already
#' exists.
#' @param lvl Depth of the ancestor terms to add.
@@ -207,6 +230,7 @@ NULL
#' @param add_ancestors Add ancestors for each term.
#' @param add_n_edges Add the number of edges (connections) for each term.
#' @param add_ontology_levels Add the ontology level for each term.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams plot_
#' @inheritParams simona::dag_ancestors
#' @import simona
@@ -220,9 +244,7 @@ NULL
#' @description
#' Functions to cache objects in order to speed up processes the second time.
-#' @param obj R object.
-#' @param path File name to save to.
-#' @param save_dir Path to cache directory.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams base::unlink
#' @family cache_
#' @returns Null.
@@ -234,6 +256,7 @@ NULL
#' @description
#' Functions to merge data resources.
+#' @inheritParams main_
#' @inheritParams get_
#' @inheritParams map_
#' @inheritParams to_
diff --git a/R/add_ancestors.R b/R/add_ancestors.R
index a68b7e8..16faa66 100644
--- a/R/add_ancestors.R
+++ b/R/add_ancestors.R
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-#' @describeIn add_ add_
-#' Add ancestor
+#' Add ancestors
#' For each term, get its ancestor at a given level
#' and add the ID and name of the ancestor to the ontology metadata.
@@ -10,6 +9,10 @@
#' to itself as its own ancestor.
#' When a term has multiple ancestors at a given level,
#' the first ancestor is arbitrarily chosen.
+#' @param prefix A prefix for the ancestor column names.
+#' @param fill_na If \code{TRUE}, fill ancestor columns with
+#' NA values using the term ID and name.
+#' @inheritParams add_
#' @export
#' @inheritParams simona::dag_offspring
#' @examples
diff --git a/R/add_db.R b/R/add_db.R
index 6f93289..84b5bef 100644
--- a/R/add_db.R
+++ b/R/add_db.R
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-#' @describeIn add_ add_
+#' Add database
#' Extract a database identifier from an ID column and add it
#' as a separate column.
+#' @inheritParams add_
#' @param dat data.table or tbl_graph.
#' @param input_col Column containing IDs.
#' @param output_col Column to add.
@@ -27,4 +29,4 @@ add_db <- function(dat,
} else {
stop("dat must be a tbl_graph or data.table")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/add_hoverboxes.R b/R/add_hoverboxes.R
index d5db22e..18d7be1 100644
--- a/R/add_hoverboxes.R
+++ b/R/add_hoverboxes.R
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#' @describeIn add_ add_
#' Add hoverboxes
#' A hoverbox is a box of text that shows up when the cursor
@@ -6,6 +5,7 @@
#' These can be useful when making interactive network plots
#' of the HPO phenotypes because we can include a hoverbox that gives
#' information and data associated with each phenotype.
+#' @inheritParams add_
#' @param columns Character vector of column names to include in the hoverbox.
#' @param hoverbox_column Name of the new hoverbox column to add.
#' @param decorators Left and right decorators to add to the hoverbox titles.
diff --git a/R/add_ontology_metadata.R b/R/add_ontology_metadata.R
index b6e1e09..49bc214 100644
--- a/R/add_ontology_metadata.R
+++ b/R/add_ontology_metadata.R
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-#' @describeIn add_ add_
+#' Add ontology metadata
#' Add per-term metadata to ontology.
+#' @inheritParams add_
#' @export
#' @import simona
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
diff --git a/R/cache_dir.R b/R/cache_dir.R
index 3e56ae0..44c43bc 100644
--- a/R/cache_dir.R
+++ b/R/cache_dir.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' @describeIn utils_ utils_
+#' @describeIn cache_ cache_
#' Cache directory
#' Provides the path to the package-wide cache directory.
diff --git a/R/cache_save.R b/R/cache_save.R
index 30e4c02..a9fce25 100644
--- a/R/cache_save.R
+++ b/R/cache_save.R
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
#' @examples
#' cache_save(mtcars, tempfile())
cache_save <- function(obj,
- path){
- if(!is.null(path)){
- dir.create(dirname(path), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
- messager("Caching file -->",path)
- saveRDS(obj, path)
+ save_path){
+ if(!is.null(save_path)){
+ dir.create(dirname(save_path), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
+ messager("Caching file -->",save_path)
+ saveRDS(obj, save_path)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/get_data.R b/R/get_data.R
index fcf06da..e99779e 100644
--- a/R/get_data.R
+++ b/R/get_data.R
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#' @describeIn utils_ utils_
#' Get remote data
-#' Download remotely stored data via \link[piggyback]{pb_download}.
-#' @param save_dir Directory to save data to.
+#' Download remotely stored data via \link[piggyback]{pb_download}.
+#' @inheritParams get_
#' @param add_version Add the release version
#' to the returned object's \link[base]{attributes}
#' @returns Path to downloaded file or the object itself (when ".rds" format).
diff --git a/R/get_monarch_kg.R b/R/get_monarch_kg.R
index a22f8d4..ddd5c23 100644
--- a/R/get_monarch_kg.R
+++ b/R/get_monarch_kg.R
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ get_monarch_kg <- function(as_graph=TRUE,
files <- get_monarch_files(subdir = "monarch-kg/latest/",
queries = "\\.tsv\\.gz")
- path <- file.path(
+ save_path <- file.save_path(
- if(file.exists(path) &
+ if(file.exists(save_path) &
- messager("Importing",path)
- g <- readRDS(path)
+ messager("Importing",save_path)
+ g <- readRDS(save_path)
} else {
d <- data.table::fread(files$url[1],
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ get_monarch_kg <- function(as_graph=TRUE,
if(isFALSE(as_graph)) return(d)
g <- dt_to_kg(d)
- cache_save(g,path)
+ cache_save(g,save_path)
diff --git a/R/get_mondo_maps.R b/R/get_mondo_maps.R
index b105eed..bcfeee9 100644
--- a/R/get_mondo_maps.R
+++ b/R/get_mondo_maps.R
@@ -31,24 +31,24 @@ get_mondo_maps <- function(map_types=c("default",
- path <- subject_label <- object_label <- disease_label <- map_type <- to <-
- db <- NULL;
+ save_path <- subject_label <- object_label <- map_type <- label <- file <-
if(length(map_types)==1 &&
- path <- downloadR::downloader(
+ save_path <- downloadR::downloader(
input_url = paste0(
output_dir = save_dir,
download_method = "download.file")
- map <- data.table::fread(path,
+ map <- data.table::fread(save_path,
skip = "subject",
tmpdir = save_dir)
- map[,file:=basename(path)]
+ map[,file:=basename(save_path)]
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ get_mondo_maps <- function(map_types=c("default",
map <- lapply(stats::setNames(files$link_raw,
- path <- downloadR::downloader(input_url = x,
+ save_path <- downloadR::downloader(input_url = x,
output_dir = save_dir,
download_method = "download.file")
- data.table::fread(path,
+ data.table::fread(save_path,
tmpdir = save_dir)
}) |> data.table::rbindlist(fill = TRUE, idcol = "file")
diff --git a/R/get_mondo_maps_files.R b/R/get_mondo_maps_files.R
index fdbdb3d..be673b4 100644
--- a/R/get_mondo_maps_files.R
+++ b/R/get_mondo_maps_files.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ get_mondo_maps_files <- function(map_types,
- path <- map_type <- to <- NULL;
+ save_path <- map_type <- to <- NULL;
files_path <- file.path(save_dir,"mondo_maps.csv.gz")
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ get_mondo_maps_files <- function(map_types,
files <- data.table::fread(files_path)
#### Filter map types ####
- files[,map_type:=data.table::tstrsplit(basename(path),"_",keep=2)]
+ files[,map_type:=data.table::tstrsplit(basename(save_path),"_",keep=2)]
files <- files[map_type %in% map_types]
#### Filter mapping to ####
- files[,to:=data.table::tstrsplit(basename(path),"_|[.]",keep=3)]
+ files[,to:=data.table::tstrsplit(basename(save_path),"_|[.]",keep=3)]
if(!is.null(map_to)) {
if("hpo" %in% map_to) {
map_to <- c(map_to[map_to!="hpo"],
diff --git a/R/get_ontology_descendants.R b/R/get_ontology_descendants.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6af7ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/get_ontology_descendants.R
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#' Get ontology descendants
+#' Get the descendants of a set of ontology terms.
+#' @inheritParams get_
+#' @inheritParams simona::dag_offspring
+#' @returns A named list of descendants, where the names are the input terms.
+#' @inheritDotParams simona::dag_offspring
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' ont <- get_ontology("hp", terms=10)
+#' d <- get_ontology_descendants(ont, c("HP:0000001","HP:0000002"))
+get_ontology_descendants <- function(ont,
+ terms,
+ include_self = TRUE,
+ ...){
+ lapply(terms, function(x){
+ message(x)
+ xt <- map_ontology_terms(ont = ont,
+ terms = x,
+ to = 'id')
+ if(all(is.na(xt))) {
+ messager("WARNING: The term",x,"was not found in the ontology.")
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ simona::dag_offspring(ont,
+ include_self = include_self,
+ term=xt,
+ ...)
+ })
diff --git a/R/get_ontology_dict.R b/R/get_ontology_dict.R
index 3c089af..a612021 100644
--- a/R/get_ontology_dict.R
+++ b/R/get_ontology_dict.R
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
#' @describeIn get_ get_
+#' @param as_datatable Return as a data.table instead of a named vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ont <- get_ontology("hp", terms=10)
#' dict <- get_ontology_dict(ont)
get_ontology_dict <- function(ont,
- to="name",
- include_self=FALSE){
+ to=c("name","label","term"),
+ include_self=FALSE,
+ as_datatable=FALSE){
+ to <- to[to %in% colnames(ont@elementMetadata)][1]
## Check from col exists
if(!from %in% colnames(ont@elementMetadata)){
stopper("Column",from,"not found in ontology metadata.")
@@ -16,13 +20,26 @@ get_ontology_dict <- function(ont,
if(!to %in% colnames(ont@elementMetadata)){
stopper("Column",to,"not found in ontology metadata.")
- dict <- stats::setNames(ont@elementMetadata[[to]],
- ont@elementMetadata[[from]])
- if(isTRUE(include_self)){
- dict <- c(dict,
- stats::setNames(ont@elementMetadata[[to]],
- ont@elementMetadata[[to]])
- )
- }
+ if(isTRUE(as_datatable)){
+ #### As data.table ####
+ dict <- data.table::data.table(ont@elementMetadata)[,from:=get(from)][,to:=get(to)][,c("from","to")]
+ if(isTRUE(include_self)){
+ dict <- rbind(dict,
+ data.table::data.table(ont@elementMetadata)[,from:=get(to)][,to:=get(to)][,c("from","to")])
+ }
+ dict <- unique(dict)
+ data.table::setkeyv(dict, c("from"))
+ } else {
+ #### As named vector ####
+ dict <- stats::setNames(ont@elementMetadata[[to]],
+ ont@elementMetadata[[from]])
+ if(isTRUE(include_self)){
+ dict <- c(dict,
+ stats::setNames(ont@elementMetadata[[to]],
+ ont@elementMetadata[[to]])
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/R/get_ontology_github.R b/R/get_ontology_github.R
index 309de74..92d1405 100644
--- a/R/get_ontology_github.R
+++ b/R/get_ontology_github.R
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ get_ontology_github <- function(name,
- path <- file.path(save_dir,file)
- if(!file.exists(path) || isTRUE(force_new)){
+ save_path <- file.path(save_dir,file)
+ if(!file.exists(save_path) || isTRUE(force_new)){
#### From Releases ####
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ get_ontology_github <- function(name,
messager("Preparing ontology_index object from:",URL)
ont <- simona::import_ontology(file=URL,
- saveRDS(ont,path)
+ saveRDS(ont,save_path)
} else {
- messager("Importing cached file:",path)
- ont <- readRDS(path)
+ messager("Importing cached file:",save_path)
+ ont <- readRDS(save_path)
diff --git a/R/get_ontology_url.R b/R/get_ontology_url.R
index cecd756..af306df 100644
--- a/R/get_ontology_url.R
+++ b/R/get_ontology_url.R
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ get_ontology_url <- function(URL,
- path <- file.path(save_dir,basename(URL))
- if(file.exists(path) && !isTRUE(force_new)){
- messager("Importing cached file:",path)
- ont <- readRDS(path)
+ save_path <- file.path(save_dir,basename(URL))
+ if(file.exists(save_path) && !isTRUE(force_new)){
+ messager("Importing cached file:",save_path)
+ ont <- readRDS(save_path)
ont <- import_func(URL, ...)
- saveRDS(ont, path)
+ saveRDS(ont, save_path)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/get_prevalence_orphanet.R b/R/get_prevalence_orphanet.R
index 3911815..20ce2cf 100644
--- a/R/get_prevalence_orphanet.R
+++ b/R/get_prevalence_orphanet.R
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ get_prevalence_orphanet <- function(agg_by=c("mondo_id","id","Name"),
prevalence_numerator <- prevalence <- prevalence_mean <- Prevalence.ValMoy <-
prevalence_denominator <- OrphaCode <- disease_id <- NULL;
## Open in Excel and convert to CSV first ##
- path <- system.file("extdata", "orphanet_epidemiology.csv.gz",
+ save_path <- system.file("extdata", "orphanet_epidemiology.csv.gz",
package = "KGExplorer")
- d <- data.table::fread(path)
+ d <- data.table::fread(save_path)
#### Fix column names ####
names(d) <- trimws(whitespace = "[.]",
diff --git a/R/map_ontology_terms.R b/R/map_ontology_terms.R
index 17122ba..ae686cd 100644
--- a/R/map_ontology_terms.R
+++ b/R/map_ontology_terms.R
@@ -10,46 +10,65 @@
#' sometimes in a different order.
#' @param invert Invert the keys/values of the dictionary,
#' such that the key becomes the values (and vice versa).
-#' @returns Character vector
+#' @param ignore_case Ignore case when mapping terms.
+#' @param verbose Print messages.
+#' @returns Character vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ont <- get_ontology("hp")
-#' terms <- c("Focal motor seizure","HP:0000002","HP:0000003")
+#' terms <- c("Focal motor seizure",
+#' "Focal MotoR SEIzure",
+#' "HP:0000002","HP:0000003")
#' term_names <- map_ontology_terms(ont=ont, terms=terms)
#' term_ids <- map_ontology_terms(ont=ont, terms=terms, to="id")
map_ontology_terms <- function(ont,
terms = NULL,
keep_order = TRUE,
- invert = FALSE){
+ invert = FALSE,
+ ignore_case=TRUE,
+ verbose=1){
+ from <- NULL;
to <- match.arg(to)
if(!is.null(terms)) terms <- as.character(terms)
terms_og <- terms
terms <- unique(terms)
#### to IDs ###
- messager("Translating all terms to HPO IDs.")
- dict <- get_ontology_dict(ont,
- from="name",
- to=to,
- include_self=TRUE)
+ messager("Translating ontology terms to ids.",v=verbose)
+ map <- get_ontology_dict(ont,
+ from="name",
+ to=to,
+ as_datatable=TRUE,
+ include_self=TRUE)
} else {
#### to names ###
- messager("Translating all terms to names.")
- dict <- get_ontology_dict(ont,
- from="id",
- to=to,
- include_self=TRUE)
- }
- out <- dict[terms]
+ messager("Translating ontology terms to names.",v=verbose)
+ map <- get_ontology_dict(ont,
+ from="id",
+ to=to,
+ as_datatable=TRUE,
+ include_self=TRUE)
+ }
+ if(isTRUE(ignore_case)){
+ map <- rbind(
+ map,
+ data.table::copy(map)[,from:=tolower(from)]
+ ) |> unique()
+ }
+ data.table::setkey(map,"from")
+ out <- stats::setNames(
+ map[tolower(terms)]$to,
+ terms
+ )
#### Return ####
messager("+ Returning a dictionary of terms",
- "(different order as input).")
+ "(different order as input).",v=verbose>1)
} else {
messager("+ Returning a vector of terms",
- "(same order as input).")
+ "(same order as input).",v=verbose>1)
out <- out[terms_og]
#### Invert ####
diff --git a/R/map_upheno.R b/R/map_upheno.R
index 3f6c4c0..1cc26fc 100644
--- a/R/map_upheno.R
+++ b/R/map_upheno.R
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"monarch"}{Use Monarch's gene-to-gene mappings.}
#' }
-#' @param force_new Force new data to be downloaded and processed.
-#' @param subset_db1 Subset of ontologies to include in the plot.
#' @param save_dir Directory to save cached data.
#' @param show_plot Show the plot.
#' @param fill_scores Fill missing scores in the "equivalence_score" and
@@ -43,7 +41,8 @@
#' }
map_upheno <- function(pheno_map_method=c("upheno","monarch"),
- subset_db1=c("HP"),
+ filters=list(db1="HP",
+ gene_taxon_label1="Homo sapiens"),
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ map_upheno <- function(pheno_map_method=c("upheno","monarch"),
#### Plots ####
plots <- plot_upheno(pheno_map_genes_match,
- subset_db1=subset_db1)
+ filters=filters)
#### Return ####
diff --git a/R/map_upheno_data.R b/R/map_upheno_data.R
index 5b33a4b..e5b7313 100644
--- a/R/map_upheno_data.R
+++ b/R/map_upheno_data.R
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ map_upheno_data <- function(pheno_map_method=c("upheno","monarch"),
#### Check for cached data ####
- path <- file.path(save_dir,"pheno_map_genes_match.rds")
- if(file.exists(path) &&
+ save_path <- file.path(save_dir,"pheno_map_genes_match.rds")
+ if(file.exists(save_path) &&
## Read from cache
- messager("Importing cached data:",path)
- pheno_map_genes_match <- readRDS(path)
+ messager("Importing cached data:",save_path)
+ pheno_map_genes_match <- readRDS(save_path)
} else {
## Create
pheno_map_genes_match <- lapply(
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ map_upheno_data <- function(pheno_map_method=c("upheno","monarch"),
}) |> data.table::rbindlist(fill=TRUE, idcol = "pheno_map_method")
## Save
- messager("Caching processed file -->",path)
+ messager("Caching processed file -->",save_path)
attr(pheno_map_genes_match,"version") <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d")
dir.create(save_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
- saveRDS(pheno_map_genes_match,path)
+ saveRDS(pheno_map_genes_match,save_path)
## Return
diff --git a/R/plot_graph_visnetwork.R b/R/plot_graph_visnetwork.R
index 3749820..c917940 100644
--- a/R/plot_graph_visnetwork.R
+++ b/R/plot_graph_visnetwork.R
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ plot_graph_visnetwork <- function(g,
#### Save network ####
- path=save_path)
+ save_path=save_path)
diff --git a/R/plot_ontology_heatmap.R b/R/plot_ontology_heatmap.R
index 30f78cc..864af52 100644
--- a/R/plot_ontology_heatmap.R
+++ b/R/plot_ontology_heatmap.R
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ plot_ontology_heatmap <- function(ont,
#### Save plot ####
plot_save(plt = hm,
- path = save_path,
+ save_path = save_path,
height = height,
width = width)
diff --git a/R/plot_save.R b/R/plot_save.R
index a2fc40d..7c3d078 100644
--- a/R/plot_save.R
+++ b/R/plot_save.R
@@ -4,45 +4,45 @@
#' @export
plot_save <- function(plt,
- path,
+ save_path=save_path,
- if(is.null(path)) return(NULL)
+ if(is.null(save_path)) return(NULL)
- messager("Saving plot -->",path)
- dir.create(dirname(path), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
+ messager("Saving plot -->",save_path)
+ dir.create(dirname(save_path), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if(is.null(width)) width <- NA
if(is.null(height)) height <- NA
- ggplot2::ggsave(filename = path,
+ ggplot2::ggsave(filename = save_path,
plot = plt,
width = width,
height = height)
- } else if(endsWith(path,".pdf")){
+ } else if(endsWith(save_path,".pdf")){
if(is.null(width)) width <- 7
if(is.null(height)) height <- 7
- grDevices::pdf(file = path,
+ grDevices::pdf(file = save_path,
width = width,
height = height)
- } else if(endsWith(path,".png")){
+ } else if(endsWith(save_path,".png")){
if(is.null(width)) width <- 480
if(is.null(height)) height <- 480
- grDevices::png(file = path,
+ grDevices::png(file = save_path,
width = width,
height = height)
- } else if(endsWith(path,".html")){
+ } else if(endsWith(save_path,".html")){
- file = path,
+ file = save_path,
selfcontained = TRUE,
background = "transparent")
diff --git a/R/plot_upheno.R b/R/plot_upheno.R
index f7f8ec1..a7bc4c5 100644
--- a/R/plot_upheno.R
+++ b/R/plot_upheno.R
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
#' Generate multiple kinds of plots summarising mappings of phenotypes and genes
#' between the HPO and various non-human ontologies within uPheno.
+#' @inheritParams plot_
+#' @inheritParams filter_
#' @param types A character vector of plot types to generate.
#' @param pheno_map_genes_match uPheno cross-species mapping data generated by
#' \link[KGExplorer]{map_upheno_data}.
-#' @param subset_db1 A character vector of reference ontologies to subset
#' \code{pheno_map_genes_match} by.
#' @returns A named list of \pkg{ggplot2} objects.
diff --git a/R/prune_ancestors.R b/R/prune_ancestors.R
index 25d4e5a..6ff999f 100644
--- a/R/prune_ancestors.R
+++ b/R/prune_ancestors.R
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#' Prune redundant ancestral terms from a \link{data.table}.
#' @export
#' @param dat A \link{data.table} with a column of ontology terms.
+#' @param id_col The name of the column containing ontology term IDs.
+#' @inheritParams filter_
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.table::data.table(hpo_id=c("HP:0000001","HP:0000002","HP:0000003"),
#' name=c("term1","term2","term3"))
@@ -29,6 +31,6 @@ prune_ancestors <- function(dat,
}) |> unlist()
- messager(length(pruned_ids),"/",length(ids),"terms were pruned.")
+ messager(length(pruned_ids),"/",length(ids),"terms were kept after pruning.")
return(dat[get(id_col) %in% pruned_ids])
diff --git a/man/add_.Rd b/man/add_.Rd
index 3a81f6e..8a45132 100644
--- a/man/add_.Rd
+++ b/man/add_.Rd
@@ -1,95 +1,20 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R, R/add_ancestors.R, R/add_db.R,
-% R/add_hoverboxes.R, R/add_ontology_metadata.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R
\title{Add functions}
- ont,
- lvl = 2,
- include_self = TRUE,
- prefix = "ancestor",
- fill_na = TRUE,
- force_new = FALSE
- dat,
- input_col,
- output_col = paste0(input_col, "_db"),
- split = ":",
- keep = 1
- g,
- columns = get_graph_colnames(g),
- hoverbox_column = c("hover", "title", "label"),
- width = 60,
- digits = 3,
- decorators = c("", ""),
- as_html = TRUE,
- force_new = FALSE
- ont,
- add_ancestors = 2,
- add_n_edges = TRUE,
- add_ontology_levels = TRUE
\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
-\item{lvl}{Depth of the ancestor terms to add.
-Will get the closest ancestor to this level if none have this exact level.}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
-\item{include_self}{For \code{dag_offspring()} and \code{dag_ancestors()}, this controls whether to also include the query term itself.}
+\item{g}{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.}
\item{force_new}{Add the data again even if the associated column already
-\item{dat}{data.table or tbl_graph.}
-\item{input_col}{Column containing IDs.}
-\item{output_col}{Column to add.}
- character vector (or object which can be coerced to such)
- containing \link[base]{regular expression}(s) (unless \code{fixed = TRUE})
- to use for splitting. If empty matches occur, in particular if
- \code{split} has length 0, \code{x} is split into single characters.
- If \code{split} has length greater than 1, it is re-cycled along
- \code{x}.
- }
-\item{keep}{Specify indices corresponding to just those list elements to retain in the transposed result. Default is to return all.}
-\item{g}{ggnetwork object
-(or an igraph/tbl_graph to be converted to ggnetwork format).}
-\item{columns}{Character vector of column names to include in the hoverbox.}
-\item{hoverbox_column}{Name of the new hoverbox column to add.}
-\item{width}{Positive integer giving target line width (in number of
-characters). A width less than or equal to 1 will put each word on its
-own line.}
-\item{digits}{integer indicating the number of decimal places
- (\code{round}) or significant digits (\code{signif}) to be used.
- For \code{round}, negative values are allowed (see \sQuote{Details}).}
-\item{decorators}{Left and right decorators to add to the hoverbox titles.}
-\item{as_html}{Provide the hoverbox in HTML format.}
+\item{lvl}{Depth of the ancestor terms to add.
+Will get the closest ancestor to this level if none have this exact level.}
\item{add_ancestors}{Add ancestors for each term.}
@@ -99,52 +24,8 @@ own line.}
Added data.
-tidygraph with additional metadata column named "hover".
Functions to add extra metadata to an ontology or data.table object.
-\item \code{add_ancestors()}: add_
-Add ancestor
-For each term, get its ancestor at a given level
-and add the ID and name of the ancestor to the ontology metadata.
-By default, lower numbers are higher in the ontology
- (e.g. level 0 includes the most broad ontology term).
-When a terms does not have an ancestor at a given level
- (e.g. \code{lvl=3} but the term itself is at level 1) the term is assigned
- to itself as its own ancestor.
-When a term has multiple ancestors at a given level,
-the first ancestor is arbitrarily chosen.
-\item \code{add_db()}: add_
-Extract a database identifier from an ID column and add it
-as a separate column.
-\item \code{add_hoverboxes()}: add_
-Add hoverboxes
-A hoverbox is a box of text that shows up when the cursor
- hovers over something.
-These can be useful when making interactive network plots
-of the HPO phenotypes because we can include a hoverbox that gives
-information and data associated with each phenotype.
-\item \code{add_ontology_metadata()}: add_
-Add per-term metadata to ontology.
-ont <- get_ontology("hp")
-ont2 <- add_ancestors(ont, lvl=4)
-ont <- get_ontology("hp")
-g <- ontology_to(ont, to="tbl_graph")
-g2 <- add_hoverboxes(g)
-ont <- get_ontology("hp", terms=10)
-ont2 <- add_ontology_metadata(ont)
diff --git a/man/add_ancestors.Rd b/man/add_ancestors.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f44b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_ancestors.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/add_ancestors.R
+\title{Add ancestors}
+ ont,
+ lvl = 2,
+ include_self = TRUE,
+ prefix = "ancestor",
+ fill_na = TRUE,
+ force_new = FALSE
+\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
+\item{lvl}{Depth of the ancestor terms to add.
+Will get the closest ancestor to this level if none have this exact level.}
+\item{include_self}{For \code{dag_offspring()} and \code{dag_ancestors()}, this controls whether to also include the query term itself.}
+\item{prefix}{A prefix for the ancestor column names.}
+\item{fill_na}{If \code{TRUE}, fill ancestor columns with
+NA values using the term ID and name.}
+\item{force_new}{Add the data again even if the associated column already
+For each term, get its ancestor at a given level
+and add the ID and name of the ancestor to the ontology metadata.
+By default, lower numbers are higher in the ontology
+ (e.g. level 0 includes the most broad ontology term).
+When a terms does not have an ancestor at a given level
+ (e.g. \code{lvl=3} but the term itself is at level 1) the term is assigned
+ to itself as its own ancestor.
+When a term has multiple ancestors at a given level,
+the first ancestor is arbitrarily chosen.
+ont <- get_ontology("hp")
+ont2 <- add_ancestors(ont, lvl=4)
diff --git a/man/add_db.Rd b/man/add_db.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d65b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_db.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/add_db.R
+\title{Add database}
+ dat,
+ input_col,
+ output_col = paste0(input_col, "_db"),
+ split = ":",
+ keep = 1
+\item{dat}{data.table or tbl_graph.}
+\item{input_col}{Column containing IDs.}
+\item{output_col}{Column to add.}
+ character vector (or object which can be coerced to such)
+ containing \link[base]{regular expression}(s) (unless \code{fixed = TRUE})
+ to use for splitting. If empty matches occur, in particular if
+ \code{split} has length 0, \code{x} is split into single characters.
+ If \code{split} has length greater than 1, it is re-cycled along
+ \code{x}.
+ }
+\item{keep}{Specify indices corresponding to just those list elements to retain in the transposed result. Default is to return all.}
+Extract a database identifier from an ID column and add it
+as a separate column.
diff --git a/man/add_hoverboxes.Rd b/man/add_hoverboxes.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115a3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_hoverboxes.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/add_hoverboxes.R
+\title{Add hoverboxes}
+ g,
+ columns = get_graph_colnames(g),
+ hoverbox_column = c("hover", "title", "label"),
+ width = 60,
+ digits = 3,
+ decorators = c("", ""),
+ as_html = TRUE,
+ force_new = FALSE
+\item{g}{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.}
+\item{columns}{Character vector of column names to include in the hoverbox.}
+\item{hoverbox_column}{Name of the new hoverbox column to add.}
+\item{width}{Positive integer giving target line width (in number of
+characters). A width less than or equal to 1 will put each word on its
+own line.}
+\item{digits}{integer indicating the number of decimal places
+ (\code{round}) or significant digits (\code{signif}) to be used.
+ For \code{round}, negative values are allowed (see \sQuote{Details}).}
+\item{decorators}{Left and right decorators to add to the hoverbox titles.}
+\item{as_html}{Provide the hoverbox in HTML format.}
+\item{force_new}{Add the data again even if the associated column already
+tidygraph with additional metadata column named "hover".
+A hoverbox is a box of text that shows up when the cursor
+ hovers over something.
+These can be useful when making interactive network plots
+of the HPO phenotypes because we can include a hoverbox that gives
+information and data associated with each phenotype.
+ont <- get_ontology("hp")
+g <- ontology_to(ont, to="tbl_graph")
+g2 <- add_hoverboxes(g)
diff --git a/man/add_ontology_metadata.Rd b/man/add_ontology_metadata.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa0a1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_ontology_metadata.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/add_ontology_metadata.R
+\title{Add ontology metadata}
+ ont,
+ add_ancestors = 2,
+ add_n_edges = TRUE,
+ add_ontology_levels = TRUE
+\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
+\item{add_ancestors}{Add ancestors for each term.}
+\item{add_n_edges}{Add the number of edges (connections) for each term.}
+\item{add_ontology_levels}{Add the ontology level for each term.}
+Add per-term metadata to ontology.
+ont <- get_ontology("hp", terms=10)
+ont2 <- add_ontology_metadata(ont)
diff --git a/man/cache_.Rd b/man/cache_.Rd
index e084e6c..2b5efbc 100644
--- a/man/cache_.Rd
+++ b/man/cache_.Rd
@@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R, R/cache_clear.R, R/cache_files.R,
-% R/cache_save.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R, R/cache_clear.R, R/cache_dir.R,
+% R/cache_files.R, R/cache_save.R
\title{Cache functions}
cache_clear(save_dir = cache_dir(), recursive = TRUE, ...)
+cache_dir(package = "KGExplorer")
cache_files(save_dir = cache_dir(), recursive = TRUE, ...)
-cache_save(obj, path)
+cache_save(obj, save_path)
-\item{save_dir}{Path to cache directory.}
+\item{save_dir}{Directory to save a file to.}
\item{recursive}{logical. Should directories be deleted recursively?}
@@ -30,13 +33,17 @@ cache_save(obj, path)
tilde (see \code{\link[base]{path.expand}}) be expanded?}
+\item{package}{a character string giving the name of an \R package}
\item{obj}{R object.}
-\item{path}{File name to save to.}
+\item{save_path}{File name to save to.}
+Cache directory path.
@@ -49,6 +56,11 @@ Clear cache
Remove all data cached by the R package.
+\item \code{cache_dir()}: cache_
+Cache directory
+Provides the path to the package-wide cache directory.
\item \code{cache_files()}: cache_
List cache
@@ -62,6 +74,7 @@ Save cache.
+save_dir <- cache_dir
diff --git a/man/filter_.Rd b/man/filter_.Rd
index c833fda..3d898b8 100644
--- a/man/filter_.Rd
+++ b/man/filter_.Rd
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ filter_ontology(
a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the
values to include in the final data.}
-\item{g}{ggnetwork object
-(or an igraph/tbl_graph to be converted to ggnetwork format).}
+\item{g}{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.}
\item{node_filters}{A named list of filters to apply to the node data.
Names should be name of the metadata column, and values should be a vector of
@@ -64,8 +63,7 @@ return any rows where the "type" column contains either "gene" or "variant".}
\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
-\item{terms}{Term IDs to include. Can alternatively be an integer,
-which will be used to randomly sample N terms from the data.}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
\item{remove_terms}{Character vector of term IDs to exclude.}
diff --git a/man/get_.Rd b/man/get_.Rd
index cdb701f..9537697 100644
--- a/man/get_.Rd
+++ b/man/get_.Rd
@@ -148,7 +148,13 @@ get_ontology(
-get_ontology_dict(ont, from = "id", to = "name", include_self = FALSE)
+ ont,
+ from = "id",
+ to = c("name", "label", "term"),
+ include_self = FALSE,
+ as_datatable = FALSE
@@ -281,8 +287,7 @@ return any rows where the "type" column contains either "gene" or "variant".}
\item{\code{tag}}{tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.}
-\item{g}{ggnetwork object
-(or an igraph/tbl_graph to be converted to ggnetwork format).}
+\item{g}{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.}
\item{what}{What should get activated? Possible values are \code{nodes} or
@@ -311,7 +316,7 @@ together. Otherwise, returns a named list of separated
a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the
values to include in the final data.}
-\item{input_col}{Column containing IDs.}
+\item{input_col}{Column name of input IDs.}
\item{map_orthologs}{Add gene-level data.}
@@ -337,8 +342,7 @@ Can be a character vector of one or more column names.}
\item{"depth"} \link[simona]{dag_depth}.
-\item{terms}{Term IDs to include. Can alternatively be an integer,
-which will be used to randomly sample N terms from the data.}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
\item{add_metadata}{Add metadata to the resulting ontology object.}
@@ -350,6 +354,8 @@ which will be used to randomly sample N terms from the data.}
\item{include_self}{For \code{dag_offspring()} and \code{dag_ancestors()}, this controls whether to also include the query term itself.}
+\item{as_datatable}{Return as a data.table instead of a named vector.}
\item{remove_terms}{Character vector of term IDs to exclude.}
\item{absolute}{Make the levels absolute in the sense that they consider
diff --git a/man/get_ontology_descendants.Rd b/man/get_ontology_descendants.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34c7cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_ontology_descendants.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/get_ontology_descendants.R
+\title{Get ontology descendants}
+get_ontology_descendants(ont, terms, include_self = TRUE, ...)
+\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
+\item{include_self}{For \code{dag_offspring()} and \code{dag_ancestors()}, this controls whether to also include the query term itself.}
+ Arguments passed on to \code{\link[simona:dag_terms]{simona::dag_offspring}}
+ \describe{
+ \item{\code{dag}}{An \code{ontology_DAG} object.}
+ \item{\code{term}}{The value can be a vector of multiple term names. If it is a vector, it returns
+union of the upstream/downstream terms of the selected set of terms. For \code{dag_siblings()},
+the value can only be a single term.}
+ \item{\code{in_labels}}{Whether the terms are represented in their names or as integer indices?}
+ }}
+A named list of descendants, where the names are the input terms.
+Get the descendants of a set of ontology terms.
+ont <- get_ontology("hp", terms=10)
+d <- get_ontology_descendants(ont, c("HP:0000001","HP:0000002"))
diff --git a/man/get_ontology_robot.Rd b/man/get_ontology_robot.Rd
index 415fee4..474ef48 100644
--- a/man/get_ontology_robot.Rd
+++ b/man/get_ontology_robot.Rd
@@ -10,11 +10,25 @@ get_ontology_robot(...)
Arguments passed on to \code{\link[=get_data]{get_data}}
- \item{\code{save_dir}}{Directory to save data to.}
\item{\code{add_version}}{Add the release version
to the returned object's \link[base]{attributes}}
- \item{\code{file}}{name or vector of names of files to be downloaded. If \code{NULL},
-all assets attached to the release will be downloaded.}
+ \item{\code{file}}{Can be one of the following:
+\item{"ontology"}{Creates an \link[simona]{ontology_DAG} R object by
+ importing the OBO file directly from the official
+ \href{https://github.com/obophenotype/upheno}{uPheno GitHub repository}.}
+\item{"bestmatches"}{Returns a merged table with the best matches between
+ human and non-human homologous phenotypes (from multiple species).
+ Distributed by the official
+ \href{https://github.com/obophenotype/upheno/tree/master/mappings}{
+ uPheno GitHub repository}.}
+\item{"upheno_mapping"}{Return a merged table with matches between human
+and non-human homologous phenotypes (from multiple species).
+Distributed by the
+ \href{https://data.monarchinitiative.org/upheno2/current/upheno-release/all/index.html}{
+ Monarch Initiative server}.}
+ \item{\code{save_dir}}{Directory to save a file to.}
\item{\code{repo}}{Repository name in format "owner/repo". Defaults to \code{guess_repo()}.}
\item{\code{tag}}{tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.}
\item{\code{overwrite}}{Should any local files of the same name be overwritten?
diff --git a/man/main_.Rd b/man/main_.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..321c62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/main_.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R
+\title{Main functions}
+\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
+\item{g}{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.}
+\item{force_new}{Create a new file instead of using any cached files.}
+\item{save_dir}{Directory to save a file to.}
+\item{save_path}{File name to save to.}
+\item{obj}{R object.}
+R object.
+Documentation for common arguments.
diff --git a/man/map_.Rd b/man/map_.Rd
index 0dad08f..8136c81 100644
--- a/man/map_.Rd
+++ b/man/map_.Rd
@@ -56,13 +56,15 @@ map_ontology_terms(
terms = NULL,
to = c("name", "id"),
keep_order = TRUE,
- invert = FALSE
+ invert = FALSE,
+ ignore_case = TRUE,
+ verbose = 1
pheno_map_method = c("upheno", "monarch"),
gene_map_method = c("monarch"),
- subset_db1 = c("HP"),
+ filters = list(db1 = "HP", gene_taxon_label1 = "Homo sapiens"),
terms = NULL,
fill_scores = NULL,
show_plot = TRUE,
@@ -148,6 +150,10 @@ sometimes in a different order.}
\item{invert}{Invert the keys/values of the dictionary,
such that the key becomes the values (and vice versa).}
+\item{ignore_case}{Ignore case when mapping terms.}
+\item{verbose}{Print messages.}
\item{pheno_map_method}{Method to use for mapping phenotypes across ontologies.
\item{"upheno"}{Use uPheno's phenotype-to-phenotype mappings.
@@ -162,7 +168,9 @@ Contains more ontologies but with less coverage of phenotypes.
\item{"monarch"}{Use Monarch's gene-to-gene mappings.}
-\item{subset_db1}{Subset of ontologies to include in the plot.}
+\item{filters}{A named list, where each element in the list is the name of
+a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the
+values to include in the final data.}
\item{fill_scores}{Fill missing scores in the "equivalence_score" and
"subclass_score" columns with this value. These columns represent the
@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@ quality of mapping between two phenotypes on a scale from 0-1.}
\item{show_plot}{Show the plot.}
-\item{force_new}{Force new data to be downloaded and processed.}
+\item{force_new}{Create a new file instead of using any cached files.}
\item{gr}{A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} object.}
@@ -193,7 +201,7 @@ Mapped data.
Mapped \code{dat}
-Character vector
+Character vector.
A list containing the data and plot.
@@ -242,7 +250,9 @@ dt2 <- map_genes_monarch(dat=dat, gene_col="gene")
dat <- example_dat(rm_types="gene")
dat2 <- map_mondo(dat = dat, map_to="hpo")
ont <- get_ontology("hp")
-terms <- c("Focal motor seizure","HP:0000002","HP:0000003")
+terms <- c("Focal motor seizure",
+ "Focal MotoR SEIzure",
+ "HP:0000002","HP:0000003")
term_names <- map_ontology_terms(ont=ont, terms=terms)
term_ids <- map_ontology_terms(ont=ont, terms=terms, to="id")
diff --git a/man/map_upheno_data.Rd b/man/map_upheno_data.Rd
index cbfaed6..e508d06 100644
--- a/man/map_upheno_data.Rd
+++ b/man/map_upheno_data.Rd
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ quality of mapping between two phenotypes on a scale from 0-1.}
\item{save_dir}{Directory to save cached data.}
-\item{force_new}{Force new data to be downloaded and processed.}
+\item{force_new}{Create a new file instead of using any cached files.}
A data.table containing the mapped data.
diff --git a/man/plot_.Rd b/man/plot_.Rd
index d2b89fe..a62a823 100644
--- a/man/plot_.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_.Rd
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ plot_ontology_tidygraph(ont, ...)
plot_ontology_visnetwork(ont, ...)
-plot_save(plt, path, width = NULL, height = width)
+plot_save(plt, save_path = save_path, width = NULL, height = width)
@@ -338,8 +338,7 @@ as a self-contained HTML file.}
\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
-\item{terms}{A subset of HPO IDs to include in the final dataset and plots
-(e.g. c("HP:0001508","HP:0001507")).}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
\item{types}{Types of graph to produce. Can be one or more.}
@@ -359,7 +358,7 @@ metadata annotations.}
\item{col}{A vector of colors if the color mapping is discrete or a color mapping function if the matrix is continuous numbers (should be generated by \code{\link[circlize]{colorRamp2}}). If the matrix is continuous, the value can also be a vector of colors so that colors can be interpolated. Pass to \code{\link[ComplexHeatmap]{ColorMapping}}. For more details and examples, please refer to \url{https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/a-single-heatmap.html#colors} .}
-\item{save_dir}{Directory to save cached data.}
+\item{save_dir}{Directory to save a file to.}
\item{id_col}{Column containing the unique identifier for each node
in a graph (e.g. "name").}
diff --git a/man/plot_upheno.Rd b/man/plot_upheno.Rd
index 366bc4a..4fad79f 100644
--- a/man/plot_upheno.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_upheno.Rd
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ plot_upheno(
\item{pheno_map_genes_match}{uPheno cross-species mapping data generated by
+\code{pheno_map_genes_match} by.}
-\item{types}{A character vector of plot types to generate.}
+\item{filters}{A named list, where each element in the list is the name of
+a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the
+values to include in the final data.}
-\item{subset_db1}{A character vector of reference ontologies to subset
-\code{pheno_map_genes_match} by.}
+\item{types}{A character vector of plot types to generate.}
A named list of \pkg{ggplot2} objects.
diff --git a/man/prune_ancestors.Rd b/man/prune_ancestors.Rd
index 480d919..f7dbb52 100644
--- a/man/prune_ancestors.Rd
+++ b/man/prune_ancestors.Rd
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ prune_ancestors(dat, id_col, ont)
\item{dat}{A \link{data.table} with a column of ontology terms.}
+\item{id_col}{The name of the column containing ontology term IDs.}
+\item{ont}{An ontology of class \link[simona]{ontology_DAG}.}
Prune redundant ancestral terms from a \link{data.table}.
diff --git a/man/to_.Rd b/man/to_.Rd
index cf1b33c..37ad493 100644
--- a/man/to_.Rd
+++ b/man/to_.Rd
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ to_graph(g, ...)
\item{as_sparse}{Return the object as a \link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}.}
-\item{g}{ggnetwork object
-(or an igraph/tbl_graph to be converted to ggnetwork format).}
+\item{g}{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph} object.}
\item{id_col}{Column containing the unique identifier for each node
in a graph (e.g. "name").}
@@ -58,8 +57,7 @@ in a graph (e.g. "name").}
\item{to}{A character string specifying the format to convert to.}
-\item{terms}{Term IDs to include. Can alternatively be an integer,
-which will be used to randomly sample N terms from the data.}
+\item{terms}{A vector of ontology term IDs.}
\item{remove_terms}{Character vector of term IDs to exclude.}
diff --git a/man/utils_.Rd b/man/utils_.Rd
index 86828e8..7e37f86 100644
--- a/man/utils_.Rd
+++ b/man/utils_.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R, R/cache_dir.R, R/example_dat.R,
-% R/get_data.R, R/messager.R, R/report_filter.R, R/report_missing.R,
-% R/stopper.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/0docs.R, R/example_dat.R, R/get_data.R,
+% R/messager.R, R/report_filter.R, R/report_missing.R, R/stopper.R
@@ -13,8 +11,6 @@
\title{Utility functions}
-cache_dir(package = "KGExplorer")
types = c("omim_id", "orphanet_id", "decipher_id", "hpo_id", "gene"),
rm_types = NULL
@@ -38,18 +34,30 @@ report_missing(dat, id_col, report_col)
stopper(..., v = TRUE)
-\item{package}{a character string giving the name of an \R package}
\item{types}{Types of IDs to include in the data.}
-\item{file}{name or vector of names of files to be downloaded. If \code{NULL},
-all assets attached to the release will be downloaded.}
+\item{file}{Can be one of the following:
+\item{"ontology"}{Creates an \link[simona]{ontology_DAG} R object by
+ importing the OBO file directly from the official
+ \href{https://github.com/obophenotype/upheno}{uPheno GitHub repository}.}
+\item{"bestmatches"}{Returns a merged table with the best matches between
+ human and non-human homologous phenotypes (from multiple species).
+ Distributed by the official
+ \href{https://github.com/obophenotype/upheno/tree/master/mappings}{
+ uPheno GitHub repository}.}
+\item{"upheno_mapping"}{Return a merged table with matches between human
+and non-human homologous phenotypes (from multiple species).
+Distributed by the
+ \href{https://data.monarchinitiative.org/upheno2/current/upheno-release/all/index.html}{
+ Monarch Initiative server}.}
\item{tag}{tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.}
\item{repo}{Repository name in format "owner/repo". Defaults to \code{guess_repo()}.}
-\item{save_dir}{Directory to save data to.}
+\item{save_dir}{Directory to save a file to.}
\item{add_version}{Add the release version
to the returned object's \link[base]{attributes}}
@@ -57,6 +65,8 @@ to the returned object's \link[base]{attributes}}
\item{overwrite}{Should any local files of the same name be overwritten?
default \code{TRUE}.}
+\item{...}{Additional arguments passed to plot-specific functions.}
\item{v}{Whether to print messages or not.}
\item{parallel}{Whether to enable message print when wrapped
@@ -65,8 +75,6 @@ in parallelised functions.}
Merged data.
-Cache directory path.
Path to downloaded file or the object itself (when ".rds" format).
@@ -80,11 +88,6 @@ Functions to support other functions.
-\item \code{cache_dir()}: utils_
-Cache directory
-Provides the path to the package-wide cache directory.
\item \code{example_dat()}: utils_
Example data
@@ -118,7 +121,6 @@ Allows developers to easily control verbosity of functions,
-save_dir <- cache_dir
dat <- example_dat()
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-map_ontology_terms.R b/tests/testthat/test-map_ontology_terms.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a21be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-map_ontology_terms.R
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+test_that("map_ontology_terms works", {
+ ont <- get_ontology("hp")
+ terms <- c("Focal motor seizure",
+ "Focal MotoR SEIzure",
+ "HP:0000002","HP:0000003")
+ term_names <- map_ontology_terms(ont=ont, terms=terms)
+ term_ids <- map_ontology_terms(ont=ont, terms=terms, to="id")
+ testthat::expect_true(
+ length(term_names)==length(terms)
+ )
+ testthat::expect_true(
+ length(term_ids)==length(terms)
+ )
+ testthat::expect_true(
+ all(names(term_names)==terms)
+ )
+ testthat::expect_true(
+ all(names(term_ids)==terms)
+ )