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Neutron Dex Model

Motivated by a desire to understand better all the edge cases (and potential problems) of the Neutron's decentralized exchange (Dex) logic, Neutron and Informal Systems set off to model the Dex in Quint. This document describes the model, the properties we analyzed, and the analysis result.

1. Input

As a starting point to building the model, we used the following material:

  • Public documentation of the Dex module, corresponding to the commit bfb0c31 of the docs repository
  • System specification, written by the dev team specially for this modelling effort, in which the basic behavior and expected properties of the system are described. This document is dynamic and was developed simultaneously with modelling.
  • The implementation of the dex, at commit 01b71f7 and, in the second phase, at release v5.0.0-rc0. While our explicit goal was to avoid relying too much on the implementation details, sometimes it was necessary in order to understand e.g, the rounding of rationals, which was influencing whether the behavior was correct or erroneous.

2. The Quint Model

Each Quint model is conceptually a state machine whose evolution is defined by its initial state and the set of transitions from a current to the next state. In this model, we opted for having a single variable called state, that captures all the relevant aspects of the system. Let us first see how the state of the system looks like:


type State = {
    tranches: TrancheKey -> Tranche,
    tranchesShares: TrancheShares,

    pools: PoolId -> Pool,
    poolShares: PoolShares,

    // balances of all the users in the system
    coins: Coins,

    blockNumber: BlockTime,

    // helper state variables, to be used in invariants
    bookkeeping: TrackedValue

Fields tranches and tranchesShares contain the information on the state of the tranches and users' ownership in them. The same for pools is achieved by pools and poolShares. The field coins keeps track of the state of users' funds, and blockNumber tracks the blocks. Finally, bookkeeping contains helper variables, that will be used for inspecting desired properties (e.g., total value deposited by a user).

Each field has a type. As an example, pools is a mapping from PoolId into Pool type, which are defined by

type PoolId = {
    tokenPair: (Token, Token),
    // Pool's tick is the token0 sell tick, that is: 1 Token0 = price(tick)* 1 Token1
    tick: TickIndex,
    fee: Fee

type Pool = {
    reserves: (int, int),
    shares: int

Each pool contains the information about its reserves (a pair of two integers) and total existing shares (an integer).

Check the other types in types.qnt.

Model Evolution: Initial State

The initial state is very simple, with nothing in pools or tranches, and with some coins amount assigned to each user:

pure val initState: State = {
    tranches: Map(),
    coins: tuples(CREATORS, TOKENS).mapBy(_ => INITIAL_CREATOR_BALANCE),
    tranchesShares: Map(),
    blockNumber: 0,
    poolShares: Map(),
    pools: Map(),
    bookkeeping: emptyTrackedValue


action init = {
    state' = initState,

Model Evolution: Transition

Possible transitions are defined by the action predicate step:

action step: bool = any {

In short, any of the seven listed things may happen: a user can place a new limit order, or withdraw or cancel from an existing one; a user can deposit into a pool or withdraw from an existing one; a user can swap using available liquidity; or a time may progress.

As an illustration, let's look at the withdrawPoolAction (called directly by withdrawPoolAct):

action withdrawPoolAction(processResult: (Result, Message) => bool): bool = all {
    // a cross-product of creators and pools in which they have >0 share
    val relevantCreatorsAndPools = tuples(CREATORS, state.pools.keys()).filter(((c, p)) => state.poolShares.get(c).getOrElse(p, 0) > 0)
    all {
        require(relevantCreatorsAndPools != Set()),
        nondet creatorAndPool = relevantCreatorsAndPools.oneOf()
        val creator = creatorAndPool._1
        val poolKey = creatorAndPool._2
        nondet withdrawAll = oneOf(Set(true, false))
        val userShares = state.poolShares.get(creator).get(poolKey)
        nondet partialWithdrawAmount = oneOf(
        val amountToWithdraw = if (withdrawAll) userShares else partialWithdrawAmount
        val msg = {
            creator: creator,
            tokenPair: poolKey.tokenPair,
            sharesAmount: amountToWithdraw,
            tick: poolKey.tick,
            fee: poolKey.fee
        val result = withdrawPool(state, msg)
        state' = res.state

The action non-deterministically defines which exact message should be sent. Let's examine it part-by-part.

The line require(relevantCreatorsAndPools != Set()) requires that there are some users with non-zero shares in pools, from which they could withdraw. If there are none, this action may not be executed (and is removed from a set of actions to choose from in the step). The creatorAndPool is a non-deterministic (nondet) value obtained by choosing oneOf the elements from those users and corresponding pools.

The nondet variable withdrawAll is a slight optimization: we want to bias the action to occasionally withdraw all the shares (as we privilege this choice over choices with all possible share values). Thus, if withdrawAll is true, we will withdraw all existing shares, and otherwise a nondet value partialWithdrawAmount. The message msg is formed with all the choices, and executed on the current state. Finally, the state variable is updated with the result of the execution. (state' means "the variable after the transition".)

Transitions Business Logic

While the action defines the choices on what to execute, the whole business logic is contained in the function withdrawPool (and similar), which can be found in dex.qnt. They all share the same signature, transforming the pair (State, Message) into (the next) State. In that regard, all these functions are pure: there is no non-determinism and no accessing the state variable: all of this is done in the transition actions described above.

Modeling Choices and Simplifications

In the model, we made the following simplifying choices:

  1. We did not model a multi-hop swap. Instead, we achieve it by consecutive applications of a single-hop swap.
  2. We did not add the feature of the user limiting the maximum amount to receive from the placed limit order message. This is a nice UX feature, but is not security-critical.
  3. In the model, users always specify price ticks instead of direct prices (this choice has to do with technical limitations of Quint, the lack of the logarithm function).

3. Properties of Interest

In this section we describe properties we encoded in the model and checked if they held. They can be divided into state properties (expressed through predicates on a single state) and transition properties (expressed through predicates on two subsequent states).

State Properties

  1. [DEPOSIT-PROFITS] For a user who has deposited to the pool p and who has withdrawn all their shares from p, the following holds:
  • If there were swaps through p, the user has withdrawn more value than deposited
  • If there were no swaps through p, the user has withdrawn the same value as deposited
  • The user withdrew no less value than deposited.

Note: In case the autoswap fee needed to be paid, the initial deposited value is considered the one after subtracting the deposit fee.

The Quint encoding of the property can be seen in baseDexEvolution.qnt::poolProfitInv and looks like this:

val poolProfitInv: bool =
   state.bookkeeping.pools.deposits.keys().forall(((creator, poolId)) =>
       // If the user has withdrawn all their shares
       state.poolShares.get(creator).get(poolId) == 0 implies
           val totalDeposited = state.bookkeeping.pools.depositValues.getOrElse((creator, poolId), 0)
           val withdrawn = state.bookkeeping.pools.withdrawals.getOrElse((creator, poolId), (0, 0))
           val swaps = state.bookkeeping.pools.swaps.getOrElse((creator, poolId), Set())
           val totalWithdrawn = computeDepositValue(withdrawn, poolId.tick).truncate()
           val tol = TOLERANCE * computeUnitTolerance(poolId.tick)
           // If there were swaps, the user withdrew more value than deposited
           if (swaps != Set()) totalWithdrawn + tol >= totalDeposited
           // Otherwise, the user withdrew no less value than deposited
           else abs(totalWithdrawn - totalDeposited) <= tol

This predicate requires that forall deposits, in case the user has withdraws all their shares, it implies a relation between totalWithdrawn and totalDeposited, depending on whether or not there were swaps.

  1. [NO-LOSS-ON-PLACED-TRANCHE] A user who has placed a limit order (the remaining maker part, post-swap) cannot lose value with respect to the specified sellingPrice. Once the user has withdrawn all their shares, be it through a (sequence of) withdrawal or a cancellation-induced withdrawal, the user is at no loss (with respect to the price set by sellTick specified by the user). See the predicate at baseDexEvolution.qnt::noLossOnExhaustedTranches.

We also checked for a sequence of other properties that can be viewed as sanity checks, whose violation would imply that there are potential problems to explore:

  1. [RESERVES-IMPLY-SHARES] If a pool has some positive amount of reserves, it also has a positive amount of shares.
  2. [COINS-CONSTANT] The total amount of coins in the system (tranches, pools, users' coins) is invariant.
  3. [NONEGATIVE-AMOUNTS] All amounts of pool shares and reserves, tranches shares and reserves, and user coins are non-negative.

Transition Properties

Transition properties describe the relation between a state before and a state after a transition happened, and their signature is (State, Message, State): bool. All transitions are inspected for the state changes as described in the specification. Furthermore, there are specific properties to be expected after transitions.

  1. [SWAP-TRANSITION] When a user swaps using a SinglehopSwapMsg message:
  • Their limit price is honored.
  • The value of existing pools either increases corresponding to the fee, or remains the same (if the pool did not take part in the swap).
  • The value of all tranches remains the same.
  1. [LIMIT-ORDER-TRANSITION] When a user swaps using a PlaceLimitOrderMsg message:
  • Their limit price is honored.
  • The value of existing pools either increases or remains the same.
  • The value of all tranches remains the same, except for the tranches corresponding to the tick, which may increase in value due to the maker part of the limit order message.
  1. [DEPOSIT-TRANSITION] When a user deposits to a pool:
  • The value of existing pools either increases (for the pool to which the user deposits) or remains the same.
  • If the deposit is provided in a different ratio than the existing ratio of the pool, a fee for the swap (to reach the existing ratio) is paid.
  • [POOL-RATIO-CONSTANT] If the autoswap option is set to false, the ratio in the pool does not change when performing (non-initial) deposits.
  • [SHARES-FOR-DEPOSITS] If a user successfully deposits positive amount of coins (at least one in the pair), they will get in return a positive amount of shares.
  1. [CANCEL-TRANSITION] When a user cancels a tranche:
  • No shares of other users are affected.
  • The user received the pro-rata shares of any unused maker denom and of all the swap proceeds.
  1. [TRANCHE-WITHDRAW-TRANSITION] When a user withdraws from a tranche:
  • The user gets the pro-rata portion of all the swap proceeds not yet claimed (since the last withdrawal)
  1. [POOL-WITHDRAW-TRANSITION] When a user withdraws from a pool:
  • The user gets the specified portion of the value they provided, increased by their part of the profits from all the swaps occurring since the last withdrawal.

4. Analysis Results

After developing the model, we have used it to analyze the properties of the system. Any violation to the property from the model called for closer inspection. Some violations pointed to discrepancies between the model and the input, some to discrepancies between the model&input and the implementation, and some to actual violations of the properties in the implementation.


The reason for why this property was violated has to do with rounding when withdrawing. Repeated rounding may make it happen so that the loss grows. An example run is given in violationRuns.qnt::noLossViolationRoundingRun.

In order to disregard rounding errors, we have phrased a similar property that included tolerance for rounding errors:

1.a [NO-LOSS-TOLERANCE] Assuming that we allow for the tolerance proportional to the number of swaps and the value of a pair of unit tokens (to counter off-by-one errors), the user withdraws no less value from the pool than deposited.

However, even this property does not hold. The problem occurs when the total value of reserves becomes much larger than the total number of shares. When withdrawing all their shares from the pool, the user receives userShares * (totalPoolValue / totalPoolShares). Assuming an off-by-one error in userShares, the max possible error is 0.99 * (totalPoolValue / totalPoolShares).

One way in which totalPoolValue and totalPoolShares can substantially diverge in not too many steps is the following:

a. Bob deposits (smallAmount, 0) in the pool with a very large fee.

b. Alice deposits (0, largeAmount) with (default) autoswap enabled to the same pool. This translates into calculating shares as if Alice has first converted the whole largeAmount. Thus, Alice receives very few shares, and the total amount of shares is much smaller than the pool value (because the majority of the value is provided by the autoswap fee).

c. Alice withdraws all of her shares, and receives a much smaller value than what she deposited (accounting for the fee paid for the swap).

b. Bob withdraws all of his shares, and receives, beside his deposited part and the Alice's fee paid, also the rest of Alice's funds.

An example run is given in violationRuns.qnt::noLossViolationAutoswapRun.

A potential attack is a user front-running any extremely large deposit (bigger than the pool's size) by changing the pool's ratio so as to be able to take advantage of the described behavior. Alternatively, and much more lucrative, is a user front-running any initial deposit to a new pool.

NOTE: This particular violation seems to be stemming from the assumption that every pool's value will be significantly larger than the deposit value. Indeed, the calculation for the autoswap fee starts with the goal of bringing deposit amounts to match the ration of the pool, where sometimes it would be easier to do it the other way round.

  1. [POOL-RATIO-CONSTANT] Repeated rounding can change the ratio of the pool significantly (even without autoswap disabled). In the violationRuns.qnt::autoswapIssueRun, we give an example in which the ratio starts at 0.0136 and is then changed into 0.0055 within 4 steps. NOTE: We discussed the issue with the development team and concluded that this violation does not constitute an attack surface, since no free-swap is possible with it.

  2. [NO-LOSS-ON-PLACED-TRANCHE] The violation again has to do with the rounding problem when calculating the value to withdraw. This leads to situations in which it is possible for a tranche to have some funds in it, without anybody having shares in the tranche to ever withdraw from it. While the kinds of errors are off-by-one in terms of a token, depending on the price of the maker and the taker, they can be large in terms of the value of the pool. For an example, see the violationRuns.qnt::noLossOnTranchesViolationRun run.

For an equivalent property [NO-LOSS-ON-PLACED-TRANCHE], which tolerates rounding errors multiplied by number of steps, we found no violation.

Moreover, many other properties we checked had violations on their respective versions without tolerance, and we experimented and reasoned about rounding in order to be able to set up tolerances that were enough to make properties hold under different numbers of steps. This was the main struggle of property checking in this project, as many of our long-running experiments would result in violations which, upon debugging, turned out to be yet another rounding problem we haven't thought about. However, the fact that simulation always found violations on the properties that didn't have tolerance is a strong indication that it's coverage is sufficient for these properties.

In the next section, we discuss what kind of confidence we can get about the overall functioning of the system based on these simulation results.

Model Simulation: Size of the Input Space

Once a model is developed, there are two main ways in going about checking the properties of it. The first one is by doing bounded model checking---a way to inspect all possible behaviors up to a certain length.

With Quint, model checking can be done either using a symbolic model checker Apalache, which encodes the whole model as a logical formula and uses a solver to solve it; or using an enumeration-based model checker TLC, which explores all possible states of the model evolution in a breadth-first manner.

Unfortunately, the model of the DEX, which captures different actions and exact computations in them, could not be meaningfully checked either with Apalache or with TLC. On top of that exponential growth of the state space, the computation involves exponentiation of rationals. All that combined made model checking of this model intractable.

To give the idea of the complexity of the input space.

  • At every step, we choose between 7 actions. For each of them, we also have to non-deterministically choose parameters. In model checking, non-deterministically means that all possibilities are accounted for.
  • If, for every parameter, (ticks, fees, amounts, token, users, etc) we pick from a set of only 2 values (severely constraining the model), it is still too big of a state space.
    • Considering how many parameters we have for each action of the 7 actions (some of them have more parameters than others):
      • (2² + 2⁷ + 2⁷ + 2⁵ + 2 + 2 + 2) = 298
      • This means, for each step in this scenario, we'd have 298 possible transitions to make
  • If we want to model check the model of executions of up to 4 steps, this would have to check 298⁴ = 7886150416 possible states

Our intuition is that restricting the model so much in order to get a barely manageable model-checking is not justified, since

  • the chances a bug can be reproduced only using the 2 possible values we pick for each parameter
  • the chances a bug can be reproduced with 4 steps are fairly low.

The second option to inspect the model is by performing many random simulations of the model evolution. Simulation is a depth-focused search of the state space, compared to the breadth-first approach of model checking. While random simulations do not provide guarantees about covering the whole (bounded) state space, they enable inspecting much longer traces. Furthermore, with some small interventions into the model, we can guide the simulator to explore the behaviors of interest. Thus, simulation was our method of choice for checking the model of the Dex.

While it is more productive to explore larger depths (thus: more interactions) than insist on covering the whole breadth (thus, sacrificing some number of choices), it still makes sense to reduce the breadth as much as possible to hit the most interesting scenarios.

Model Simulation: Shrinking the State Space

To achieve the goal of reducing the state space breadth without sacrificing the bugs our model can find, we tweaked the following aspects of the model:

  • There is a tension between choosing from large number of ticks (to cover all possible numerical edge cases) and focusing generated scenarios towards dense interplay between tranches and pools. (Otherwise, we may just get many almost independent actions.) Our solution was to non-deterministically pick 3 ticks at the beginning of each simulation. This allowed for density of interactions within a single simulation, while exploring the whole space of ticks among many simulations.
  • There are some privileged parameter-choices of the actions. For example, a liquidity provider may choose to withdraw any number of their shares from a pool (expressed by oneOf( However, the most interesting scenarios happen when the user withdraws all their shares. In a default setup, this would happen too rarely. Thus, we add a Boolean nondet withdrawAll = oneOf(Set(true, false)) which flips a coin to decide whether to withdraw all shares, or some amount of shares.
  • We also ran some tests that were not completely free ranging. Phrased as runs, they were given a blueprint of the simulation: what sequence of actions needs to happen first, followed by some random choice of actions, and then again followed by predetermined action.

With each violation we found, we inspected it, documented if it were a novel one, and modified the model to avoid the paths leading to the violation. Once we reached a stable state (violations not being found in our typical 100000 run simulation), we ran a final expiriment consisting of 300000 simulations of 50 steps each. This run found no novel violation.

To assess the quality of the generated traces, we have created predicates describing interesting scenarios and then monitored the executions to track how often these interesting predicates were true.

  • A tranche was exhausted through cancellation in almost all 300k traces.
  • A tranche was exhausted through a series of withdrawals in ~45k traces.
  • A single tranche was shared by multiple users in ~36k traces.
  • A single swap could potentially use liquidity from both a tranche and a pool in ~100k traces.

Descriptively, we saw among the inspected scenarios interactions of swaps with both pools and tranches, as well as multiple users placing their orders, withdrawing proceeds repeatedly and cancelling their placements. The type of interaction that caused the recent bug in the DEX having to do with cancellations was found among the generated traces.

Another modification that enabled us to explore more breadth was projecting the model onto only a part of the available actions. This modification comes from the insight that for a certain kinds of bugs the exact numbers do not matter. Rather, what matters are relations between numerical choices.

For instance:

  • for a swap to succeed, the selling price must be lower than the buying price (and concrete number choices do not matter),
  • for the interaction of a tranche placement, withdrawal, and cancellation, the interactions with different tranches does not matter, only actions relevant to the single tranche matters.
  • for the interaction of pool deposits, withdraws, and swaps; again, only a particular pool matters.

Thus, some of the interesting properties may be examined by factoring out only parts of the model. In such setup, the simulation may provide good coverage: When checking only for pools' properties, we choose among three actions: SinglehopSwap, Deposit, WithdrawPool, of a fixed pool key. With the previous optimizations, WithdrawPool can be seen as two actions, WithdrawPoolFull and WithdrawPoolPartial, and similarly for the SinglehopSwap. Our hypothesis is that these 5 actions cover all interesting behaviors with respect to pools. An equivalent decomposition holds for tranches' properties.

In such a restricted setup, where all reorderings of actions can be achieved with ~6000 different choices of actions (a size of all permutations of a set of size 6), it becomes more likely that the simulation produces an interesting behavior. The complexity of parameter choice and calculations remains, and makes the challenge difficult for model checking. Running simulations in such a factorized model did not find novel violations.

5. Conclusion

We have created a Quint model of the Neutron DEX. The model captures the essential properties of the DEX, including numerical considerations.

We have used the model to analyze the properties of the system. In the process, we have uncovered violations of the desired properties, as described in section 4. Analysis Results. Preliminary discussions suggest that these violations do not constitute a security vulnerability.

We did our analysis by running a suite of simulations, that inspected many interesting behaviors of the system. Due to the complexity of the system (and hence the model), we were not able to check the whole model and obtain a guarantee of every possible behavior being inspected.

The simulations run can be compared to the integration tests from the codebase, with two major differences:

  1. We ran the order-of-magnitude of 100000 simulations, with different parameters and action orderings, compared to a couple of dozens of integration tests.
  2. The simulations do not test the actual code, that integration tests do.

Another important benefit of this model is that it brings clarity with respect to the expected behavior of the system. In the process of developing the model, we have discovered many misleading things in the documentation and specification, which can stem from staleness, typos, or attempting to simplify the explanation for the audience to follow more easily. With the formal model, it gets much less likely to introduce a mistake due to the model's internal consistency checks.

Thus, one direction of future work may be to create a new, dynamic documentation: it could use executable Quint in the explanations and examples, enabling users to try out their own examples (rather than relying on the provided, constant examples). Another exciting direction is using the developed model to write integration tests for the implementation, establishing a firmer connection between the model and the code, and increasing the test coverage with as many generated tests as needed.


A. Interacting with the Model



Interact with the model in a REPL

# Load the dex file
quint -r dexEvolution.qnt::dexEvolution

This command will open Quint REPL. Inside the Quint REPL:

Initialize the state by executing the init action


Check the state by running state, or its fields, e.g., state.tranches.

Nothing very interesting for the moment. Thus, let's run an action, e.g., depositPoolAct. This will create a non-deterministic DepositMsg and change the state. Inspect the state again by examining state.pools, or state.bookkeeping (a non-essential variable, used for providing extra information on interactions with pools and tranches).

Alternatively, run step: this will pick any step to be executed.

If you want to experiment with concrete messages, try something like this:

val bobsOrder: PlaceLimitOrderMsg = {
    creator: "Bob",
    orderType: GoodTillCancelled,
    tokenIn: "A",
    tokenOut: "B",
    amountIn: 10,
    sellTick: 19460,
    maxAmountOut: -1

and then state' = placeLimitOrder(state, bobsOrder).state.

For digging deeper, a REPL may be run with the --verbosity=5 flag: in that case, it will show an evaluation of each function of the model.

Running violation runs

If we want to experiment inside REPL, but do not want to write each time the initial sequence of steps, we can use runs - the runs violating described properties are available in violationRuns.qnt

You can start the REPL with quint -r violationRuns.qnt::violationRuns and then, e.g., noLossViolationAutoswapRun. This can be useful when you want to start with a particular state, as reached by a run.

Alternatively, run quint test --match=.Run --max-samples=1 violationRuns.qnt. This command will run all the runs inside the file, and check the assertions in it.

Run the Simulator

The Quint simulator creates a number of behaviors allowed by the model. You can run the simulator by quint run --max-samples=1 --max-steps=20 --out-itf=out.itf.json dexEvolution.qnt After doing that, inspect the trace in the file out.itf.json -> in order to to visualize trace, you should also install the VSCode plugin for visualizing traces.

To task the simulator with inspecting individual invariants, give it with the argument --invariant. For instance, quint run --max-samples=1 --max-steps=20 --out-itf=out.itf.json --invariant=allInvariants dexEvolution.qnt.