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A tool for converting tcp stream into kcp+udp stream, ⚡ download address⚡
kcptun is based on kcp-go
Server Side: ./server_linux_amd64 -t "" -l ":4000" -mode fast2 // forwarding to local port 1080
Client Side: ./client_darwin_amd64 -r "SERVERIP:4000" -l ":1080" -mode fast2 // listening on port 1080
Help output under MacOS X:
$ ./client_darwin_amd64 -h
kcptun - client(with SMUX)
client_darwin_amd64 [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--localaddr value, -l value local listen address (default: ":12948")
--remoteaddr value, -r value kcp server address (default: "vps:29900")
--key value pre-shared secret between client and server (default: "it's a secrect") [$KCPTUN_KEY]
--crypt value aes, aes-128, aes-192, salsa20, blowfish, twofish, cast5, 3des, tea, xtea, xor, none (default: "aes")
--mode value profiles: fast3, fast2, fast, normal (default: "fast")
--conn value set num of UDP connections to server (default: 1)
--autoexpire value set auto expiration time(in seconds) for a single UDP connection, 0 to disable (default: 0)
--mtu value set maximum transmission unit for UDP packets (default: 1350)
--sndwnd value set send window size(num of packets) (default: 128)
--rcvwnd value set receive window size(num of packets) (default: 1024)
--datashard value set reed-solomon erasure coding - datashard (default: 10)
--parityshard value set reed-solomon erasure coding - parityshard (default: 3)
--dscp value set DSCP(6bit) (default: 0)
--nocomp disable compression
--log value specify a log file to output, default goes to stderr
-c value config from json file, which will override the command from shell
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
$ ./server_darwin_amd64 -h
kcptun - server(with SMUX)
server_darwin_amd64 [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--listen value, -l value kcp server listen address (default: ":29900")
--target value, -t value target server address (default: "")
--key value pre-shared secret between client and server (default: "it's a secrect") [$KCPTUN_KEY]
--crypt value aes, aes-128, aes-192, salsa20, blowfish, twofish, cast5, 3des, tea, xtea, xor, none (default: "aes")
--mode value profiles: fast3, fast2, fast, normal (default: "fast")
--mtu value set maximum transmission unit for UDP packets (default: 1350)
--sndwnd value set send window size(num of packets) (default: 1024)
--rcvwnd value set receive window size(num of packets) (default: 1024)
--datashard value set reed-solomon erasure coding - datashard (default: 10)
--parityshard value set reed-solomon erasure coding - parityshard (default: 3)
--dscp value set DSCP(6bit) (default: 0)
--nocomp disable compression
--log value specify a log file to output, default goes to stderr
-c value config from json file, which will override the command from shell
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
- Real-time gaming.
- Cross-ISP data exchange in PRC.
- Other lossy network.
Both sides must agree on the following parameters:
- datashard
- parityshard
- nocomp
- key
- crypt
other parameters can be set independently.
How to optimize:
Step 1:Increase client rcvwnd & server sndwnd simultaneously & gradually。
Step 2:Try download something and observer, if the bandwidth usage is close the limit then stop, otherwise goto step 1.
NOTICE: if too much retranmission happens, it's quite possible the windows are too large
No matter what encryption you are using for application layer, if you specify -crypt none
to kcptun,
the header will be PLAINTEXT to everyone; I suggest -crypt aes-128
for encryption at least .
NOTICE: -crypt xor
is also insecure, do not use this unless you know what you are doing.
Routers, mobile devices are sensitive to memory consumption; by setting GOGC environment(eg: GOGC=20) will lower memory consumption. Reference: https://blog.golang.org/go15gc
Intended audience : for those server's bandwidth is quite limited.
Example: To limit outgoing bandwidth to 32mbit/s on server.
root@kcptun:~# cat tc.sh
tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 32mbit
tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 handle 10 fw flowid 1:1
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MARK --set-mark 10
Differentiated services or DiffServ is a computer networking architecture that specifies a simple, scalable and coarse-grained mechanism for classifying and managing network traffic and providing quality of service (QoS) on modern IP networks. DiffServ can, for example, be used to provide low-latency to critical network traffic such as voice or streaming media while providing simple best-effort service to non-critical services such as web traffic or file transfers.
DiffServ uses a 6-bit differentiated services code point (DSCP) in the 8-bit differentiated services field (DS field) in the IP header for packet classification purposes. The DS field and ECN field replace the outdated IPv4 TOS field.[1]
setting each side with -dscp value
fast3 > [fast2] > fast > normal > default
Payload Ratio:
default > normal > fast > [fast2] > fast3
Parameters in middle is balanced for latency & payload ratio, the faster you get the more wasteful you are.
Manual control is supported with hidden parameters, you must understand KCP protocol before doing this.
-mode manual -nodelay 1 -resend 2 -nc 1 -interval 20
I suggest fast2 for high-loss network, normal for low-loss network.
In coding theory, the Reed–Solomon code belongs to the class of non-binary cyclic error-correcting codes. The Reed–Solomon code is based on univariate polynomials over finite fields.
It is able to detect and correct multiple symbol errors. By adding t check symbols to the data, a Reed–Solomon code can detect any combination of up to t erroneous symbols, or correct up to ⌊t/2⌋ symbols. As an erasure code, it can correct up to t known erasures, or it can detect and correct combinations of errors and erasures. Furthermore, Reed–Solomon codes are suitable as multiple-burst bit-error correcting codes, since a sequence of b + 1 consecutive bit errors can affect at most two symbols of size b. The choice of t is up to the designer of the code, and may be selected within wide limits.
Setting parameters of RS-Code with -datashard 10 -parityshard 3
Snappy is a compression/decompression library. It does not aim for maximum compression, or compatibility with any other compression library; instead, it aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression. For instance, compared to the fastest mode of zlib, Snappy is an order of magnitude faster for most inputs, but the resulting compressed files are anywhere from 20% to 100% bigger.
Reference: http://google.github.io/snappy/
disable compression by setting -nocomp
on both side.
Tips: Turning off compression may reduce latency.
// Snmp defines network statistics indicator
type Snmp struct {
BytesSent uint64 // payload bytes sent
BytesReceived uint64
MaxConn uint64
ActiveOpens uint64
PassiveOpens uint64
CurrEstab uint64
InErrs uint64
InCsumErrors uint64 // checksum errors
InSegs uint64
OutSegs uint64
OutBytes uint64 // udp bytes sent
RetransSegs uint64
FastRetransSegs uint64
EarlyRetransSegs uint64
LostSegs uint64
RepeatSegs uint64
FECRecovered uint64
FECErrs uint64
FECSegs uint64 // fec segments received
Sending a signal by kill -SIGUSR1 pid
will give SNMP information for KCP,useful for fine-grained adjustment.
Of which RetransSegs,FastRetransSegs,LostSegs,OutSegs
is the most useful.
All donations to this project will be used on the R&D of gonet/2.
- https://github.com/skywind3000/kcp -- KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol.
- https://github.com/klauspost/reedsolomon -- Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Go.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differentiated_services -- DSCP.
- http://google.github.io/snappy/ -- A fast compressor/decompressor.
- https://www.backblaze.com/blog/reed-solomon/ -- Reed-Solomon Explained.
- http://www.qualcomm.cn/products/raptorq -- RaptorQ Forward Error Correction Scheme for Object Delivery.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 -- Key stretching.
- http://blog.appcanary.com/2016/encrypt-or-compress.html -- Should you encrypt or compress first?
- https://github.com/hashicorp/yamux -- Connection multiplexing library.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6937 -- Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5827 -- Early Retransmit for TCP and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).
- http://http2.github.io/ -- What is HTTP/2?
- http://www.lartc.org/ -- Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control