Full Changelog
🐛 Fixed bugs
[stable7] fix(NcProviderList): Add padding around provider list #4202
[stable7] fix(NcSelect): Hide clear and deselect when disabled #4216
[stable7] fix(NcSelect): Styles on state change #4215
[stable7] adjust border-radius of ncpopover #4240
[stable7] fix progress-bar on chromium browsers #4239
[stable7] fix(NcActionInput): Show trailing button even for empty input #4253
[stable7] NcDatetimePicker: Make sure all l10n strings are extracted #4273
[stable7] fix(NcModal): fix focus-trap fallback #4270 (skjnldsv )
[stable7] Input Fields and RichContenteditable: add focus and select methods #4278
[stable7] Add links to documentation for other versions #4279 (susnux )
[stable7] NcActionLink
- provide download attributes for single action button in NcAction
#4293 4293
[stable7] Remove doubling proxied event handlers in NcRichContenteditable
[stable7] Fix/remove margin below message in widget item #4297 (JuliaKirschenheuter )
[stable7] fix: NcIconSvgWrapper size #4313
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