17.0.0-rc.3 – 2023-06-02
- fix(MediaSettings): Fix guests being prompted with login window when blurring background
#9620 - fix(TypingIndicator): Actors are only unique by type and id
What's Changed
* [stable27] fix(MediaSettings): Fix guests being prompted with login window when blurring background by @backportbot-nextcloud in https://github.com//pull/9622
* [stable27] fix(TypingIndicator): Actors are only unique by type+id by @backportbot-nextcloud in https://github.com//pull/9627
* chore(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder from 7.1.14 to 7.1.15 by @dependabot in https://github.com//pull/9636
* chore(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder-worker from 8.0.78 to 8.0.79 by @dependabot in https://github.com//pull/9646
* bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.87 to 7.0.88 by @dependabot in https://github.com//pull/9642
* [stable27] Correct Font weight for Subtitle by @backportbot-nextcloud in https://github.com//pull/9673
* Release/17.0.0 rc.3 by @ShGKme in https://github.com//pull/9687
Full Changelog: v17.0.0-rc.2...v17.0.0-rc.3