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Glances 3.3.0

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@nicolargo nicolargo released this 29 Oct 09:42
· 1705 commits to develop since this release


* Migration from AngularJS to Angular/React/Vue #2100 (many thanks to @fr4nc0is)
* Improve the IP module with a link to Censys #2105
* Add the public IP information to the WebUI #2105
* Add an option to show a configurable clock/time module to display #2150
* Add sort information on Docker plugin (console mode). Related to #2138
* Password files in same configuration dir in effect #2143
* If the container name is long, then display the start, not the end - Related to #1732
* Make the Web UI same than Console for CPU plugin
* [WINDOWS] Reorganise CPU stats display #2131
* Remove the static exportable_plugins list from #1556
* Limiting data exported for economic storage #1443

Bug corrected:

* glances.conf FS hide not applying #1666
* AMP: regex with special chars #2152
* fix(help-screen): add missing shortcuts and columnize algorithmically #2135
* Correct issue with the regexp filter (use fullmatch instead of match)
* Errors when running Glances as web service #1702
* Apply alias to Duplicate sensor name #1686
* Make the hide function in sensors section compliant with lower/upercase #1590
* Web UI truncates the days part of CPU time counter of the process list #2108
* Correct alignement issue with the diskio plugin (Console UI)

Documentation and CI:

* Refactor Docker file CI
* Add Codespell to the CI pipeline #2148
* Please add docker-compose example and document example. #2151
* [DOC] Glances failed to start and some other issues - BSD #2106
* [REQUEST Docker image] Output log to stdout #2128 (for debian)
* Fix code scanning alert - Clear-text logging of sensitive information #2124
* Improve makefile (with online documentation)
* buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: python:3.10-slim-buster: no match for platform in manifest #2120
* [Update docs] Can I export only the fields I need in csv report? #2113
* Windows Python 3 installation fails on dependency package "future" #2109

Contributors for this version:

* fr4nc0is : a very special thanks to @fr4nc0is for his huge work on the Glances v3.3.0 WebUI !!!
* Kostis Anagnostopoulos
* Kian-Meng Ang
* dependabot[bot]
* matthewaaronthacker
* and your servant Nicolargo