The MVC Music Store - but built on angular 2
Note: Angular 2.0 is not production ready yet! This seed project is perfect for playing around with the latest versions but do not start new projects with it since a lot of new changes are going to be introduced until the framework is officially released.
This project is based upon the awesome Angular 2 seed project by Minko Gechev. We have updated it to implement the functionality originally provided by the iconic [MVC Music Store] (
Open PowerShell and navigate to a suitable directory (e.g. ~\src
) and execute the following.
git clone
cd musicstore-ui-angular2-dotnet
Instructions for the developer
Check that you have the required tools:
- Visual Studio 2015 Update 1
- ASP.Net 5
- Node
- Gulp
- TypeScript
- WebEssentials - Visual Studio Extension
Download from here: Download
Ensure you install it with Python tools.
Install ASP.NET 5
Enable command line tools
dnvm upgrade
See more information
You need to upgrade nodejs to the latest version. Download and install from here
The npm preinstalled with VS 2015 is outdated, so it needs to be updated. You can check the current version doing:
npm -v
You should at least have version 3.5.0, if not, in the command prompt, run the following command to install it globally
npm install -g npm
The result should be something like this, but version should be at least 3.5.0:
The run the following command to check for bower:
bower --version
You should get a response like this
If Bower is not present, install globally using npm:
npm install -g bower
Then check for gulp the same way, just do:
and if no such program, again use npm to install it globally
npm install -g gulp
Typescript comes with VS2015 too, but we install it globally together with the typescript definition manager.
npm install -g typescript
npm install tsd -g
Install the Karma vsix adapter for Visual Studio to see karma test runner results in the test explorer
Install this from the gallery, or from Visual Studio Extension dialog, link to it is here
To edit markdown files, you can use the built-in WebEssentials tool, but it doesnt really handle images (copy/pasting etc) nicely. A much better tool is MarkPad.
- git clone angularmusicstore
- cd angularmusicstore
- run the command
dnu restore
for each project - build the solution
- npm install # or
npm run reinstall
if you get an error from the command line for the SSW.MusicStore.Web project - npm start # start with --env dev from the command line for the SSW.MusicStore.Web project
npm test
npm run # 1st window npm run karma.start # 2nd window