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Destructors, 2nd edition

Andreas Rumpf edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 8 revisions

Nim Destructors and Move Semantics

This document describes the upcoming Nim runtime which does not use classical GC algorithms anymore but is based on destructors and move semantics. The new runtime's advantages are that Nim programs become oblivious to the involved heap sizes and programs are easier to write to make effective use of multi-core machines. As a nice bonus, files and sockets and the like will not require manual close calls anymore.

This document aims to be a precise specification about how move semantics and destructors work in Nim.

With the language mechanisms described here a custom seq could be written as:

  myseq*[T] = object
    len, cap: int
    data: ptr UncheckedArray[T]

proc `=destroy`*[T](x: var myseq[T]) =
  if != nil:
    for i in 0..<x.len: `=destroy`(x[i])
    dealloc( = nil

proc `=`*[T](a: var myseq[T]; b: myseq[T]) =
  # do nothing for self-assignments:
  if == return
  a.len = b.len
  a.cap = b.cap
  if != nil: = cast[type(](alloc(a.cap * sizeof(T)))
    for i in 0..<a.len:[i] =[i]

proc `=move`*[T](a, b: var myseq[T]) =
  # do nothing for self-assignments:
  if == return
  a.len = b.len
  a.cap = b.cap =
  # b's elements have been stolen so ensure that the
  # destructor for b does nothing: = nil
  b.len = 0

proc add*[T](x: var myseq[T]; y: sink T) =
  if x.len >= x.cap: resize(x)[x.len] = y
  inc x.len

proc `[]`*[T](x: myseq[T]; i: Natural): lent T =
  assert i < x.len[i]

proc `[]=`*[T](x: myseq[T]; i: Natural; y: sink T) =
  assert i < x.len[i] = y

proc createSeq*[T](elems: varargs[T]): myseq[T] =
  result.cap = elems.len
  result.len = elems.len = cast[type(](alloc(result.cap * sizeof(T)))
  for i in 0..<result.len:[i] = elems[i]

proc len*[T](x: myseq[T]): int {.inline.} = x.len

The memory management for Nim's standard string and seq types as well as other standard collections is performed via so called "Lifetime-tracking hooks" or "type-bound operators". There are 3 different hooks for each (generic or concrete) object type T (T can also be a distinct type) that are called implicitly by the compiler.

(Note: The word "hook" here does not imply any kind of dynamic binding or runtime indirections, the implicit calls are statically bound and potentially inlined.)

A =destroy hook frees the object's associated memory and releases other associated resources. Variables are destroyed via this hook when they go out of scope or when the routine they were declared in is about to return.

The prototype of this hook for a type T needs to be:

proc `=destroy`(x: var T)

The general pattern in =destroy looks like:

proc `=destroy`(x: var T) =
  # first check if 'x' was moved to somewhere else:
  if x.field != nil:
    x.field = nil

A =move hook moves an object around, the resources are stolen from the source and passed to the destination. It must be ensured that source's destructor does not free the resources afterwards.

The prototype of this hook for a type T needs to be:

proc `=move`(dest, source: var T)

The general pattern in =move looks like:

proc `=move`(dest, source: var T) =
  # protect against self-assignments:
  if dest.field != source.field:
    dest.field = source.field
    source.field = nil

The ordinary assignment in Nim conceptually copies the values. The = hook is called for assignments that couldn't be transformed into moves.

The prototype of this hook for a type T needs to be:

proc `=`(dest: var T; source: T)

The general pattern in = looks like:

proc `=`(dest: var T; source: T) =
  # protect against self-assignments:
  if dest.field != source.field:
    dest.field = duplicateResource(source.field)

The = proc can be marked with the {.error.} pragma. Then any assignment that otherwise would lead to a copy is prevented at compile-time.

A "move" can be regarded as an optimized copy operation. If the source of the copy operation is not used afterwards, the copy can be replaced by a move. This document uses the notation lastReadOf(x) to describe that x is not used afterwards. This property is computed by a static control flow analysis but can also be enforced by using system.move explicitly.

The need to check for self-assignments and also the need to destroy previous objects inside = and =move is a strong indicator to treat system.swap as a builtin primitive of its own that simply swaps every field in the involved objects via copyMem or a comparable mechanism. In other words, swap(a, b) is not implemented as let tmp = move(a); b = move(a); a = move(tmp)!

This has further consequences:

  • Objects that contain pointers that point to the same object are not supported by Nim's model. Otherwise swapped objects would end up in an inconsistent state.
  • Seqs can use realloc in the implementation.

To move a variable into a collection usually sink parameters are involved. A location that is passed to a sink parameters should not be used afterwards. This is ensured by a static analysis over a control flow graph. A sink parameter may be consumed once in the proc's body but doesn't have to be consumed at all. The reason for this is that signatures like proc put(t: var Table; k: sink Key, v: sink Value) should be possible without any further overloads and put might not take owership of k if k already exists in the table. Sink parameters enable an affine type system, not a linear type system.

The employed static analysis is limited and only concerned with local variables; however object and tuple fields are treated as separate entities:

proc consume(x: sink Obj) = discard "no implementation"

proc main =
  let tup = (Obj(), Obj())
  consume tup[0]
  # ok, only tup[0] was consumed, tup[1] is still alive:
  echo tup[1]

Sometimes it is required to explicitly move a value into its final position:

proc main =
  var dest, src: array[10, string]
  # ...
  for i in 0..high(dest): dest[i] = move(src[i])

An implementation is allowed, but not required to implement even more move optimizations (and the current implementation does not).

Unfortunately this document departs significantly from the older design as specified here, The reason is that under the old design so called "self assignments" could not work.

proc select(cond: bool; a, b: sink string): string =
  if cond:
    result = a # moves a into result
    result = b # moves b into result

proc main =
  var x = "abc"
  var y = "xyz"

  # possible self-assignment:
  x = select(rand() < 0.5, x, y)
  # 'select' must communicate what parameter has been
  # consumed. We cannot simply generate:
  # (select(...); wasMoved(x); wasMoved(y))

Consequence: sink parameters for objects that have a non-trivial destructor must be passed as by-pointer under the hood. A further advantage is that parameters are never destroyed, only variables are. The caller's location passed to a sink parameter has to be destroyed by the caller and does not burden the callee.

Constant literals like nil cannot be easily be =moved'd. The solution is to pass a temporary location that contains nil to the sink location. In other words, var T can only bind to locations, but sink T can bind to values.

For example:

var x: owned ref T = nil
# gets turned into by the compiler:
var tmp = nil
move(x, tmp)

Note: A function call f() is always the "last read" of the involved temporary location and so covered under the more general rewrite rules.

Note: There are two different allowed implementation strategies:

  1. The produced finally section can be a single section that is wrapped around the complete routine body.
  2. The produced finally section is wrapped around the enclosing scope.

The current implementation follows strategy (1). This means that resources are not destroyed at the scope exit, but at the proc exit.

var x: T; stmts
---------------             (var)
var x: T; try stmts
finally: `=destroy`(x)

------------------------    (function-call)
(let tmp = f(...); tmp)
finally: `=destroy`(tmp)

x = lastReadOf z
------------------          (move-optimization)
`=move`(x, z)

x = y
------------------          (copy)
`=`(x, y)

x = move y
------------------          (enforced-move)
`=move`(x, y)

f_sink(notLastReadOf y)
-----------------------     (copy-to-sink)
(let tmp; `=`(tmp, y); f_sink(tmp))
finally: `=destroy`(tmp)

f_sink(move y)
-----------------------     (enforced-move-to-sink)
(let tmp; `=move`(tmp, y); f_sink(tmp))
finally: `=destroy`(tmp)

There is an additional rewrite rule for so called "cursor" variables. A cursor variable is a variable that is only used for navigation inside a data structure. The otherwise implied copies (or moves) and destructions can be avoided altogether for cursor variables:

var x {.cursor.}: T
x = path(z)
--------------------------  (cursor-var)
x = bitwiseCopy(path z)
# x is not destroyed.

stmts must not mutate z nor x. All assignments to x must be of the form path(z) but the z can differ. Neither z nor x can be aliased; this implies the addresses of these locations must not be used explicitly.

The current implementation does not compute cursor variables but supports the .cursor pragma annotation. Cursor variables are respected and simply trusted: No checking is performed that no mutations or aliasing occurs.

Cursor variables are commonly used in iterator implementations:

iterator nonEmptyItems(x: seq[string]): string =
  for i in 0..high(x):
    let it {.cursor.} = x[i] # no string copies, no destruction of 'it'
    if it.len > 0:
      yield it

Let W be an owned ref type. Conceptually its hooks look like:

proc `=destroy`(x: var W) =
  if x != nil:
    assert x.refcount == 0, "dangling unowned pointers exist!"
    x = nil

proc `=`(x: var W; y: W) {.error: "owned refs can only be moved".}

proc `=move`(x, y: var W) =
  if x != y:
    bitwiseCopy x, y # raw pointer copy
    y = nil

Let U be an unowned ref type. Conceptually its hooks look like:

proc `=destroy`(x: var U) =
  if x != nil:
    dec x.refcount

proc `=`(x: var U; y: U) =
  # Note: No need to check for self-assignments here.
  if y != nil: inc y.refcount
  if x != nil: dec x.refcount
  bitwiseCopy x, y # raw pointer copy

proc `=move`(x, y: var U) =
  # Note: Moves are the same as assignments.
  `=`(x, y)

The hooks of a tuple type (A, B, ...) are generated by lifting the hooks of the involved types A, B, ... to the tuple type. In other words, a copy x = y is implemented as x[0] = y[0]; x[1] = y[1]; ..., likewise for =move and =destroy.

Other value-based compound types like object and array are handled correspondingly. For object however, the compiler generated hooks can be overridden. This can also be important to use an alternative traversal of the involved datastructure that is more efficient or in order to avoid deep recursions.

The ability to override a hook leads to a phase ordering problem:

  Foo[T] = object

proc main =
  var f: Foo[int]
  # error: destructor for 'f' called here before
  # it was seen in this module.

proc `=destroy`[T](f: var Foo[T]) =

The solution is to define proc `=destroy`[T](f: var Foo[T]) before it is used. The compiler generates implicit hooks for all types in strategic places so that an explicitly provided hook that comes too "late" can be detected reliably. These strategic places have been derived from the rewrite rules and are as follows:

  • In the construct let/var x = ... (var/let binding) hooks are generated for typeof(x).
  • In x = ... (assignment) hooks are generated for typeof(x).
  • In f(...) (function call) hooks are generated for typeof(f(...)).
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