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A Node.js wrapper for interacting with the Roblox API. Forked from roblox-js.

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Noblox.js is a node module that was forked from sentanos's roblox-js module. This project was created because the roblox-js repository was no longer maintained by sentanos.

Noblox.js allows you to do things you would normally do on the Roblox website through a Node.js interface. You can use noblox.js along with Roblox's HttpService feature to create scripts that interact with the website. If you're looking for more information on how to create something like this, check out this repository by sentanos. Keep in mind that this does not use the latest version of this module and it is highly encouraged that you learn to use the library directly.



With node.js installed simply run:

# Run this to install noblox.js locally to your repository. 
$ npm install noblox.js --save

# Run this instead to install noblox.js globally so you can use it anywhere.
$ npm install noblox.js -g

That's it!


You can find the current noblox.js wiki with all API documentation here. Keep in mind that all methods may not be documented. A majority of the new features that can be found in noblox.js are not in roblox-js. There will be new documentation coming in with v5.0.0.

Making use of new login workaround

Initial setup

  1. Remove any usages of the login method.
  2. Run cookieLogin when your app starts. You only need to run it on app start. Supply it with a cookie, guide on obtaining that below.
  3. This cookie will be automatically refreshed. You never need to supply it again, but supplying it is unlikely to cause problems

Getting your cookie (Chrome):

  1. Open any Roblox page and login
  2. Press Control + Shift + i on your keyboard
  3. Click Application
  4. Find .ROBLOSECURITY. Copy it's contents, which will start with _|WARNING:-DO
  5. Put this full token, including the warning into cookieLogin: rbx.cookieLogin( tokenHere )


This example makes use of the new async-await syntax.

const rbx = require("noblox.js")
async function startApp () {
    await rbx.cookieLogin("_|WARNING:-DO-NOT-SHARE-THIS.--Sharing-this-will-allow-someone-to-log-in-as-you-and-to-steal-your-ROBUX-and-items.|_F9F1EA531adk")
    // Do everything else, calling functions and the like.
    let currentUser = await rbx.getCurrentUser()


  • Only one application can be logged in at once.
  • If the application is offline for like a week to a month you may need to get the cookie again
  • Your cookie is stored within a file in the lib
  • Roblox-js-server is not currently compatible. Use noblox.js-server instead.
  • The application will not work on Heroku. This is because we store the cookie internally in a file, and files do not persist in Heroku.


  • sentanos - We wouldn't exist without him. 😀
