Team Member | Github Username | Github Profile | Journal Link | Github Contributions | Issues | Scrum Board Tasks |
Akshay R. | Akshay-Rohatgi | Akshay's Profile | Akshay's Journal | Akshay's Contributions | Issues | Scrum Board Tasks |
Alvin Z. | alvinzhengq | Alvin's Profile | Alvin's Journal | Alvin's Contributions | Issues | Scrum Board Tasks |
Nolan P. | nolanplatt | Nolan's Profile | Nolan's Journal | Nolan's Contributions | Issues | Scrum Board Tasks |
Sami D. | SamiDeshatty | Sami's Profile | Sami's Journal | Sami's Contributions | Issues | Scrum Board Tasks |
Prisha M. | PrishaMaiti | Prisha's Profile | Prisha's Journal | Prisha's Contributions | Issues | Scrum Board Tasks |
We decided to make a full-stack application showing the latest upcoming music and movies. Users can select a variety of different preferences for genres and they can find the songs and movies that match those preferences; that way, they can find the movies and songs that are best suited for their own interests in a short amount of time. Our app will use APIs such as IMDB, Spotify, and Apple Music to fetch the latest upcoming movies and songs.
Design Document: Link
Note: All applicable designs (such as Wireframe screenshots and links) are available in the document above.
Runtime Link: TBD
All minilabs completed by team located here.
The Scrum board with all tasks and issues is located here.
In week seven, we were tasked as a team to create the RGB minilab. We all contributed in different ways. See modeling checkpoint and timebox below.
Video detailing lab components
RGBLab Controller
Team Member | Github Username | Technical Task | Contribution Links |
Akshay R. | Akshay-Rohatgi | Backend: ImageProperty | Commit 1, Commit 2 |
Alvin Z. | alvinzhengq | Backend: ImagePropertyRGB | Commit 1, Commit 2 |
Nolan P. | nolanplatt | Backend: ImageInfo | Commit 1, Commit 2 |
Sami D. | SamiDeshatty | Frontend: HTML Homepage | Commit 1, Commit 2 |
Prisha M. | PrishaMaiti | Frontend: HTML Homepage | Commit |
In week six, we each created an algorithm and implemented it four different ways.
Team Member | Github Username | Technical Task | Contribution Links |
Akshay R. | Akshay-Rohatgi | Geometric Series | Algorithm Extend Lab |
Alvin Z. | alvinzhengq | OEIS A034175 | Algorithm Extend Lab |
Nolan P. | nolanplatt | Lucas Numbers | Algorithm Extend Lab |
Sami D. | SamiDeshatty | Pascal's Triangle | Algorithm Extend Lab |
Prisha M. | PrishaMaiti |
Week 5 was a journal review. We shifted from RGB lab to a journal review at end of week. Mr. Mortensen decided to postpone the RGB lab as it was deemed too difficiult. Hence, our group took the time ot polish our journals. See below.
Team Member | Github Username | Journal |
Akshay R. | Akshay-Rohatgi | Journal |
Alvin Z. | alvinzhengq | Journal |
Nolan P. | nolanplatt | Journal |
Sami D. | SamiDeshatty | Journal |
Prisha M. | PrishaMaiti | Journal |
Completed Task on Scrum Board:
Team Member | Github Username | Technical Task | Contribution Links |
Akshay R. | Akshay-Rohatgi | Hack 1 for Binary Math + HTML Prototyping | Hack 1 Commit 1, Hack 1 Commit 2, HTML Prototyping |
Alvin Z. | alvinzhengq | HTML Prototyping | CSS Fix, Hack 2, 3, 4 |
Nolan P. | nolanplatt | Hack 2 for Binary Math | Hack 2 Commit |
Sami D. | SamiDeshatty | HTML Prototyping | Home Page, Movies Page, Webpage Organization |
Prisha M. | PrishaMaiti |
We started working on the login page for our project idea:
Link to commit
We created a minilab with 3x3 Bootstrap Cards. This shows 9(3x3) different logos, names, and short descriptions of some PUSD schools:
Link to commit
We created a minilab that generates a string given the length of the string by the user. Includes frontend, backend, and API development.
Link to commit
Our new mini labs page with the Greeting/Bird integration, and Math lab.
An example of the new placeholder pages we added to the navbar: