HT1621B Segment LED Example Code for RaspberryPi
I ported from here.
- WiringPi Library
This project uses the wiringPiSetup() function to initialize GPIOs.
If you use it on a board other than the RPI board, you may need to change the WiringPi number.
As far as I know, there are these libraries.- WiringPi for OrangePi
- WiringPi for BananaPi
- WiringPi for NanoPi
- WiringPi for Pine-64
HT1621B | RaspberryPi | |
DATA | -- | GPIO17(#11) |
RW | -- | GPIO18(#12) |
CS | -- | GPIO27(#13) |
VCC | -- | 5V |
GND | -- | GND |
(*)You can change to other GPIO.
#define DATA 0
#define RW 1
#define CS 2
cc -o ts206 ts206.c -lwiringPi