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@arcticicestudio arcticicestudio released this 16 Jun 18:11
· 55 commits to develop since this release

Changelog for Nord Visual Studio Code — An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme.

Release Date: 2020-06-16 Project Board Milestone



Adaption and activation of semantic highlighting#172#173 (⊶ e05a999) by @aeschli
Visual Studio Code version 1.44 introduced support for semantic highlighting that allows to assign colors and styles to tokens. Semantic highlighting enriches syntax coloring based on symbol information from the language service, which has more complete understanding of the project so the coloring changes appear once the language server is running and has computed the semantic tokens.
The feature has been tested for some weeks and worked out-of-the-box without the need to change or add specific matchers or rules.
See the semantic highlighting guide for themes and Github wiki for more details.

The full changelog ist available here