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File metadata and controls

72 lines (50 loc) · 3.52 KB

Rosbag Extractor

A python utility to convert rosbags into human-readable data.


It is suggested to install the module with pip:

pip install -e .


usage: rosbag_extractor [-h] [-i INPUT] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT] [--ignore-missing] [--overwrite]

Extract data from a rosbag file to a directory.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Path to the ROS1 or ROS2 bag.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file name (see configs folder)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory.
  --ignore-missing      Ignore missing topics in the config file.
  --overwrite           Overwrite existing files in the output directory.

To use, create a config in the configs folder, which must be a list of dictionaries, each containing the following information:

Key Value
type Type of data to handle (see supported types below)
topic Name of the topic to extract
folder Name of the subfolder where to extract the data
extension File extension for the extracted data
args Extra arguments for some data types

Supported types

The following types are currently implemented in the tool:

basic -> Any basic data without complex encoding, such as most std_msgs, as well as custom messages containing only basic types.

imu -> Messages of type sensor_msgs/msg/Imu, can be extracted to a single CSV file including timestamps.

gnss -> Messages of type sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix, can be extracted to a single CSV file including timestamps.

audio -> Messages of type audio_common_msgs/msg/AudioData or audio_common_msgs/msg/AudioDataStamped, can be extracted to a single MP3 or WAV file.

odometry -> Messages of type nav_msgs/msg/Odometry, can be extracted to a single CSV file including timestamps.

point_cloud -> Messages of type sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2, can be extracted to a single CSV file per point cloud, named by timestamp.

image -> Messages of type sensor_msgs/msg/Image, that will be directly decoded and saved as single images named by timestamps.


Images extraction include extra parameters to achieve the desired output:

Args Type Description
rectify bool Whether to rectify the images (will look for <cam_topic>/camera_info)
scale float Factor to rescale the images (1.0 will leave them unchanged)
debayer bool Whether to convert the bayer image to RGB before saving
quality_factor float (JPG-only) Compress extracted images to reduce size on disk, needs to be 1.0 or lower
convert_12to8bits bool Whether to convert 12 bits images to 8 bits before saving
brackets list[int] Sort extracted images in specified brackets folder (will look for <cam_topic>/metadata)
basler_decompress bool (Basler only) Decompress images, message type should be packets