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notmyidea committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent 5358848 commit ce9dfa0
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Showing 124 changed files with 26,721 additions and 229 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/settings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": "matchingDocuments"
24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# CORE v.0.0.2
## Description
* one
* two
* three
* four
* five
* ocho
* siete
* nueve
* diez
* once

Built with lots of <3 and Organ-failure Energies

Binary file added libs/UltraEconomy-2.8.0.jar
Binary file not shown.
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
<!-- UltraEconomyAPI -->
<!-- CodeMC -->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +118,28 @@
<!-- There was an issue with UltraEconomy, see a dm from one of their maintainers:
"It seems that whoever built (or i guess manually copied classes together for) the api put the XMaterial class into the wrong package.
I guess the only solution for now would be if you tried to compile (and code) against the actual plugin jar insted of the api"

<!-- DO NOT EDIT unless instructed to do so or you know what you're doing. -->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,9 +169,6 @@

<!-- Change version to the latest one from -->
Expand All @@ -158,17 +182,31 @@
<!-- Important: This will ensure only Foundation is shaded to your jar. If you have
other dependencies that should be compiled, duplicate this line for each. -->
<!-- Include UltraEconomyAPI in the shaded JAR -->
<!-- <include>me.TechsCode:UltraEconomyAPI</include> -->
<!-- Include item-nbt-api-plugin in the shaded JAR -->
<!-- This moves Foundation into your own package in "lib" subpackage to prevent interference. -->
<!-- Relocate UltraEconomyAPI to prevent potential conflicts -->
<!-- UltraEconomyAPI is currently reworking.
The API is not supposed to be shaded into the plugin,
doing so will result in countless null pointers -->
</relocation> -->
<!-- Relocate item-nbt-api-plugin to prevent potential conflicts -->
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions server/.console_history
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,10 @@
1716579036381:uecon help
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions server/data/4294c6e3-68c4-39d6-9bb2-8ddb81e83692.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Nation Data
# This file stores all the data about a nation.
# Do not modify this file manually, use /nation commands instead.
# Nation

Binary file modified server/plugins/Core.jar
Binary file not shown.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions server/plugins/Core/Accounts.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
4294c6e3-68c4-39d6-9bb2-8ddb81e83692: eyJuYW1lIjoicGkxNiIsImlzQmFsYW5jZVRvcEJsYWNrbGlzdGVkIjpmYWxzZSwic2tpbiI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjEwYzI1NDZjYTQxZDE0Mjc3NTBiODc4NDEwZjE0ZTQ1YzEwMzA3YjM1MWFmNGM4NWRhY2M3YTNkMjYyNjBmZjpzcGxpdDoxNzE2NTk2OTE5MTk0Iiwibm90aWZpY2F0aW9ucyI6eyJpdGVtU3RvcmFnZURlcG9zaXQiOnRydWUsIml0ZW1TdG9yYWdlV2l0aGRyYXciOnRydWUsImV4cFN0b3JhZ2VEZXBvc2l0Ijp0cnVlLCJleHBTdG9yYWdlV2l0aGRyYXciOnRydWUsInBheW1lbnRSZWNlaXZlTWVzc2FnZSI6dHJ1ZSwicGF5bWVudFNlbnRNZXNzYWdlIjp0cnVlfSwiYmFsYW5jZXMiOnt9LCJyZWNlaXZlZEJhbGFuY2VXaGlsZU9mZmxpbmUiOnt9LCJwYXlUb2dnbGUiOmZhbHNlfQ==
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions server/plugins/Core/Currencies.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
d46445: 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
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions server/plugins/Core/Languages/Base_Czech.lang
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
# Official Language File
# To make your own language file, copy this file and edit the copy
# Changes made to this file will be reset!
# Do not edit it!

command.noPermission: "K tomuto příkazu nemáš **přístup**"
command.noConsole: "Tento příkaz nelze spustit z konzole"
command.usage.title: "Použití:"
# categorizableGUI.title: "Category > %"
# "This category is currently **selected**"
# "Click to show Categories"
confirmationView.confirm.title: "Potvrdit"
confirmationView.confirm.action: "Klikni k potvrzení"
confirmationView.deny.title: "Přerušit"
confirmationView.deny.action: "Klikni k přerušení"
# dateTimePickerView.addDay: "Add 1 Day"
# dateTimePickerView.addHour: "Add 1 Hour"
# dateTimePickerView.addMinute: "Add 1 Minute"
# dateTimePickerView.addSecond: "Add 1 Second"
# dateTimePickerView.confirm.title: "Confirm"
# dateTimePickerView.confirm.action: "Click to confirm"
dateTimePickerView.decrementAction: "**Klikni** pro odebrání **1**"
dateTimePickerView.decrementByAction: "**Shift + klikni** pro odebrání **%number%**"
dateTimePickerView.incrementAction: "**Klikni** pro přidání **1**"
dateTimePickerView.incrementByAction: "**Shift + Klikni** pro přidání **%number%**"
# dateTimePickerView.removeDay: "Remove 1 Day"
# dateTimePickerView.removeHour: "Remove 1 Hour"
# dateTimePickerView.removeMinute: "Remove 1 Minute"
# dateTimePickerView.removeSecond: "Remove 1 Second" "Vepiš datum"
dateTimePickerView.typeIn.lore: "Použij vlastní datum"
dateTimePickerView.typeIn.userInput.mainTitle: "Vlastní datum"
dateTimePickerView.typeIn.userInput.subTitle: "Zadej datum"
dateTimePickerView.typeIn.userInput.format: "Formát: **dd-MM-yyy HH:mm:ss**"
dateTimePickerView.typeIn.userInput.format.error: "Při zadávání datumu došlo k chybě"
ticksPickerView.addOneTick: "Přidat 1 Tick"
ticksPickerView.addFiveTicks: "Přidat 5 Ticků"
ticksPickerView.addTenTicks: "Přidat 10 Ticků"
ticksPickerView.addHundredTicks: "Přidat 100 Ticků"
ticksPickerView.confirm.title: "Potvrdit"
ticksPickerView.confirm.action: "Klikni pro potvrzení"
ticksPickerView.decrementAction: "Klikni pro odebrání"
ticksPickerView.incrementAction: "Klikni pro přidání"
ticksPickerView.removeOneTick: "Odstranit 1 Tick"
ticksPickerView.removeFiveTicks: "Odstranit 5 Ticků"
ticksPickerView.removeTenTicks: "Odstranit 10 Ticků"
ticksPickerView.removeHundredTicks: "Odstranit 100 Ticků"
timePickerView.addDay: "Přidat 1 Den"
timePickerView.addHour: "Přidat 1 Hodinu"
timePickerView.addMinute: "Přidat 1 Minutu"
timePickerView.addSecond: "Přidat 1 Sekundu"
timePickerView.confirm.title: "Potvrdit"
timePickerView.confirm.action: "Klikni pro potvrzení"
timePickerView.decrementAction: "Klikni pro odstraněnní"
timePickerView.decrementByAction: "**Shift + Klikni** pro odebrání **%number%**"
timePickerView.incrementAction: "Klikni pro přidání"
timePickerView.incrementByAction: "**Shift + Klikni** pro přidání **%number%**"
# timePickerView.minTime.title: "Minimum Duration Required"
# timePickerView.minTime.lore: "Minimum duration is set to **%time%**"
timePickerView.removeDay: "Odstranit 1 Den"
timePickerView.removeHour: "Odstranit 1 Hodinu"
timePickerView.removeMinute: "Odstranit 1 Minutu"
timePickerView.removeSecond: "Odstranit 1 Sekundu" "Vepiš dobu trvání"
timePickerView.typeIn.lore: "Použij vlastní dobu trvání"
timePickerView.typeIn.userInput.mainTitle: "Vlastní doba trvání"
timePickerView.typeIn.userInput.subTitle: "Zadej dobu trvání"
timePickerView.typeIn.userInput.format: "Formát: **5m** (5 Minut), **5h** (5 Hodin), **5d** (5 Dní)"
day: "den"
days: "dní"
hour: "hodina"
hours: "hodin"
minute: "minuta"
minutes: "minut"
second: "sekunda"
seconds: "sekund"
materialPickerView.choose.action: "**Klikni** k výběru"
pageableView.basicSearch.title: "Hledat"
pageableView.basicSearch.action: "Klikni ke hledání" "Další" "Klikni k přechodu na další stránku"
pageableView.previous.title: "Předchozí"
pageableView.previous.action: "Klikni k přechodu na předchozí stránku" "Klikni k **zavření** vyhledávání" "Hledat" "Vepiš vyhledávaný termín"
backButton.title: "Zpět"
backButton.action: "Klikni pro přechod zpět"
settings: "nastavení" "Klikni k otevření nastavení" "Tato stránka je momentálně **aktivní**"
settingsView.title: "Nastavení > %"
customisationPane.title: "Přizpůsobení"
# customisationPane.prefix.attribute: "Prefix: **%prefix%**"
# customisationPane.prefix.change.title: "Prefix"
customisationPane.prefix.change.subtitle: "Vepiš prefix"
customisationPane.prefix.changeAction: "**Klikni levým myšítkem** ke **změně** prefixu"
customisationPane.prefix.disableAction: "**Zmáčkni Q** k **vypnutí** prefixu"
customisationPane.prefix.enableAction: "Klikni k **zapnutí** prefixu"
customisationPane.prefix.resetAction: "**Klikni levým myšítkem** pro **reset** prefixu"
# customisationPane.prefix.title: "Prefix"
# customisationPane.updater.title: "In-game updater"
# customisationPane.updater.action: "**Click** to %action% in-game updater"
# customisationPane.updater.desc1: "Suggests to update the plugin if the plugin is outdated"
# customisationPane.updater.desc2: "and it will automatically install it after confirming" "Jazyk" "**Klikni** k **výběru** tohoto jazyka" "Tento jazyk je **právě** aktivní"
languagePane.coverage: "Pokrytí: **%coverage% %**"
languagePane.phrases: "Fráze: **%phrases%**"
# "Next"
# "Click to go to the next page"
# languagePane.previous.title: "Previous"
# languagePane.previous.action: "Click to go to the previous page" "MySQL databáze"
mysqlPane.setup.title: "Nastavení MySQL"
mysqlPane.setup.action: "Klikni k zapnutí MySQL"
mysqlPane.setup.desc: "Tato akce vyžaduje externí MySQL databázi k připojení"
mysqlPane.credentials.title: "Přihlašovací údaje"
mysqlPane.credentials.enterAction: "**Klikni** k **zadání** přihlašovacích údajů MySQL"
mysqlPane.credentials.clearAction: "**Klikni** k **vymazání** přihlašovacích údajů MySQL"
mysqlPane.credentials.connectionsUrl: "URL připojení:"
mysqlPane.credentials.username: "Uživatel: **%**"
mysqlPane.credentials.password: "Heslo: **%**"
mysqlPane.credentials.desc: "Tyto údaje musí být pro **všechny** servery stejné"
mysqlPane.hostname: "hostující doména"
# mysqlPane.port: "port"
mysqlPane.database: "databáze"
mysqlPane.username: "uživatel"
mysqlPane.password: "heslo"
# mysqlPane.encryption.title: "SSL"
mysqlPane.encryption.enableAction: "**Klikni** k **zapnutí** šifrování"
mysqlPane.encryption.disableAction: "**Klikni** k **vypnutí** šifrování"
# mysqlPane.encryption.ssl: "SSL: **%**"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.title: "Hranice parametrů připojení"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.increaseAction: "**Klikni levým myšítkem** ke **zvýšení**"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.decreaseAction: "**Klikni pravým myšítkem** ke **snížení**"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.switchAction: "**Zmáčkni Q** k přepnutí"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.setting.minimumIdleConnections: "Minimum nečinných připojení"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.setting.maximumActiveConnections: "Maximum aktivních připojení"
mysqlPane.connectionLimits.desc: "Neměň tyto hranice, pokud nevíš, co děláš"
mysqlPane.couldNotConnect.title: "Nelze se připojit"
mysqlPane.couldNotConnect.desc: "Zkontroluj, zda je tvé nastavení správné a zda je databáze dostupná"
mysqlPane.couldNotConnect.connectionError: "Chyba v připojení:"
mysqlPane.loading.title: "Testuji připojení"
mysqlPane.loading.desc: "Prosíme, počkej, dokud plugin neprovede veškeré testy připojení"
mysqlPane.test.title: "Testuji změny"
mysqlPane.test.action: "Klikni k otestování **změn**"
mysqlPane.test.hostname: "Hostující doména: **%**"
# mysqlPane.test.port: "Port: **%**"
mysqlPane.test.database: "Databáze: **%**"
mysqlPane.test.username: "Uživatel: **%**"
mysqlPane.test.password: "Heslo: **%**"
# mysqlPane.test.ssl: "SSL: **%**"
mysqlPane.test.minimumIdle: "Minimální doba nečinnosti: **%**"
mysqlPane.test.maximumPoolSize: "Maximální velikost pole: **%**" "Uložit" "Klikni k **uložení** změn"
mysqlPane.everythingSaved.title: "Všechno uloženo"
mysqlPane.everythingSaved.desc: "Nejsou zde žádné změny k uložení"
mysqlPane.disable.title: "Vypnout"
mysqlPane.disable.desc: "Budeš požádán o restart k aplikaci změn"
mysqlPane.disable.action: "Klikni k vypnutí MySQL"
mysqlSetup.title: "MySQL nastavení"
mysqlSetup.subtitle: "Vepiš **%** do chatu"
mysqlSetup.actionBar: "Výchozí: **%**"
restartView.title: "Restartovat server"
restartView.button.title: "Restartovat"
restartView.button.action: "Klikni pro restart serveru"
restartView.restarting: "Restartuji..."
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.button.lore.addon.install: "Click to **install** this addon"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.button.lore.addon.installed: "This addon is **installed**"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.button.lore.addon.update: "Click to **update** this addon"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.button.lore.creator: "Creator: **%creatorName%**"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.button.lore.description: "Description:"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.button.lore.downloads: "Downloads: **%amount%**"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.gui.title: "Addons > Marketplace"
# AddonsMarketplaceListView.loading: "Loading..."
# AddonsOverview.gui.title: "Overview > Addons"
# AddonsOverview.installedAddonsButton.lore.amount: "Amount: **%amount%**"
# "Click to view **installed Addons**"
# AddonsOverview.installedAddonsButton.lore.description.line1: "View, edit, and remove all installed addons."
# AddonsOverview.installedAddonsButton.lore.description.line2: "Don't want an addon anymore? Then delete it!"
# "Installed"
# AddonsOverview.marketplaceButton.lore.description.line1: "Our Marketplace provides you"
# AddonsOverview.marketplaceButton.lore.description.line2: "with various addons that are"
# AddonsOverview.marketplaceButton.lore.description.line3: "downloadable with just one click!"
# AddonsOverview.marketplaceButton.lore.marketplace.offline: "Our Marketplace is currently **unavailable**"
# "Click to browse our **marketplace**"
# "Marketplace"
# InstalledAddonsView.gui.title: "Addons > Installed"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.deleted: "This addon has been deleted!"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.description: "Description:"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.error.line1: "An error occurred while trying to load this addon"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.error.line2: "Please contact the addon author!"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.installed: "This addon is **installed** and is currently **running**"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.installedFromCloud: "This addon was installed from the Cloud"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.notFoundInCloud: "This addon could not be found in the Cloud"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.addon.requirement: "This addon requires **%requirement%** to load"
# InstalledAddonsView.lore.pressQ: "**Press Q** to **delete**"
update.clickToAuthenticate: "Klikni na odkaz níže pro autentikaci pomocí **Discordu**:"
update.remote.notify: "Aktualizace z **%from%** na **%to%**"
update.serverOffline: "Vyskytla se chyba v komunikaci s naším aktualizačním serverem"
update.updatedPlugin: "Plugin aktualizován na **%**, znovu načítám.."
update.youAreNotVerified: "Nejsi ověřen na našem **Discordu**"
update.youNotOwnPlugin: "Nevlastníš licenci k tomuto pluginu. **Zakup licenci** k odemčení této funkce" "Klikni pro setrvání na této verzi" "Nová verze: **%**" "Tvá verze: **%**" "Zůstat na této verzi"
updateView.title: "Aktualizovat z %from% na %to%"
updateView.yes.action: "Klikni k načtení **aktualizace**"
updateView.yes.desc: "Tato funkce vyžaduje ověření **Discordu** k ověření zakoupení produktu"
updateView.yes.title: "Aktualizovat"
userInput.leftClickClose: "**Klikni levým myšítkem** k zavření"
enable: "zapnout"
enabled: "zapnuto"
disable: "vypnout"
disabled: "vypnuto"
# for: "for"
# with: "with"
# Status: "Status"
none: "žádné"

0 comments on commit ce9dfa0

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