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   LA9310_HOST_SW repository contains all the host software components for
   supporting LA9310 PCIe card. It includes LA9310 PCIe kernel driver,
   user space libraries, user space applications, user space configuration
   files or scripts that are required, and any test IQ data that might be
   required for basic data path test.

   This repository contains all the software that runs on Host Linux system
   Any freeRTOS code is not kept in this repository. 

   This repository uses the Open Source BSD-3-Clause license for the user space
   libraries and applications. The kernel components are Dual (BSD-3-Clause & GPL-2.0) licensed.

Directory structure


   -kernel_driver : LA9310 PCI card kernel driver. This generates a lodable module
                    that is required to be loaded in running host Linux system.

   -common        : Contains header files which are shared between Host software
                    any FreeRTOS LA9310 software. It contains the files header file
                    which deines LA9310 Host Control & status interface, Event definition.

   -lib           : Contains user space library sources. For each .so/.a file that
                    is generated create a separate directory under lib. Examples
                    VSPA user space library.

   -app           : Contains source of any reference application/executables that
                    are required. For example VSPA test utility. 

   -api           : Header files which exports APIs. For example Header file for API
                    of a Library in lib/ or API exposed by driver like VSPA.

   -config        : Contains Any configuration files that might be required.

   -Scripts        : Contains any init/RC scripts that are required to be run on Host. it will
                     also contains udev rule files that will be required as reference for
                     firmware loading 

   -install       : contains executables of reference test applications (if any)/scripts
                     and library binaries (.a/.so). This directory is created by make install,
                     and removed by make clean, it is not kept in git repository.

   -firmware       : Test firmware binaries for VSPA etc as submodule.
   -test_data      : Test Canned IQ data that is required for running any IQ data path tests.

Build Instructions

1.  export following symbols:

    export ARCH = Host architecture [for example ARM64 for ARMv8 platform like NXP LS1046].

    export KERNEL_DIR = [path to Kernel source]

    export CROSS_COMPILE =  CROSS compiler name without 'gcc' [For exmaple aarch64-linux-gnu-] 

    export CROSS_COMPILE_PATH = [path to cross compiler]


2.a. make all/clean/install : To build, clean and install the whole repository. make install will
     copy all the .ko, .so/.a, app executable files to la9310_host_sw/install directory, all these
     files need to be moved to host for exectuion.

2.b  make driver : Builds only the kernel module without makeing any applications.

3. Please fetch firmware submodule to get VSPA binaries:
	If it's the first time you check-out a repo you need to use --init first:
		git submodule update --init --recursive
	otherwise use:, 
		git submodule update --recursive

NOTE: 2.a will build everything including the driver, 2.b is provided to just build the driver if
      developer doesn't want to build user space code.

How to add new library/application

   steps for adding new library/application in this repository is explained with example
   of libxyz library.

   a) Create 'libxyz' directory in lib/ and put code + makefile for library in libxyz.
   b) Add 'libxyz' in LIB_DIRS in top level lib/Makefile
   c) In libxyz/Makefile perform following mandatory steps:

	- Implement 'all' and 'install' targets.
	- Under 'install' target copy generated library in LIB_INSTALL_DIR, and copy
	  any API header files to API_DIR
	- Under 'install' target copy exectuable/scripts [if any] to BIN_INSTALL_DIR

Coding conventions

1. Use Linux kernel coding guidelines for All dirver and user space code
   ([Linux kernel repository]/Documentation/CodingStyle).

2. Write wonderful code, take pride in what you write and happy coding :)