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This repo manages and builds the website for the New York Open Statistical Programming Meetup.

How to contribute

If you wish to contribute to the website the process is pretty simple.

  1. Fork and clone the repository (an example can be found here)
  2. Create a new branch for your changes
  3. Make your changes. You can build and view your local version by using rmarkdown::render_site()
  4. When you are done, submit a pull request. Your changes might not appear on the public site right away as we have a development version for making sure changes don't break the site.

Data access

An .Renviron file is required to access the data stored on Google Drive. Submit a issue or email Jared Lander to get access.

How to manually update the site with the latest events

# update data from MeetUp

# build the static site to _site/

The site is built using Rmarkdown. _site.yml controls the site layout and the individual *.Rmd files control each page. Data is pulled from the MeetUp API and stored within Google Sheets. On render, the site pulls the latest data from Google Sheets to build the site.

After each MeetUp, manually update the [topics, videoURL, slidesTitle, slidesURL, speaker, cardURL, ticketsHTML] columns on the "Talks" tab within the Google Sheet. This information is not available from the MeetUp API. These colums plus the descriptionHTML column will not update with new MeetUp information after the first data pull -- this allows saving of manual edits to the column.

Data should be in tidy format with each row representing a presentation at a given event. E.g. a MeetUp with two presentations will have two rows with duplicate information for the columns [ID, meetupURL, date, venueID, venue, venueAddress, rsvpCount, meetupTitle, descriptionHTML]. If there are two speakers for one presentation then there should be one row with their names concatenated in the speaker column.

Site hosting

The site is hosted on GitHub Pages and built via GitHub Actions. The site rebuilds on push, daily at 3am EST, and on a manual trigger within the Actions tab.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions will not execute if there has not been a commit in the last 60 days. If this occurs, create a commit and it will "reactivate" GitHub Actions. Previously we used gautamkrishnar/keepalive-workflow@v1 but it does not work because our master is locked down.


├── css/                CSS files to be included with rendered site
├── img/
│   ├── favicon/
│   └── logos/
├── includes/           HTML files to include as specified in _site.yml
├── js/                 JavaScipt files to be included with rendered site
├── R/                  Core R functions to pull/update data and format HTML 
│   └── data/           R scripts to initialize and update data
├── renv/
├── _site.yml           Controls the site structure
├── about.Rmd           Renders to the about page
├── books.Rmd           Renders to the books page
├── contact.Rmd         Renders to the contact page
├── events.Rmd          Renders to the events page
├── index.Rmd           Renders to the home page
├── past-talks.Rmd      Renders to the past talks page
├── pizza.Rmd           Renders to the pizza page
├── presentations.Rmd   Redirects to past talks
├── slack.Rmd           Redirects to Slack sign up link


nyhackr website written using RMarkdown







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